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AndSoItIs's Blog

O/T: am I over reacting?

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DH is sometimes do incredibly narcissistic it makes me sick. I mean, hes always narcissistic and he uses that as his "excuse" for his behavior. "I can help that's how my brain is programmed". Are you kidding me? No. No he is not. Anyway last night while I was working, DH texts me and tells me he's going to his friends house for the evening. Okay, fine. It was about 730 and I realized I hadn't eaten all day so I text him and asked him what time he thought he might be done and if he wanted to bring me some food when that happened.

O/T: big fat gypsies

AndSoItIs's picture

I will remind everyone, and in case you didnt know I worked 5pm last night-11am this morning and it's 235 and obviously I'm on here instead of sleeping (I can't help it, when skids aren't here and I'm off that night I feel like I need to soak up all the "free" time I can hahaha, it's a sick sick thing) anyway so this is an off topic/slightly off the wall post but anyway: does anyone watch My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding on TLC? I DVR it bc I am crazy but it's on in the background right now and I can't help but think this when I look at these OBNOXIOUS children: what the HELL?!

I don't feel good about it.

AndSoItIs's picture

But I I slightly lost it this morning on DH and SD5. I stopped at Sonic this mornin and got the skids French toast sticks for breakfast just because. I thought they would like them bc it was a break from the norm and it was easier for me too than having to deal with cereal and milk or making oatmeal or whatever. SD5 has gotten SuCH an attitude lately and it's just pissing me off in the worst way. For example the other day she asked for dessert after dinner.

Yep...I tried the guilt card. Wish me luck!

AndSoItIs's picture

So SS7s teacher was nice enough to send his math homework from Monday home on Thursday so that he could finish it over the weekend and not lose the points bc his BM is a fucking idiot. SS decided to not bein home the homework however bc he didn't feel like doing it. His words, not mine. My initial reaction was are you KIDDING me?!

What would you do?

AndSoItIs's picture

So obviously Easter is Sunday. It's supposed to be our weekend but it's BMs holiday for technically she gets them 6pm Saturday night for the holiday. DH and I are atheists, so we didn't care last year when Catholic BM asked if she could have them early in the morning on Easter Sunday instead of having to wait until 6pm even though it was our holiday. We dropped them off with her and went about our day no biggie.


AndSoItIs's picture

BM continues to make herself look like a complete idiot in front of everyone that will listen. Last week at SS7s annual doctor's appointment she was so embarrassing DH had to go back in and apologize to the doctor for her behavior after she had left. To which the doctor responded "when's your new court date again?" Haha, all I could do was laugh at that. This week she wrote in SS7s assignment book (and I'm quoting here) "I'm sorry _____'s stepmother continues to remove the spelling work we complete from his folder.

Need advice from people who understand.

AndSoItIs's picture

Hi everyone! I know I haven't blogged in forever but with getting married and starting a new job everything's gotten so busy. DH and I have been fighting like cats and dogs lately. For those who don't know ill give you some background. I'm 25 I have a masters in Nursing, I have a good job, my husband and known our own home in a good neighborhood and school district, DH also has a good job. We've been together 4 years married only 5 months. We have "most" custody of his children. I say that bc we have them every Tuesday through Friday and every other weekend.


AndSoItIs's picture

Hey everyone. I had a friend die in a tragic car accident this morning. She was 24. She had a very young son that was her world, and that had no father in his life. She was on her way to work and was hit head on by someone that had crossed the middle line. Not her fault in the slightest. Probably poor road conditions were to blame. I'm not asking for sympathy, or anything like that. Just that everyone simply remember what's important in life. Things like this make me realize just how unfair life truly can be.


AndSoItIs's picture

So, our guardian ad litem is doing her home visit tmrw. Court is next Monday. Wedding is in 53 days. Everything is finally coming together and yet bc nothing is going right with the wedding I'm sick thinking about everything that could go wrong in court.

Heh idiot...

AndSoItIs's picture

Thought everyone might get a kick out of this. Like everyone else school for the skids started a fee weeks ago. They bring home an assignment book each night just for like reports on the kids day and notes back and forth from the teachers. In our home, bc FDH doesn't get home until later in the evening, I write any applicable notes and he just signs them just bc otherwise it won't get done bc he's scatter brained and will forget. Doesn't bother me, and it's no big deal.
