baseballgirly's Blog
Someone should tell my SO that I don't care!!
SO took his 2 boys camping and he keeps texting me play by plays of what they're doing!! I could care less about what his two super-dependant slobs are doing!! Then he texts that his younger one (9) kicked him in the face while they were sleeping! WHY ARE THEY SHARING AN AIR MATTRESS?!?!?!? We have 5!!! I know I'm not a parent... but it grosses me out when they share beds!! And it bothers me that MY spot on MY mattress goes to a bed wetting, snot nosed 9 year old. Ugh. This is the exact reason we don't buy a trailer. Exactly.
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They left 5 minutes ago and I already have a bottle of wine open!!
SO and his 2 boys just finished loading up for a week of camping! And I mean red neck camping... tents and sleeping bags. I mentioned before how I am not going to contribute to a camper until I know the SKs won't ever be in it and/or I can personally use it more. As SO and his boys were out picking up a few last things, I took the liberty of peeking in the totes to see what he packed! MY BASEBALL GLOVE!!! Now let me get this straight. Both boys knew they were going camping. Their mom (Who ALWAYS packs for them...
SO has not been in my good books lately.
I read a lot of other blogs on here. Obviously I'm looking mostly for stories much like mine so I can relate and feel a little validated in my feelings (or lack thereof) for SOs kids.
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Why is everyones advice on this site always to run!??!?!
I've been with SO for 2 and a half years. I love him dearly. He and I are best friends and have everything in common. The one thing we disagree on is parenting. He has 2 boys, I have no kids.
I come on to this site to vent and share stories. In anger and frustration I mention how easy it would be to leave or how I entertain the thought often... but it's just thoughts! Yes, it sure would be easier to leave, but that doesn't mean I'm looking for the easy way out.
I love my dog more than these kids. If I even love the kids at all.
I KNOW I would love kids if they were my own. These kids are not mine. And I hate being around them. Something tells me SO told them that too... they seem a little scared of me lately. They whisper when I'm home. It's a little unnerving..... Now I'm scared to say anything to them in case I scare them more!! God knows I'm probably the reason they are both wetting the bed!!!
I want them to leave.
I want them to leave, I want them to leave!! Today the three of them (SO and his 2 boys) found things to do out of my way. When they came home I went out wakeboarding with my sister. It was perfect! However supper wasn't as well separated.... I came home just as they were cooking supper and I want NO part in eating with 2 boys that can't keep their mouths shut, their food in their mouths and make it a race each time to eat as fast as they can (unintentionally... but gross) so I stayed inside and had my own dinner while they bbq'd outside and ate outside.
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Miserable Long Weekend.
The skids are here and as per my wishes, SO and his kids are doing things to keep us all apart. I don't want to be around them, don't want to see them, don't want to hear them. I've been through it all, I've tried my hardest to bite my lip and just accept it all.... but I can't change my feelings anymore than I can change my SO and his kids. I HATE the way SO parents. He overacts at stuff I wouldn't say is a big deal and ignores things I think need more attention! It's obvious we have different parenting opinions but since they are HIS KIDS, his opinion is the only one that matters.
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Praying for a miracle!!
SOs kids take all of his spare time. If he has any vacation time, it is spent with them. EOW he has his kids and every opposite weekend he works on the Saturday. Needless to say, we don't exactly have the option for a weekend or heaven forbid a WEEK away together.
Has it ever happened to anyone that the skids just didn't want to hang out with Dad??? Maybe they will grow out of wanting to come here an hour away from their home and stay home instead?!?!!? Am I hoping for too much??? Is there any hope at all!?!??
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Camping with HIS kids.
Last year I went out for 2 separate weeks of camping with SO and his kids. 1 week was just the four of us, the other week was with my sister and her family. My SO also goes out camping more with his kids when I can't go because of work. This year I refuse to go with them at all. I hated every second of being around his kids non-stop. They don't go more than 5 feet away from us. They don't go ride their bikes, won't go to the playground alone... it is soooo annoying!! Don't even get me started about when it rains!!!!!
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shouldn't SO wait for invitation???
It's my grandmas 80th birthday today (sidenote-yay i love her so much!!) And we are doing a family dinner tomorrow to celebrate. SO has his boys this weekend and they went camping. Usually he brings them back to their moms in the afternoon on the sunday so i assumed he'd make the shorter trip and bring them home on the way back from camping!!! (They live in a different city....they are camping between here and there) Nope! Took it upon himself to invite them and not even mention anything about it to me! My family knows how i feel about these kids.
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