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baseballgirly's Blog

Anxious over nothing and everything all at once.

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Last Thursday before skids came on Friday I had a mini-meltdown. Told my SO that I'm just not sure I can do it anymore. No matter if it's a good weekend or a bad one, I still don't look forward to his kids coming. I feel depressed when they are here and just want to hide in my bedroom if I'm home when they are. I hate the mess, noise, excessive money spending, all of it. I had absolutely no idea when I got into this that it would take such a toll on my mental state!! After all, they are 2 young kids, right?!!? How can an 8 and 10 year old affect me so much?!?!?

Uh oh!! Now what!?!?!?

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So. This last week was the most mad I've been in this relationship to date. I was furious, had my bags packed, gave SO ultimatums that HAD to be followed up on. Know what happened?? ? HE CHANGED!!!! He changed to do what I needed to be happy in this house, got his kids both on board and all 3 of them did an awesome job!!!!! SO told his boys that there are certain expecations they need to do in order to keep me happy. Why is this a problem you ask???? Because I still plain ol' don't want to be around his kids!!

Eye Opener

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This week was an eye opening for SO. I had my bad packed and was headed out the door after one year of waiting for him to make a difference in his kids lives instead of just accepting what their mother and teachers taught them and leaving it all up to them while he sat back and watches movies with them EOW. He has the laziest attitude towards teaching his kids ANYTHING it finally got sickening enough for me to leave. My last blog explains that he cried and apologized and promised to change. Now I'm in a new predicament.

Holiday Hell

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This is my second Christmas with SO. That also means my second Christas with his kids. He gets his kids for a week at Christmas break. I have no say in the matter, that is just the way it is and always will be. That already pisses me off because I would prefer holidays without them. At least their mom packed their weeks worth of holiday clothes full of their very best sweatpants!!! Smile Nothing like a famliy dinner with two kids dressed like they are in pajamas!!

Ugh. Christmas holidays

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Christmas holidays are fast approaching and instead of feeling happy and giddy for the holiday season, I'm mad and upset because that means skids are coming for 10 days. From Christmas Eve straight through to the day after New Years day. I get no holiday time to enjoy myself. I hate having the spoiled brats over, especially on a holiday!! God knows they won't get what they want and sulk, or even worse brag about all the stuff they got from their mom (like they did last year).

Another fight! Always something new to fight about!!

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This past weekend we had the skids. I disengage. I work, read, leave... anything that means I don't have to see them or worry about what they're doing. This past weekend wasn't as easy as that.

First thing I noticed (again) is that those kids get picked up just to drive here and go to bed. I still think it's stupid because they have a very long day on Friday and an hour drive here just to sleep just caps off their long day!! They don't get a break!! Selfish on their parents part is what it is.

Of course it's fast food for supper again.

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Yup. Just got home from the movies with my sister and brother in law as my CL went to pick up his kids. Walked past the truck on my way inside and OF COURSE there are empty fast food containers all left in the truck. Not only has he fed them #1 of 10 fast food meals for the weekend, but they leave their f*&$ing garbage everywhere! Today I wanted to teach CL a lesson and I left all my supper preparation stuff out on the counter as he does every single day... but when I got home it was all still there and only bothered me. He had added to the pile in the meantime though.
