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Love my live in girlfriend but issues with her kids and parenting

RGB's picture

Very thankful I found this site. It's helped me feel a little better last night. My girlfriend and I got together a few years back after her divorce (he wasn't the father of either child). I was 5 or so years out of a 12yr long relationship where I ended up having to move back to my hometown and live with my parents in my mid 30s, and probably was still not ready to move too quickly into another one, but she was. And so we did lol. She moved into a rental house once she got out of the house she had with her ex and I practically ended up moving in. Things were good, got along with her kids, and they were both gone to their fathers every other weekend. She also seemed to make more time for just us back then, even when kids were there. 

The owner of the lot and rental house got an offer for the lot and sold it out from under her and she had to move out within a month of them notifying her. Needless to say she had gone through a lot in the past year and this on top was very upsetting. I told her I would try to help her out and we ended up buying a house together. Things were still going good, but for some reason it seems as if both of her kids became even more attached to the hip of their mother after the move. The daughter started going to her POS fathers less (used to be every other week during the summer, but last summer maybe 2 weeks total) and her son's POS father decided, since his son was so attached to his mother and would get upset every time he had to go there, that he didn't want him coming anymore. 

So now they are pretty much in our home all the time, never a weekend alone in our own house anymore. I'd bet this last summer they were inside, just lounging around, eating everything, letting the dog piss all over the house, and staring at their phones 90% of the time. What the hell happened to kids enjoying the outdoors, exploring, playing tag, baseball, football, riding bikes, fishing? I spent most of summer days as a kid outside. 

About 2 years ago is when things started going downhill. Her daughter has ADHD and never cleans up after herself or her own bedroom. So, one weekend while the daughter was gone her mother, after telling her multiple times to clean her room and nothing happening, decided to go through and bag up all the clothes piled everywhere and clean it for her. In doing that she found a dildo, a vape cartridge, and stuff out of my bathroom drawer rolled up in a pair of shorts. She got "grounded" or whatever you would call her mother's version of grounded. So, when I grew up every kid I knew, including myself, when caught stealing was made to go apologize to the person they stole from. Nothing was ever said to me. I get that it was just cheap tweezers and fingernail clippers but she knew that drawer was all my stuff. It bothered me, but I said nothing until recently. Then I think she started telling her mom she was having issues with anxiety, I believe to get sympathy. She is a major attention seeker. Everything she does just comes off as so fake to me, all for more attention. And she isn't a good actress. So, she starts going to a therapist and the therapist agrees and puts her on depression meds, wtf. I have anxiety issues and have had many panic attacks since my childhood. I have never seen someone with anxiety problems behave the way she does, but she does have a hyperactivity disorder that no one seems to want to point out. She's also been caught in multiple lies and wouldn't doubt if she lies to the therapist. Ever since all of that her daughter and I have butted heads with me losing my cool on multiple occasions and cussing her out. And, of course, when this happens her mother gets mad at me, takes her side, and then tells her to just ignore me. Whether I am in the wrong or not speaking to your kids the way I do when I get frustrated, you should talk to me about it and not join sides with your kids against me. She treats them more like friends sometimes than her children. It also didn't help that after all that she moved her daughter to the spare bedroom downstairs (2nd largest bedroom in the house) after my father and I had redone the floor and repainted the walls . I told my girlfriend I didn't want that and would not be happy if she moved her loud mouth down next to the room I spend most of my time. The room was meant to have a spare bed in for guests and have room for her craft stuff and my art stuff. I feel like she rewarded her daughter instead of punishing. She said she had already told her she could move down there and couldn't tell her no now.... Why the hell not, you're the parent. I was on the verge of moving out. She said she didn't think it bothered me that much when I told her beforehand it was going to. We are supposed to be partners in this house where we should each have a say, the 2 of us. The kids don't make the house payment. I would never do something she was totally against.

They both get in these moods where they treat their mother like shit and I love her and want to protect her so I lose my cool in those situations too. And I'm the bad guy again. Being treated and feeling as if I am the asshole. I get these kids both have non-existent fathers and that probably causes many issues, but you can't let them get away with things and not discipline them because of that. She will get on to them for something and then 20 minutes later I'll hear them upstairs giggling having a damn tickle fight, wtf. I guess I was just raised a certain way and expect kids to be parented in the same way, but I'm not sure that any kids are anymore. They are all given phones (which is something else I wouldn't allow my kids to have if I had any, if they did it would be for calling/texting only, no tictoc and youtube) and allowed to do as they please. Little things like asking if they can have a snack or something. Her son will just invite friends over without asking. These kids just treat the house and everything in it as if it were theirs. They just grab what they want. It's gradually worn me down to where I feel like I complain and get pissed all the time over most things they do. We have a split-level house and the TV room is on a lower level. These kids are oblivious to people around them. They stomp up and down the stairs like flat-footed neanderthals, they run and jump all over the place upstairs and yell for their mother expecting her to come running. I was raised in a family where the horseplay was taken outside and the only yelling was done by the parents unless it was important. Obviously, I want them to feel at home in our house but they don't seem to understand that if it wasn't for me, they wouldn't be living in this house. 

I've talked to my girlfriend on many occasions about these issues and other things like getting them to do chores around the house. She'll do it for a week or so, they'll do some of them, then it just goes back to them leaving messes everywhere and her running herself ragged to clean up after them. They should have to do their part. They are both old enough to at the very least clean up after themselves. I like to cook and haven't done that in months, because every time I walk in there the sink is full of dishes. And I say, you know you have 2 kids that could do these dishes right? I feel like they are just draining her and my complaints just drain her more. I don't want to do that but it's gotten to where it's hard to keep my mouth shut. It doesn't really feel like my home anymore. I stay out in the garage with my dog a lot of the time anymore. He doesn't talk back and is pretty quiet lol. I feel like the things I ask for aren't a lot, but she doesn't seem to understand my point of view. She just wants her kids happy. Maybe I would be the same way, but I don't know. I'm sure it is extremely difficult being a single parent with kids that only have dead beat dads. The closest thing I know to being a father is being an uncle, but you don't really have to do much disciplining as an uncle. I understand it's totally different and a lot more fun than being a parent. But you can't treat your kids the same way. 

Well, I got out a lot of what I wanted to rant about out I think lol. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make this work and have suggested couples therapy, so maybe she can understand my point of view a little better and I can understand hers. I've read a few posts very similar to mine and some that made me think I have it a lot easier, so thank you. Any advice would be much appreciated.

JRI's picture

What does she say about the couple's counseling? Also, how old are the kids?   Boys? Girls?

I hate to tell you but I dont see her changing her parenting mode.  You'll get many replies agreeing with your opinion but bottom line, the kids will grow up, become adults and live on, regardless of whether the parent is strict or permissive.  It boils down to how YOU choose to live.

So, it would be great for you guys to go to couples counseling and see if you can come to some kind of compromise.  She would have to understand that the kids' behavior affects you deeply and commit to long-lasting changes.  You would have to understand how guilty she feels about the divorces and lack of interest from the fathers.

I'll touch on something you didn't bring up.  Does she work?  Does she get child support from both dads?  Is her contribution to household finances equitable?

I'm concerned about her.  If I read your blog correctly, she's had a child by 2 different men, is divorcing another and moved in with you quickly.  If she were my daughter, I'd urge her to slow it waaaaay down.

Hoping for your best possible outcome.

RGB's picture

Well, she didn't say much in return about counseling. Probably thinks we can't afford it. At this point I don't know if we can afford not to. Neither one of us plan to give up this house anytime soon and still love each other, so we are going to have to find a way to make things work.

Sorry, the boy is 11, girl is 15. GF is 38 and I'm 42

I understand she feels guilty, but I don't think it's good to baby your children because of that. I mean I feel like I was probably babied a bit growing up because I was the youngest of 2, but nothing like these kids. And I feel it's affected my ability to be a fully functioning adult sometimes. 

Yes, my girlfriend has a decent job and gets child support when the fathers feel like paying. Her and I spilt the house payment and bills. Which, to be honest I kind of started feeling like I was being taken advantage of since there is three of them and one of me. I haven't been spending much on groceries this past year except for things for myself and occasionally to make dinner for everyone.

Yes, her history was kind of a red flag for me when we started seeing each other. She got married the first time young and divorced pretty quickly. She got with her daughters dad, got pregnant and had her daughter, then left him because he was beating her. He sprayed her with mase, threw her into a glass cabinet, and held a gun to her head. Then next guy she married, then later found out he was cheating on her, so she went out and had sex with some random guy at a party and got pregnant with her son. They stayed married for a while and he forced her to get her tubes tied. Then while they were splitting up we started seeing each other. She also told me she lost her virginity at 14. I know, it's a lot. And I have never dated any women with that kind of history let alone children. I guess I thought I could look past that stuff and not judge her for her past and since I was so good with my nieces and nephew I could handle a woman with kids, but living with them is something completely different. 

And I don't think my GF has that kind of mother or else she would have told her to slow down a long time ago. GFs brother has the same kind of history. Married multiple times, 2 kids from 2 different mothers, and younger than me. My GFs daughter is likely to be the same way. She recently got her first boyfriend and her mother lets the boyfriend come over to our house a lot and hang out in her bedroom. Yet another awesome thing about her being in the bedroom next to my TV room. He's louder and about as annoying as the daughter. We went out to eat for the daughters birthday a few weeks back and he came. Her daughter was practically leaning on him the whole time and rubbing her hand on his leg. I was half joking, but said out loud, if your daughter gets pregnant I am out of that house. The daughter didn't like that so much lol. But wtf... I can see, that age doing that kind of stuff, but right in front of me and her mother!?!? I would have never done that. If a girl were doing that to me, I would have told her to stop. Pretty obvious there is no dad in the picture. 

Rags's picture

When the Spermidiots miss a CS payment SO needs to slap them with a contempt motion. Every Cent they miss. They do not take visitation apparently so SO should at lease get paid for breeding with these dipshits.

RGB's picture

Seems like most people's advice on here is to just get out of the relationship. Believe me, I almost did when she moved her daughter downstairs. I'm sure it comes from their experience in failed relationships and I get it, but is there anyone on here that has made it work? Someone that has gotten through to their SO? I guess I just need to give her the ultimatum that we seek professional help or end it... 

JRI's picture

We had been married 2 years and the SK situation was getting worse with the 3 aggressive SKs every weekend and all summer.  DH was Disney Dad and SD was a sneaky, manipulative mini-wife.  If I'd had more resources, I might have left and wanted to but I hated to put my 2 bios thru more trauma after the explosive split from my ex and a difficult year living with my parents.

As a last ditch effort, I went to counseling.  DH refused to go to marriage counseling so I went alone.  It changed my life.  Shortly afterward, the SKs began to move in full time, one at a time. Counseling helped me navigate 5 kids full time, even when DHs job required him to travel 4 days a week.

I'm now 78 and DH is 86.  The 5 kids are grown and gone.  We are happy here in our little nest.

That's why I strongly recommended counseling to you.  Best case, she goes with you but otherwise, go yourself.  It might change your life, too.

RGB's picture

Thank you. Sounds like you had a lot more going on with 3 SKs and 2 of your own. That gives me some hope.

I can't really understand myself how things got this way for us. Everything was great to begin with. One little thing or disagreement after another, and things just built up I guess. My SO says she was raised similarly to me, but I don't think she was or just chooses to parent totally different. My parents weren't what I would even call super strict, but we were kept in our place as children, not friends to our parents. I would try my hardest to do the same if I had my own. I know I have work to do on myself, but her inability to see my side of things and join me instead of her kids against me makes me realize she needs it as much as I do. 

Thank you for your advice and for sharing 

JRI's picture

I wish Steptalk could give you some kind of magic script to turn things around but it doesn't exist.  Don't know if you've ever done counseling but I hadnt.  When you luck into a good counselor, it takes some time, but it makes you see things differently and soon made DH see things differently, too, since when one person changes, the other responds.

In our case, the change was me bonding more with DH followed by me seeing the 5 kids as "our kids" rather than his and mine.  I also gained more confidence and assertiveness.

It seems like men sometimes hesitate to try it but you seem like you want to stay in the relationship so what do you have to lose?

RGB's picture

I wish there was too... Something that would tell me exactly what to do. That would be way too easy lol. I have done some online counseling for my anxiety issues. It helped, but then I stopped because I was doing better and didn't want to continue spending the $. I'm going to start looking back into it tomorrow whether she agrees or not. I have no problem seeking counseling. I wouldn't have wanted to when I was younger, but I've come to realize that everyone could use some help. Maybe eventually she will realize that too.

Rags's picture

We made it.  The key for us was total commitment and full enfocement of standards of behavior and standards of performance for any kids in our marriage. As it turned out, my SS-31 is an only child in our marriage. His mom and I met when he was 15mos old and married the week before he turned 2yo.   We agreed as equity life partners that we were also equity parents to any children in our marriage.   The SpermClan got zero say aboutg shit for anything. They either followed the CO to the letter or we beat the snot out of them with a rolled up copy of the CO.  One twitch out of compliance and it was game on.

For us it was not the Spermidiot who was the issue. He had very little interface with our son over the 16+ years we lived under the CO. SpermGrandHag was our banshee to bear.  She paid SS's CS owed by her idiot son. She paid for their half of visitatio travel.  She paid for the bottom feeder lawyers that they would engage with they forced out hand and we beat the shit out of them in court.

Leaving is really the only abosolutely effective solution when a mate is a failed partner, failed parent, and failed adult.

I for one was not interersted in playing the nuclear option card and never evne had to think about it since my bride is an incredible mother, brilliant, and confident. I backed her in the SpermClan battles, and she backed me as an equity parent.

SS-31 wasked me to adopt him when he was 22. We made that happen.

You and your mate can be succesful in your blended family marriage. IF....note the big if, you are all in as equity life partners, you each are equity parents, and you both keep her Xs under controla nd drag them around by the short and curlies any time they step out of line.

You are equity life partners. That means you both have full Veto rights on anything and everything. A veto cannot be overridden by the other partner. Only the one playing the veto can override it.  That means in aprenting for example, if she does not like how you parent and discipline she can step up and get it done before you have to or bite her tongue and have your back until you can discuss it in private away from the spawn.

Standards, standards, and more standards.  Enforce them.

Our life, blended family marriage, and our blended family has been incredible. We have the Unicorn of step family lives.  Not sure what the utimate outcome will be, but for 29+ yeaers  is has been wonderfula and the future is looking good so far.

Take care of you.

Harry's picture

The big question....Do you want to live this way?  You having the kids 24/7/365.  Being a parent with no rights. Time to leave the circus.  GF isn't going to change. Kids are going to change. So you either change to someone you don't like or leave .

AgedOut's picture

What do you get out of this relationship now? What does it add to your life that is good? 



Rags's picture

What does the CP's SO bring to the CP's life but burden?


Cover1W's picture

Are you able to sit down with your GF and have a private, adult conversation about these issues without her getting upset, or after getting upset, you can continue the conversation? I had issues with my DH and his daughters (no rules, no chores, no expecations, nada) when we moved in and it took a LOT of talking together to get through it. While we did marry I refused to marry him for an extra year until some things were taken care of. It still wasn't wine and roses, but being able to discuss my concerns and what I saw with him were essential. As was my disengagement.

RGB's picture

We have the ability to if she can keep her kids away long enough, but just haven't done it enough. I make a comment in the wrong way about one of the kids or how the house is a mess, we get angry at one another, and she goes to hang out with her kids and pretend nothing is wrong and I go out to the garage and vent. And I'll say that's more on me than her. I put my foot in my mouth quite often and have never been good at expressing how I feel without coming off like an ass. And I think she has trouble expressing how she feels to. That's why I think counseling could help. We both could learn at the least how to better communicate 

Rags's picture

Don't let her fee fees, or yours, get in the way of the facts. Kid behvior... is a fact. A messy kitchen.... is a fact.

Her playing the pouty hurt fee fees run away and play with her spawn card is juvenile and a classic avoidance tactic for immature failed adults, failed parents, and failed partners. My guess is that it is a notable contributer to her failed relationships.

Take care of you.

Rags's picture

Your partner is failing as a partner, as an adult, and as a parent.

So, help her.  How I did it as a non breeding SParent, was to give my DW clarity that if she did not like how I parented and disciplined she could step up and get it done (effectively) before I had to or she could bite her tongue and have my back.

Your partner is going down the pathetic path that so mamy who bring failed family baggage to a new partnership go down.  She is all about her spawn's happiness and is clueless to raising them to viable adulthood.  A parents superordinate goal is to prepare their spawn for life. So many, including your partner, are of the failure philosophy that they are to protect their children from life. Two very different things. One delivers viable self supporting adults ot the world, the other results in eternal basement trolls, sofa sloths, and life long money leaches.

So, parent.  Since your SO won't.  Put a lock on the downstairs guest, craft, art room. Do not give SO a key. March the toxic SD to the room YOU allocate to her upstairs.

Define and post the standards of behavior (respect, pleasantness, etc...) you demand and require from kids in your home/relationship. Post the standards of performance you demand and require from kids in your home /relationship.  This not only applies to your Skids, it applies to any kid invader/"guests" they attempt to bring home.  No running, no loud invasive noises, ask before eating or touching anything, etc, etc, etc........

It is YOUR relationship, it is YOUR home. That means your SO has a duty to partner with you to build the life that YOU demand of your partner. I know that this sounds one sided. And it is. However, the partner who brings baggage to the new relationship owes a duty to their mate to minimize any crap that that baggage includes.  Her baggage, while residents in the home, are not in your relationship, and are only present. It is not their home to control, your relationship is not theirs to pollute. So, do not allow those things.

So, parent. Enforce YOUR standards, and tell your SO that you want her to partner with you and that if she fails to do that, she and her spawn .... will be gone.

Her failures should not be tolerate and they should not be allowed to define your life and destroy your happiness.

IMHO of course.

Take care of you.

Harry's picture

First disengage from the SK. Not get involve with dirty rooms [ closed the door ] Two. You need a heart to heart talk with GF.  Kids must go to there BF house.  There must be a discussion on moving bed rooms before it happens [you are paying the bills too] There must be plans on SK moving out at 18 or 20.  
'Is sleep away college on the cards?  Is holding a decent job in the cards?  So kids can be on there own.  Tell GF you need adult time with her. As in going away when kids are away. Nice Bee and Breakfast place in a nice town. With something to do in.  We would go to the outlets for her to shop. Nice dinner and adult time.   Casino.. .. Kids spending a week or two with BF in the summer. You take a cruise  or do something. All inclusive on a island .  You need adult time ..

CLove's picture

Start calling out to SD "Hey momma" and start calling SO "gammy". 

Seriously, discussions and heart to hearts need to be had. You going to counseling seems the best solution to honing your communication skills.

I found when I do have calm discussions, things work out better than when we are sniping at each other.

M88's picture

First of all, I am sorry you feel that way. We just have the kids weekends and holidays and still have lots of arguments for the same reasons you explain. I actually almost leave once after an arguments about the kids. Probably more than once haha

I believe sometimes a big argument is needed. Of course you should be able to communicate and respect each other and listen ans all that. But sometimes things need to exploit and break to be fixed. Obviolsy without the kids in the house. Just being super honest - with respect of course. Say what you think and how you feel. And see what she says and then you can also see if there is a future with her. You need to see if you share the same values. If you can afford it of course counling is the best idea! 

Also if you can I think you should push somehow the kids seeing their parents. I would directly tell her that no one told you that you were never going yo have those weekends and that it is not fair, apart from being good for the kids seeing their dads. I believe that should be the parents decissions not the kids.

alwayslast1978's picture

I dont know what I would do if SK's lived here full time.  We are both teachers and they are here a lot over the break. In almost 2 weeks they have not left the house unless their mom takes them out.  SS 9 lierally is on the living room couch from the moment he wakes up until bed.  I tried fighting it but he is beyond needy when not on screens and cant go 5 minutes without calling for mom.  I would reccond getting a gym membership and take your sweet time.

alwayslast1978's picture

I dont know what I would do if SK's lived here full time.  We are both teachers and they are here a lot over the break. In almost 2 weeks they have not left the house unless their mom takes them out.  SS 9 lierally is on the living room couch from the moment he wakes up until bed.  I tried fighting it but he is beyond needy when not on screens and cant go 5 minutes without calling for mom.  I would reccond getting a gym membership and take your sweet time.