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Catlover's Blog

We've Bailed out BM so much I feel like the Federal Government!

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In less than a week we have had to clean up more of BMs irresponsibility with the skids. DH had agreed to purchase all of SS's school stuff and BM was going to take care of SD. Yeah right. So with less than 20 minutes until school (with the skids headed back to BMs after school), SD says I need a lunch for today (they take cold lunch when they are with us). She goes on to tell us that BM "forgot" to send money to school for her hot lunch. In addition SD's folders, backpack and school supplies are all last years because "mom doesn't get paid until next week".

I HATE living here......BM in our city parade today.

Catlover's picture

Today I took the skids and BD16 months to our city parade while DH was working. Sure enough there was BM and SD in all their glory handing out candy for the fire dept. UGGGGGGGGGH you have to be kidding me. She trots over and hands a giant ziplock bag of candy and several balloons to SD11 and SS9. She glances at BD (who is obviously smitten with the balloons)and walks away. Of course, no balloon for BD. Probably just as well, BM might have tried to give BD one with toxic gas or something.

How many of us Stepparents are the breadwinners?

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Of all you ladies (and gentlemen) who among you is the main financial contributor in your relationships? How do you feel about it? And do you have limits in place (ie. how much you are putting in of your own dough to court costs, skids expenses etc) to keep you from feeling like you are being taken advantage of?

I lost it today....needing some support....long

Catlover's picture

It has been an entire year of me being a single parent to the skids 9 and 11(while DH is away for at times the entire placement time). We have skids 50/50 every other day and DH works a job that has him gone at best 6a-6p at worst three days straight. I have been Running them to activities (that I have little say in), picking up after them when they won't lift a finger around the house, and having SS's behavior spiraling out of control. SS has been out and out disregarding everything I tell him, in fact doing the opposite.

OMG so funny..BM's Wedding Registry and Recap! For a good laugh!

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Just for fun DH and I pulled up BM's wedding registry, keep in mind this is her second marriage. A $900 plasma TV topped the list. Also an 8 person tent, a huge wine fridge, and other items that were well over the $300 mark. Grand total of 175 items on her registry (including every kitchen item known to man---when she doesn't even cook!)

BM got married yesterday!

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Now shes off for her honeymoon and I'm gearing up for 11 days straight of the skids Sad The last 10 have been skid free, and I hate to admit it, but it's been so nice and quiet. No drama, chaos, craziness! Worse yet I know that those 11 days will be nonstop "blah blah mom's wedding blah blah" I'm going to have to whip out my "that's nice" T shirt, because that's all I can say without sounding petty or disrespectful.

Skids being with you while DH is gone for entire placement time?

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Just wondering, how do you all handle those times (if at all) when DH/DW is gone for work or whatever during the entire time the skids are visiting? Currently DH and BM both have non traditional jobs where they are gone for a considerable amount of time. BM works 24 hr shifts, and DH is a pilot so he could be gone up to four days. We have the skids 50/50, and there are those times that the skids are with us, but DH is gone for the entire duration of their time home with us. BM is of course, working as well and unavailable to take the kids.

tired and dejected

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I am having one of those days today. I just want something, anything to go right. I have not heard from my dream job yet and I'm beginning to think that I won't. We just got several thousands of dollars of medical bills because DHs job switched insurance to some crappy "savings acct plan" that has an enormous deductible. And SS's behavior continues to deteriorate to the point that I can't control him. Of course DH doesn't see it that way. I think that the only way that my relationship with DH will improve is if ther is some resolution with this every other day placement schedule.

on pins and needles - relocation and placement

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I'm anxiously waiting to see if I get a second interview for my dream job, which will not only be more financially rewarding, but will also force some much needed changes with the skids. The job would require a move about an hour away. Right now we have the skids 50/50 on an every other day schedule. BM also insists on dropping them off at our house at 6:30am on our mornings school or not so she can get to work. So on school days she drops the kids off only for us to have to get them ready for school.

The tides are turning.....the sh*t will hit the fan

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I am interviewing for a job tomorrow that is approx. an hour and a half away, and would require a move...but pays substantial money and make me the breadwinner of the family. DH would keep his job (as he can flex his hours somewhat and his job is also an hour away in the same direction). I already told him that I will NOT commute and 1 1/2 hrs each way per day when he also commutes an hour in the same direction! That's stupid. I told him a move would be neccessary.
