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on pins and needles - relocation and placement

Catlover's picture

I'm anxiously waiting to see if I get a second interview for my dream job, which will not only be more financially rewarding, but will also force some much needed changes with the skids. The job would require a move about an hour away. Right now we have the skids 50/50 on an every other day schedule. BM also insists on dropping them off at our house at 6:30am on our mornings school or not so she can get to work. So on school days she drops the kids off only for us to have to get them ready for school. BM works 24 hr shifts and has stated in court docs that she is not capable of taking the skids on the days she works because she doesn't have child care.

Being an hour away will eliminate this craziness of a schedule because its just not feasible. DH and I would ask the court that one parent have the skids during school mon-fri for consistency and the other parent gets weekends and extra time in summer to maintain as close to 50/50 as possible. We would of course ask that the skids come with us, since we wouldn't be throwing them in daycare for a 24 hr period. Though this would require a switch of schools (skids are9 and 11) and the court may not like that idea. In addition, since BMs scheduled work days are rotating, this means she would have some weekend days she is scheduled to work. The court might not like that either. I figure even if DH "lost" the court would still give us weekends with the skids. DH would not really have to worry about getting socked w/ CS since BM makes more than him and currently pays us. Worst case he'd probably only end up paying at most 200 a month.

I think its just maddening that BM always gets the skids on her days off, while there are days the skids are here that DH doesn't even get to see them because of his job. I guess that I'm just hoping that this job would spark the resolution of this situation. Frankly, call me horrible, but I'd rather either have them FT or weekends instead of this back and forth crap.