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Welcome to the Jerry Springer Show

Heyyou's picture

My life is the Jerry Springer Show. The episodes are as follows:

Episode one: Mother From Hell, Episode two: Sister from hell, Episode three: Sd one from hell, and Episode four: Sd2 from hell.

 Episode One; Mother from hell

His mother lived in the same apartment building as he did. I thought it was weird that she worked every weekend, early in the morning, and it was a long commute to drive her back and forth from work. At first, I thought, that it was awesome that he was so good to his mother. I found it strange after we were dating for a while she had no interest in meeting me at all. My family was excited to meet him. They invited us to supper, made him feel welcomed, and planned outings for us all. I soon started to notice that his Mother's drive to work interfered with everything. He left my surprise birthday party to pick her up, we couldn't go away on the weekend because she needed a drive, and her drive to work was more important than anything going on in anyone's life. The woman refused to get a drive with a friend, take a cab, take a bus, and threw a big fit when she rarely asked to do so. Like the twit, I am I moved into his apartment with him and she would call him to come upstairs. She made it clear she didn't want to meet me. That hurt Sad

Episode Two: Sister From Hell   

 His sister lived a few streets over and she had no interest in meeting me, either. I watched her pull up into the yard after he dropped his mother off from work. She would go upstairs with her kid and leave her Mothers house around 7:30 at night. I should have said something to him about it but I thought I'm not in a relationship with them and if they don't want to meet me that's their loss. His mother started working more and more shifts and she wasn't home during the day. The first time she came to our place i was shocked. The low life walked in with a case of beer, a brat kid that got into everything, no one was allowed to say anything to her kid without her flipping out, she was driving around drinking with her kid in the car, sat there, and smoked all our smokes, helped herself to whatever her or her kid wanted in the fridge, sat there during suppertime and fed her kid our supper without asking, left a bunch of empty beer cans on my coffee table, and this would go on all days during the weekends. I couldn't deal with it anymore and told him to say something to her. He did and she got in his face, calling him every name in the book, stomped around the entire apartment, and told him she is family and she is blood, She left and never came back. 

Episode three: SD1 from hell 

 After six months of living with him, his ex called and said she could not handle Sd. She was hitting her, her other two children, getting in everyone's face when she was told no, everyone was walking on eggshells around her, she was running the roost at her Mothers house and being verbally abusive to everyone. Of course, he thought she was being treated wrongly at her mother's and that's why she was acting like that.  Wrong! She moved into our place and thought she was going to tell me the rules and how the house was going to be run, she helped herself to anything in my room, went through my stuff and took whatever she wanted, stole from me, stole from him, occupied our small bathroom with all her stuff in there so no one could use it, took two hours showers leaving no hot water for us, he bought and catered all her meals into her bedroom, all groceries were bought to her liking, and he let her be the woman of the house. We fought, I left, he finally laid the law down to her. Just lead to breaking stuff, screaming, getting in his face calling him very low down names, pushing him, and not coming home at night. Later he discovered that she was with a homeless man who lived in the woods in a tent, she left to be with him, they now sit uptown with a sign bumming people. She won't go to her mother's or she wouldn't come home. I told him I would leave if she wants to come home but she hated me and told him he chose his girlfriend over blood, Long story short she has had two children and the welfare has taken both kids. The kids now live with her Mother. The mother raises them. I'm sure, she will be dropping more kids off in the near future for her mother to look after.

Before I move on to episode four if you read this far thank you. Things were finally looking great his Mother retired from work, his sister didn't come around, SD2 wouldn't return texts or calls from her father. She wanted nothing to do with him. He was sad but life was great when they all left the screen. We were happy for a short while so we decided to buy a house. We saved for the house and bought our first home together, His Mother found out we were moving and then all of the sudden she became my best friend, She was downstairs all the time, being motherly towards me, and I knew something was up. She told him she wanted to move in with us and he said no. The woman packed all her stuff, gave her notice, and stood there a week before we were moving crying she had nowhere to go. I told her she would be given a room in the house and that was that because we were planning to get new things for our new house. she agreed. My family helped us move and her family was nowhere to be seen to help her with anything. On moving day we hired a truck believing it would just be her bedroom stuff. The woman packed everything she owned and put it on the truck, My living room was filled with her stuff, my kitchen was filled with her stuff, my bathroom was filled with her stuff, my garage was filled with her stuff, running my car all over town getting her stuff and she even went as far to unpack all her cups and dishes in my cupboards. We got stuck paying for all her moving expenses. The woman is in no way hurting for money. She bossed me around in my own home like I was the family maid, bought a cat with her that messed all over the house and she wouldn't clean it, was told not to smoke in her room but she did anyway and started telling me her laundry needs to be done, her cat box needs to be cleaned, she wouldn't even buy a loaf of bread here, she refused to pay anything to stay here, and then the sister started coming around again and doing the same stuff she did before. Made it worse when she sit in my hallway where my work pc and bring her shady boyfriend and they sit out there and drink and ignore us. I told him to tell her we would be looking for an apartment for her and she had to leave. I was not providing a free retirement home for his mother and making my hallway his sister's pub. He spoke to her and she refused to leave because she's blood, I guess. I took a few vacations days and packed up my work computer, some of my clothes, packed them all in my car, and told him I am leaving and staying with my sister. This place isn't mine it's your mothers and sisters and I'm not paying for a house that isn't mine. he texted me and called and I ignored everything I was just done with the Jerry Springer show. He lost it when he said to his mother that she left and she isn't coming back. His mother told him they don't need me and she will start helping pay for the house and the bills. He lost his mind and called his sister to come and get her, She wouldn't come to get her and didn't want her, he said you're fine coming here taking her debit card thou, arent you? He grabbed her by the arm and threw her out the door and locked it. called her a cab and told the driver to drop her off at his sister's house. So, as of now all the family he has left is SD2. OR DOES HE?

Episode four: Stepdaughter two from hell                                                                                                                                           

Now that the Mother is looking after ds1 children and her boyfriend hasn't worked for over a year. The mother has disconnected the internet, disconnect the cable, does not drive her all over the place, no cupboards filled with never-ending junk food, and groceries aren't what they use to be, she is flat out broke, Isn't it strange now ds2 wanted to be here all the time. I know why because he drives her all over, fills the cupboards with never-ending junk food, buys all the expensive food she use to have, has internet, has cable in her room, has her own room here, and she's just using him. He cant see it but I sure do. She stays in her room and ignores everyone or she is at a friend's house. I can't stand the kid because I know what's she doing, she's here more than she is come now, Her mother telling her to ask daddy for all the stuff she wants because she can't buy it anymore. I work all night and I was tired of being woke up with her screaming and hollering with someone on Facebook. He is starting to go back to the same routine as the first stepdaughter.  I lost my shit when he defended her in front of me. What did we ever do you? I lost all my family because you know you want her gone, too? More or less them against evil me. Really!? She only came out of the room when I was sleeping or wasn't there, she never says hello to me, she asks for friends over or drives to friends right in front of me, I had it she 16 and I gave it to them. I told her this is my home flashed the deed in her face and his, the car is my car, not yours or his, the food in the cupboards is bought and paid for by me, everything her is mine, little girl. He started getting in my face calling me a witch and a bully and he is taken her home. I said i want you to get out and take her with you, i don't want to be with you anymore, and get out. He then tried to take her home and discovered i had the car keys. I told him to get the bus, put her on his back and carry her home, that isn't my problem anymore, The mother couldn't come and get her because she had no gas money. she sat in that room all day while he followed me around the house calling me every low-down thing he could muster. He started throwing glass cups and breaking them off the floor. I called the cops and asked them to remove him. They said they couldn't and he has as much right to the house and car as I do. While the cops were here I had to give him my car keys for he could drive her home. It didn't matter that everything was mine. The cop told me to get a lawyer. Told him because he doesn't pay his share I can't even buy myself a coffee how can I get a lawyer??? He kissed ass and the kid kissed ass and they think everything is great now, It's not, I want him out, his kid out, I am not even intimate with him and i push him away when he trys to kiss me or hug me, I wish he would just go away now I've had enough of him and his circus. Does anyone have any ideas how I can get myself out of this shitshow? Sad thank you if you read this it was a very long )





PetSpoiler's picture

Who's name is on the deed to the house and who owns the car?  You got mixed up with a nightmare family.  If the car is solely in your name you don't have to let him drive it.  He can take the bus.  If the house is in your name only, you'll have to evict them.  If his name is on the house, then I don't know other than talk to a lawyer.  You might be able to get a free consult with one.  

Rumplestiltskin's picture

These people sound extremely low class. And i don't mean money because i work with a lot of poor people who are much classier than that. You are mixed up in a trashy shitshow. Eviction notice? 

Heyyou's picture

The house is in my name because he couldn't get credit if he tried. The car is in my name. I wanted to get my driver's license but I haven't had the extra money for driver's ed, The insurance is in his name. I pay for the insurance and the car. The cop said because we are common law he cannot remove him because it's as much as his house as mine nor can I not let him use the car because the insurance is in his name. When I left the first time my brother-in-law drove the car to their house. It's the beginning of a new year and I hope i can have a better new year :(.. This life style is not what i want and I was raised better then this, thanks for the replies 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

When you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas. This guy is trash. He comes from trash, his people are trash, then he bred with trash and raised trash kids. But trashy people are often cunning, so you need to be strategic.

- Call your mortgage company and ask if they offer any special programs for people affected by the pandemic or if they'll let you skip a payment. That will give you some breathing room.

- Completely separate finances. Make sure Trashy Guy has no access to your money and is not an authorized user on your credit cards. Change/add passwords to all accounts, get a new cell plan if you currently share one and change your number.

- Gather all important documents, and store them off site. Do this first!

- Cancel all luxuries like cable, streaming, subscriptions, etc. If possible, arrange to work elsewhere and cut off the wifi.

- Stop buying groceries. Eat outside the home, and keep snacks in your trunk. Keep cigarettes in your car and don't buy any alcohol, pot etc.

- Keep your car keys on you at all times. Don't let him drive or ride in your car.

- Research local legal aide and domestic violence organizations. They can often steer you to additional resources.

- If you feel unsafe, consider having a male friend or relative stay with you.

- Keep your phone close at all times, and record all convos with TG.

Hopefully TG will realize you're through being his sugar mama and crawl back up into the putrid womb from which he spawned. Stay strong, stay safe, and take care of you.


tog redux's picture

Welcome, OP, and no offense - but you really need to learn to heed red flags! I assume you are in Canada since you mention being common-law (though maybe some states still have it too).  I'd suggest you consult an attorney about how to extricate yourself. At least here, they will give free consultations. You might be able to do the legal stuff on your own if you know where to start. 

ETA: Just looked at your profile, so here's a start:

Rags's picture

Let the house foreclose, take the car, and get on with your life.  Stop being their voluntary victim.

And... learn from this.  Have better standards in a mate going forward.

Good luck.