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bluehighlighter's Blog


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I told SO I'm moving in at the end of May or end of June. This is stupid to pay to live somewhere else when I'm here every single day. We went two weeks with me not being here for three nights each week. That's all we could last. We aren't arguing anymore and have worked out a lot of issues w SS8 and boundaries around us as a couple. I sent him an email last night while he was studying and I was here. He read it and said nothing. He's afraid of getting divorced which is stupid since we aren't married yet.

Return anxiety

bluehighlighter's picture

I shouldn't be complaining I've had so much time without SS8. Now I kind of understand people who only have step kids on weekends or part time. His crazy mother has spent two weekends with him now before she disappears again. Well one being this coming weekend. And her mother had him last night so we actually went on a real date. Everyone wants to see him around Easter. It's been great!!! SO and I are doing so well and I love all the time alone with him. Feels like we actually have a relationship with each other.

SO and I still happy, SS sulking ha!

bluehighlighter's picture

SO and I are still doing well. We've been giggling and extra cuddly at night. He hasn't said anything stupid lately.

SS8 last night, as we were coming down the stairs to go to bed I saw his bedroom door open. So I looked and he was just standing beside his bed. (creepy) So i said calmly "go to the bathroom"

He went to the bathroom, used it washed his hands, then stayed in there for a WHILE. SO came down the stairs and whispered "what are you doing? " I told him and then said "go over there where he can't see you so he won't start crying or something"

argument free

bluehighlighter's picture

Tomorrow it will be two weeks since SO and I had an argument. This is a small victory considering all the other crap.

I think it's mostly in part to
1) couples counseling
2) meeting with SS's child psychologist and me doing what she told me ... basically calling out SS on behavior
3) SO not spending as much time with shitty wife of friend or friend and standing up to them about my place in his life
4) him standing up to SS about my place is SO life
5) me working on my issues left over from my borderline mother

I hope I'm not jinxing myself

delusional cunt with unicorns and fairies

bluehighlighter's picture

I don't know why I got so irritated last night. Here's the scenerio, which of course makes sense to be pissed but I was furious at the end of the night.

BM (the one who abandoned all responsibilities of parenting for 5 years of SS's life) has a visit with him b/c her SS12 who's autistic had a birthday party.

self checks and working thru the BS

bluehighlighter's picture

So in all honesty and humbleness

I contribute to problems in my relationships greatly through a few things that I was working on alone in counseling before I ever met SO.

I was raised by a mom with Borderline personality while my father was a very heavily medicated bipolar man, who was the sweetest and most kind person on the earth. My mom a crazy back and forth unstable person. SS's mom fits the borderline pattern also. She was raised in a very abusive home as was my mother. While I can relate to SS, feel compassion for BM, and be frustrated with SO

preparing for being pissed and calling kid out

bluehighlighter's picture

Well i've spent my 2 nights away this week plus one tonight. So far Sunday night sucked then yesterday i went to dinner with a girlfriend and visited another friend in the hospital with flowers and a card.
Woke up happy this morning and singing with more energy today.

then i got these text messages.


bluehighlighter's picture

I've spent a nice long week, a little over a week with just me and SO and now SS8 is back from his track out visit with grandpa and his mom. His mom at least did the courtesy of telling him that she's moving away again and may or may not be back in October.
