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Colorado Girl's Blog

Mother's Day...

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First of all....Happy Mother's Day to all my friends here. I think being a mother can be a thankless job.... but being a stepmother is the MOST thankless job.

I'm reading all the lovely stories about cards that some of you received on Mother's Day and I wanted to share mine as well (and hope some more stories could follow)...

From BS12, I got a paper airplane that stated that I was as great as a "fly-by". Smile

Mirror, Mirror on the wall...

Colorado Girl's picture

Who is the most patient of them all?!?!?

Mirror: "Why, Colorado are the most patient of them all..."

BM is bipolar. She is on meds. She thrives on chaos and drama. If she doesn't have turmoil in her life, she will create it. She has focused all this creative energy on her now ex-boyfriend and I am doing cartwheels that it is no longer on my husband and myself.


Colorado Girl's picture

I just feel like please forgive me if I ramble.

I hold in my hands an ordered Stipulation to Modify Parenting Time and Child Support. The key point is the following provision:

Please answer with an open mind....

Colorado Girl's picture

So....I need some advice.

I own my home that my husband and I currently live in. Bought it with my own very hard earned money BEFORE I was married. So the decision to be made is ultimately mine(and DH agrees). DH and I are looking for a bigger home to accommodate the growing beasts that all share rooms right now by gender (2 boys in one room and three girls in another) with the master bedroom shared by DH and I. It's a great place, just not big enough.

Basically I am in the works to put it on the market but I have been pondering keeping it as a rental.

She signed the papers....

Colorado Girl's picture

DH's attorney will file with the courts and it is done.

BM filed papers 8 months ago to increase her parenting time along with her child support. Her original filing would have reduced DH's annual overnights with his children from 122 to 82 and raised his child support obligation $200 per month. He currently pays $550 per month plus all daycare costs, and medical/dental insurance premiums related to the children(approximately $1600 all together).

I can't figure it out...

Colorado Girl's picture

I can not figure out why BM taking the girls to church on Sunday bothers me so much...not so much bothered but maybe just....annoyed.

My BS12's birthday party was on Saturday, so BM kept the girls on Saturday night per DH's request. She then proceeded to ask if he could pick them later on Sunday because she wanted to take them to church.

Harmless, I know.


Colorado Girl's picture

So I have a tale to tell. Not quite step-related, but as a mother who has had to console three crying children (step and bio) this week, I just wanted to share.


Colorado Girl's picture

My life is chaotic. It makes sense though. My husband and I have five children between us. All five are in sports and I am either at a practice or a game 6 to 7 days a week. I also volunteer at least 10 hours a month. Oh, and then there is that pesky job I work at 40 hours a week. Self inflicted chaos.
