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facebook snooping and will SD make it to xmas?

brutallyhonest's picture

I make it a habit to check the facebook page of SD17.5 every few days. We aren't FB friends, but she has her page set to public (mine is not!) so it makes is easy to see what kind of mischief she has going on. That is how I learned about her being under house arrest, hanging out with much older boys, and her new habit of smoking a hookah pipe (yeah right that isn't a bong!). I haven't told DH what I've learned on FB because the ostrich approach to things he can't fix seems to be working for him right now.

Over the weekend I noticed she was going to a concert called "naughty or nice" downtown. Didn't think much of it at the time except I probably wouldn't be allowing SD17.5 to go to such events because she is currently not on track to graduate, obviously something going on with the whole house arrest thing, but whatever it is BM's problem since she is CP.

Noticed on the news on Monday that there had been a major rave bust downtown at an event called... you guessed it "naughty or nice." Lots of ecstasy and other drugs, scantily clad girls dancing on tables. Several arrest including a few juveniles according to the news.

Still not saying anything to DH about the connection I discovered, but I am finding is so interesting that SD 17.5 has not returned his calls about xmas that he has left for the past few days. Do you think I could get lucky enough that SD17.5 is one of the juveniles arrested at the rave and won't be "available" for xmas day?!?!?


brutallyhonest's picture

I'm ok with adult smoking a hookah pipe. High school kids on the other hand I think our up to something. If she had good grades and was a generally good kid I wouldn't worry so much about her hookah posts and those of her friends but I've suspected drugs for a while now based on behavior and not caring about much in life.

RaeRae's picture

You should accidentally leave the facebook page open, after randomly discussing how you saw the raid on the club on the news...

Totalybogus's picture

Just curious... if your DH wants to remain an osterich, why are you snooping her facebook?

brutallyhonest's picture

DH wants to be an ostrich. He prefers to ignore problems he can't fix. I would rather be prepared. If we're going to get slapped with half a drug rehab bill or presented with a grandchild before I turn 31 I'd like to not be blindsided by it. So I keep an eye on the facebook page.