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It seems most problems are with the DHs and BMs. Not the Skids! Who knew!!??!

baseballgirly's picture

I've been reading a lot of blogs that remind me of my situation. DH and BM being the issue with having different parenting skills/opinions than mine. The reason that's a problem is because if something bothers me that they do, I don't get an opionion on it!!

SS10 has attachment issues. He cries if either parent is out of his sight. Not me however. He constantly asks where his Dad is if he leaves the house for something. When we were camping, DH went to get firewood while the boys played in the playground and SS10 started crying and yelling for DH when he couldn't see him at the campsite. He also does this with his BM. He and his brother and cousin got dropped off at a playground and his BM went to find a parking spot. By the time she got back to them (probably all of 5 minutes) SS10 was frantic and crying. Neither parent knows why he's like this. He is a very sensitive kid. I've seen him cry lots in the past 2 years. His younger brother, SS8 I've probably seen cry once. Even then he tried really hard not too.... so it seems like SS10 cries A LOT. Maybe it's just in comparison and SS8 cries very little for an 8 year old... I have no idea.
The reason this is an issue is because BM sent him to councelling to find out why he gets so upset. He went to that appointment in beginning of November. Guess what?!?! Neither parent has made a follow up appointment to find out what the councellor found out!?!?!?!?!?!? IT'S THE END OF JANUARY!!!!!

SS10 still wets the bed. If DH sets an alarm and wakes him up to pee at 2:30am, there is no accident. Why O' Why does DH still "forget" to set an alarm!?!?!?? He knows how embarrassing and shameful it is for SS10!!! How the hell does it not cross his mind!!??? That really makes me mad. Plus it's gross. SS10 hids his soiled pajamas and sleeps in his soiled bed to avoid anyone "finding out" even though it's like walking into a brick wall of stink when you go in their room.

DH has finally started making his boys clean up the toilet after they pee all over it and wash their hands after they use the washroom. Although I notice that having a shower is still not happening. GROSS.

I've been thinking lately. What if I really do want kids someday?? So far I've said that I never want kids.... but I realize that I just don't want kids with DH. Ever. I don't like the way he parents and I want no connection with him like that because that would be an immediate break up. He has no followup, consequences or common sense. I wouldn't want to leave my baby with him to find out that he didn't bathe it for 2 days like his kids.

I gave DH a list of "expectations" the other day. He said he "didn't have time to read it". That's bullshit. It wasn't long. It was in point form. That is just his excuse to not do anything on it. He is the one that asked for a list because he says he doesn't know what makes me mad!! I said "Am I seriously supposed to make a list that says - Do not put peanut butter on the cupboard handles- because that made me mad"!!!!!??? Why did that happen and not get cleaned up??? Why do I have to make a list that says I expect that to get cleaned up!?!?!? So I made a list that says mostly to teach his kids stuff. Like to use the handle on the stainless fridge... cause there is constant finger prints all over the fridge... which really makes me wonder since they don't ever get anything for themselves.... do they just open the door to look inside 10 times a day??

DH and I rescued a puppy a couple months ago. He got dropped off in the cold winter behind my work and I found him and brought him home. After 2 days we decided to keep him. I also don't like how he trains the puppy. Puppy jumps up when you walk in the door... I say "No" and push him off. DH pets him. But if at a different time puppy jumps up and hits him in the groin, then it's a big "NO". Teach him not to jump up EVER!! Not just if he sacks you!!! Same with chewing on his toes!! DH lets puppy play with his feet and bite and nip... but if one of them hurts too much then it's a "No". Now puppy also thinks it's okay to chew on socks!!!

Ugh. Common sense. I want DH to have more common sense.


Dannee's picture

Just the way his thinking is with the puppy would
make me very concerned..

No jumping at the door period...Da you dummy..

You are born with Common Sense is what I was told..
and I believe it..

Now you can teach a dog new tricks...

Kilgore SMom's picture

On this site most of the people will tell you that if they had it to do over they would not have got with some one with children. Problems do not get better, they usually get worst. I believe alot of stepkids problems are due to bad parenting on the bio parents end rather it be both parents or just one. I would set boundries and make sure your DH is on board. Make sure they are enforced and changes are happening. I'am not someone that can disengage. So I'm thankful that my ss was in my life at a early age because he does mind and respect me. My Dh has learened to step up. But I have been behide him pushing. DH is very passive and laid back nothing bothers him like it does me.