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What would you do?

AndSoItIs's picture

So obviously Easter is Sunday. It's supposed to be our weekend but it's BMs holiday for technically she gets them 6pm Saturday night for the holiday. DH and I are atheists, so we didn't care last year when Catholic BM asked if she could have them early in the morning on Easter Sunday instead of having to wait until 6pm even though it was our holiday. We dropped them off with her and went about our day no biggie. We did however make them Easter baskets just because the way I look at it, we celebrate the secular parts of Christmas and every thing else too and hell, they're kids and we don't push our "beliefs" or lack there of on them or anyone else. Anyway we found out later that BM didn't do anything with them last Easter including not giving them an Easter basket!! Anyway, so now I'm in a pickle. She will have the kids Easter morning. But we will have them Saturday morning. Would you make them an Easter basket and give to them Saturday, or DH suggested have it waiting for them Tuesday afternoon because then we can say the Easter bunny dropped it off and it's been waiting for them or would you use it as an example to say well you were with your mom...I don't know I just think, especially SD5 is too young to comprehend that BM is a POS and they'd just be sad about the baskets.


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I'm not a Christian and don't celebrate Easter in any religious way, but my DD8 is a Christian and will spend Saturday night with her grandfather, and attend church with him on Sunday. She will come home Sunday after brunch.

The Easter Bunny always visits here and brings the baskets Saturday morning because he knows we don't go to church on Sunday. It gives us longer to get all cracked out on our candy over the weekend.

AndSoItIs's picture

That's a really really good way to put it to them!! Obviously the Easter bunny would have the same "powers" as Santa and therefore would know they weren't going to be here Sunday. Thank you so much for the tip!!

overitall's picture

If it were my child, I would tell them I wrote the Easter bunny a letter and asked him to stop by Fri night/Sat morning so they could wake up to their basket suprise.