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Dogmom1321's Blog

DH finally setting boundaries with SD14 and BM!!!

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SD14 had an 8th grade dance this evening. BM went shopping with SD last weekend and they bought a dress together. I think DH agreed to paying for half of it? Not 100% sure if he ended up yet or not. 

Anyway, last night at dinner SD14 reminded DH that the dance will be Friday (today) and that BM will be dropping off the dance. DH asked for details, what time, etc. SD14 then told DH that BM also wants to take pictures after she gets ready. DH said "Well I know where she won't be taking pictures. NOT here!" 

OT: Disengaged Grandparents/In-Laws

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DH's dad lives about 5 hours away and is remarried. Grandparent is early 70s and retired. He constantly complains about not seeing his grandkids. He does not call or Facetime to check on them though. He makes comments to DH such as "I wish we could all go on a beach family vacation." Grandfather continuously guilts DH, even though HE is the one with the flexible schedule and makes no effort. 

We just don't care...

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BM (38) just had another baby last week. She has a 20 y/o son, SD14, and now a newborn. All different fathers. She is currently living with the boyfriend, but has no plans of getting married and still has DHs last name. 

I try to avoid interaction at all costs with SD, but we were stuck in the car together yesterday. She made multiple random comments about BM...

- She was sooooo sick while she was pregnant, IDK how she had a big baby

- I was only 7 pounds, IDK how ____ was a whopping 9 pounds! 

- and something else I can't even remember. 

Mentally Disturbed SD14

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DH called out SD14 yesterday for her out right MEAN and DISTURBING comment about my dog. 

I heard my dog throw up in the other room and yelled, "Oh no, was that ____? Did she just throw up?"

SD14, who is in the den, proceeds to say to my dog "____ you should go outside in the thunderstorm and sacrafice yourself." 

DH: "Well, THAT'S mean. Why would you say a thing like that???"

SD: "Geez, I was just joking." *eyeroll*

DH: "Don't roll your eyes at me."

SD: "What, she's just a dog."

FUMING! DH footing the bill for SD13

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The offical CO has SD13 living with us 50/50 and no child support being paid. BM is a piece of sh!t and never follows the order and declines visitation when having SD13 doesn't fit her schedule. DH has said NOTHING to BM for the past 1.5 years this has been going on. IMHO he should have taken her back to court and filed for CS. 

Dinner Routine Sucks

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Dinner at our house is forced and I hate it.

I do homemade meals maybe 4 nights a week. The other days are leftovers or pizza. Usually around 6:00pm. DH was running a little behind from work, but I still made tacos. Myself and DS3 sat down with our food and I also told SD13 dinner was ready. I usually DON'T yell upstairs because 1. pet peeve of mine for yelling in the house and 2. SD13 can have the decency to come out of her room if she's hungry. 
