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Wish DH cared as much about upsetting me as he does about upsetting BM!

blending2012's picture

When BM decides (pretty much weekly) that she is going to have her sister, unemployed husband, or elderly parents pick up DH's kids during his scheduled time with them (because God forbid she actually make the 5 minute drive herself) DH says nothing. Oh no, wouldn't want to upset dear mother-of-the-year BM.

However, on the RARE occasion when I tell DH that I'm going to pick up my kids early from their father's house (usually for a very good reason such as they have a classmate's birthday party that they want to attend) DH chastises me for "robbing my ex of time with his kids".

In addition to the HYPOCRISY of the situation I think what bothers me more is that the reason he is saying this is because he wants his time off from my kids, but masks this fact with fake concern for my ex-husband.


princessmofo's picture

Wow! I can empathize with you. They (dhs) seem to walk on eggshells in order to not upset the BM but we can go shag ourselves. . .

New second wife-step-mom's picture

Wish DH cared as much about upsetting me as he does about upsetting BM!

^^^I have said this a million times in the past few years.

DaizyDuke's picture

Indeed! Wouldn't want to upset the precious loser skank, who does nothing but cause hate, dicontent and drama in our lives. Much better to upset the loving wife, who cooks you dinner, does your laundry, cleans, works, helps pay the bills... blah blah blah

blending2012's picture

I don't disagree with you funblendfam, that my children need to spend time with their dad. My point is that DH never makes this point to his ex. So it's okay for her to pull their kids away from their time with daddy, but not me? It's the different rules for different people that irks me.

3familiesIn1's picture

Classic Double Standard....

My DH chastises me that I do everything for my kids leaving my XH off the hook like taking them to all appointments, attending their school events, driving them to their extra curricular activities, etc.....

Yet... I bet DH who has his kids 50% of the time can't tell you the last time he took his own kids to an appointment, what SS7's coaches name or even team name is, or what level of gym his daughter is in - why? Because he doesn't do squat - he leaves it all to BM.

What is that saying? Pot calling the kettle black?