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Colorado Girl's Blog

Do I make you happy?

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I asked my husband that question today. He was puzzled...

In all this madness - do I make you happy?

"Yes" was his simple reply.

I am now focused on my own custody battle that is costing "our" family thousands of dollars. So I'm now in his shoes. Totally different circumstances but parallelling no less. Dealing with an uncooperative ex who is not paying child support and has ensued an unjust custody arrangement.

I really can begin to know how he has felt.

It's me, the pessimist

Colorado Girl's picture

I just feel like blabbing today. So I think I just might.

(I posted on MySpace as for my friends on MySpace - sorry for the repeat.)

The custody hearing for my BS12 is on Friday. I have shoes I have a more extensive relationship with than this father and son.

DH and my lawyer don't seem to be concerned at all. The two of them also seem to think I am being silly fretting over such an ordeal. Maybe I am. I always seem to think the worst of a situation. I wish their optimism was contagious.

Is ANYONE happy with child support?

Colorado Girl's picture

I know I complain and complain and complain. DH STILL overpays BM just to shut her up. (Not by much, only $26 a month too much which is down from $115 too much.) But she's not even happy with that.

I mean really is ANYONE happy with the child support they get or the child support they pay?

I've grown to ACCEPT what DH pays. I'd be happy if she got a good paying job and stuck with it and DH paid accordingly. She is a MA and has potential to have a career that pays great if she would stay at her job more than a year. Maybe then I'd be satisfied.

UPDATE: Olive branch rescinded.

Colorado Girl's picture

BM called a little while ago and said she didn't have any extra money to be buying jewelry. She has bills that are due and just didn't think it would be wise. I found this odd since she was the one who called me to go...

I also overheard her talking to her mom yesterday saying that she might be having "company" over tonight. I'm sure I can guess what that entails. So maybe she needs extra time to clean her house or get her nails done or something.

No big deal. I let her know that I completely understood.

An olive branch?

Colorado Girl's picture

So BM called me last night.

Not gonna heart was racing because usually these conversations do not go well.

She was as nervous as me.

She explained to me that a lady had come into her work wearing some beautiful jewelry. BM chatted with the woman and come to find out she actually sells the jewelry. BM explained how after reviewing the catalog, she thought of me and thought I would be interested. BM planned on attending an open house at the woman's house on Friday...would I like to go with her?

I said yes.

Smart little sh*t....

Colorado Girl's picture

So my SD5 (6 in a month) got caught...

SD5 has hair that starts getting stringy as it grows longer. She drives me crazy with it because it gets in her face and I'm forever brushing food from her strands. Yes, food. and really, she looks SOOO adorable with a short little haircut.

My poor buddy...

Colorado Girl's picture

For anyone that remembers, my BS12's biodad has decided to resurface after 12 years of being gone. So I went to court a couple of weeks ago and was awarded temporary sole custody with an uncontested final orders hearing set for next month. He hasn't shown up to any of the hearings so far so all was well in the world with this whole ordeal to be over in a month.

Well guess what? He called the court and contested the final orders hearing and we go all the way back to the beginning. All of the money I spent on a lawyer for the last three hearings.....wasted.

I've seen some "old timers" around here lately...

Colorado Girl's picture

and I'm so glad to "see" them. Smile (Nymh, Evilsm and Laughter&Tears, good to see ya)

I am missing a few others that I thought would resurface at some point...

Anyone heard from Daddysgurl? Caitlin? Empty Risks? luvdagirl? and where did Kevin run off to?

Just curious...

Ps. Daddysgurl, if you ever stumble upon this....I miss my buddy. Sad
