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baseballgirly's Blog

GROWING INTO BEDWETTING??? Is there really such a thing???

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Ugh. SS10 has wet the bed since I've ever known him. So since he was seven. Now he is 10 and still wetting the bed and now isn't it great that his younger brother has started!!! SS8 has always been dry!! Maybe had a couple accidents cause he waits until he can't hold it any longer and it "leaks" out on his way to the toilet... but this past weekend he wet the bed both nights!! Hid the evidence which would have been great to find 2 weeks from now... but what the hell!??!!?? How does a kid that never had a problem with it all of a sudden have a weak bladder or sleep too heavy???

For anyone starting a relationship with someone that has kids.... DON'T DO IT!!!! DON'T DO IT!!!! DON'T DO IT!!!

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I have completely disengaged from the skids. I was sick of being grossed out by everything they do. From bad hygeine to super fast eating and bad table manners. I work all weekend when they are here. I don't ignore them and I'm not mean to them. All they know is that I work a lot. This last weekend I came home from work and they were outside playing. Our bedroom is across the hall from the skids bedroom and I noticed the younger skids bedding was all torn apart. I know the older skid has an issue with wetting the bed ever since I've ever met him.

Things have been going GREAT!!!!

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If anyone has read my blog before, you know this is out of the ordinary. Want to know what's different??? We do completely separate things on the weekends he has his kids!! I stay away, I get them tickets to something far away, I go shopping or work late until after they are in bed and let me tell you I have never been happier in this relationship!!!

If he coddles his children or doesn't follow up on their personal hygiene, I don't know about it so there is no fight!!

SO won't admit it's not working between us but he knows it's not.

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I have some venting/ranting and I'd appreciate if no one comments that I "run" or "leave" or anything like that because it's more complicated than that.

I want to leave. I've wanted to break up with SO for months now. I know it's not working between us because I literally HATE his 2 boys. I cringe at the thought of them and I hate how SO parents.

That said, take the skids out of the equation and SO is the perfect guy for me. We like the same things, laugh at eachothers jokes and he genuinly cares for me.

Getting worse and worse

baseballgirly's picture

Well. Now the skids don't even have to be here for us to fight about them. Now we are in constant battle. Our relationship is truly being tested and I don't know if SO knows how serious it is getting. I have been ready to leave for months now. Ready to call it all off. Ready to move out. Yet he continues to be an asshole and do dumb stuff. I won't even mention his last escapades, just that it was very inappropriate. He said sorry and now is mad at me that I haven't gotten over it yet. Well.... being mad isn't a switch I can turn off. I need my time and I will take it.

It seems most problems are with the DHs and BMs. Not the Skids! Who knew!!??!

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I've been reading a lot of blogs that remind me of my situation. DH and BM being the issue with having different parenting skills/opinions than mine. The reason that's a problem is because if something bothers me that they do, I don't get an opionion on it!!

Worried about the skids hitting puberty

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I watched "Bridesmaids" this past weekend. One part in the movie that stuck in my mind and didn't quite occur to me before was ....

The blond girl was telling the ditzy one that she has all boys "... sperm everywhere.... broke a blanket in half...."

How bad is a young boys puberty??? I'm okay with them taking long showers and that's where I want them to keep it!! Does it get out of control??? Am I going to find "boy goo" around the house like I've found snot in all different places????

I am completly in the dark about this and could use a little advice!!

Extra days....

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SOs EX as I've noticed, always asks to switch weekends so that we have the skids every.single.long.weekend. I've pointed this out to SO, but either he doesn't care, or doesn't notice it like I do. Next month is a provincial holiday. BMs office will still be open, but the skids daycare won't be. So OBVIOUSLY she asked SO to watch the skids. SO has to drive an hour each way to go to a different city to watch the kids for the day.... WHY IS HE PAYING EXTRA FOR DAYCARE!?!?!?? It suprised me she didn't ask him to take the skids for the whole weekend as she usually does.

Who's the main breadwinner? ?

baseballgirly's picture

My SO and I make roughly the same amount of money. HE has a newer truck he's making payments on as well as the gas money to go get and bring back his kids every other weekend an hour away. There is also a significant child support payment. That means that I end up paying more than I should for everything else. I don't know how main bread winners do it without feeling used!! I don't make a lot of money, but feeling like he's with me for my money is kind of where I am right now!!! I'd LOVE to make things more fair, but he just doesn't have any more money!!
