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blending2012's Blog

Today's ewwwww moment

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I'm on a roll today! Two blogs in a row, look at me go!

So last week I told DH that I thought it was creepy that after the little 4 kids have gone to bed and it's just SD11, DH and me awake that he sits on the couch with SD11 to watch TV while I'm in the bedroom. He played the whole "what's wrong with me wanting to spend time with my daughter routine" so I dropped it. He's never going to change, what's the point?

What would you do?

blending2012's picture

Alright, one of the ongoing battles in our house is around SD11 and dinner time. When dinner time is announced, she always says that she's "not hungry" and doesn't want to eat with us. DH then tells her, tough get out here. She comes stomping in and complains about the food, the other kids being too loud, she's not hungry, etc. DH then says fine she can leave but she better not ask for anything else to eat.

Is this normal in a "blended" family?

blending2012's picture

First of all, let me preface this by saying that I hate using the word "normal" since I don't think there is such a thing - and I hate using the term "blended family", because from what I've seen, again, I don't think there is such a thing. So I guess I'm just looking to hear from other people who have bios and step-kids and a spouse/partner that all live together.

I can't figure out why this bugs me

blending2012's picture

Back story: been with my now husband for almost 4 years but we only moved in together and got married in July. We have my 2 boys 5 nights a week, and his 3 children 4 nights a week. I get along with everyone in the house EXCEPT oldest SD age 11. We don't actually fight, I just don't like her. She is entitled, lazy and RUDE beyond belief.

Selective eyesight

blending2012's picture

Okay our house rule that my dh came up with was that all of our kids need to eat in the kitchen only. When my kids or his younger 2 kids absentmindedly meander out of the kitchen while chewing dh is on them but when pinches oldest sd sneakily tip toes in, quietly opens the cabinet and grabs an entire bag of cookies and then tip toes back to her room he sees nothing???

Me to him: hey hun, sd just took a bag of cookies into her bedroom. Him: she did? Are you sure? Me: yes! Go look. Him: I'm right in the middle of something I'll bring it up to her later.

Really wish we could post pictures here!

blending2012's picture

Really wish we could post pictures here! I wanted to upload a photo I took of my SD 11's overflowing laundry basket. Here's how it got that way...

I have 2 of my own bio-sons ages 9 and 8, and I have THREE step kids: boy/girl twins age 9 and a girl age 11. With DH and I that means we are a house of SEVEN PEOPLE so, as you can imagine, laundry is constant and on-going.

Wish DH cared as much about upsetting me as he does about upsetting BM!

blending2012's picture

When BM decides (pretty much weekly) that she is going to have her sister, unemployed husband, or elderly parents pick up DH's kids during his scheduled time with them (because God forbid she actually make the 5 minute drive herself) DH says nothing. Oh no, wouldn't want to upset dear mother-of-the-year BM.

However, on the RARE occasion when I tell DH that I'm going to pick up my kids early from their father's house (usually for a very good reason such as they have a classmate's birthday party that they want to attend) DH chastises me for "robbing my ex of time with his kids".
