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My girlfriend and her four step kids keep excluding me talking spanish

160creek's picture

I have my girlfriend who is from Puerto Rico who lives in my house with her 4 kids. I let her move into my house after she lost her job and didnt have anymore money to pay her bills. She has been living with me for almost 3 years now and I am thinking that I made a mistake with having them move in. There are a couple of the skids that I get along with more than others and feel guity for thinking that maybe its time for them to move out. They constantly talk spanish to leave me out of the conversation and I told my girlfriend that excludes me and I feel left out in my own house. I feel like its her family and me in my own house. I want to help her kids and dont want to feel like I am kicking them out but I did take care of them for 3 years now and I dont feel like they even appreciate what I have done for them and I feel like I have to walk on egg shells when I see them. Not to mentioned that its costing a fortune to support them and I just cant afford to pay for them anymore. I am going pay check to paycheck to pay the bills and if I ask them to clean there room or cut the grass they look at me like I am crazy. When do you know its time to move on and how do you get them to leave because I have been hinting about them leaving and they dont want to go because they live in a house and dont pay anything and have it made.

briarmommy's picture

If you own the home and you are not married you can have her evicted legally, I know you probably don't want it to come to that but if they won't leave you might have to.

cc01's picture

I agree with what briarmommy said. You're totally being taken advantage of. There's no respect there from any of them! They don't seem to appreciate anything you do for them, so I think that's a MAJOR sign that it's time to move on! If you're nice enough to take in your gf and her kids, that aren't even YOURS, and feed them, clothe them and give them a home, and they take it for's time to GET THEM OUT!!!

Unfreakingreal's picture

She's Puerto Rican? Oh lord get ready for PSYCHO mode when you try to kick her out. Most, NOT ALL, Puerto Rican women are crazy. The ones I've dealt with are all real ghetto, tacky, and will cling onto a mans wallet like nobodies business. Many don't like to clean or cook either. Good luck, kick her ass out.

confusedsm11's picture

Tell her a date that she needs to be out. It will probably be harder on you than the kids because they don't seem to appreciate you anyway. If you don't have any children of your own, I applaud you for lasting 3 years! I go nuts being broke bc of child support for SS and I have 2 bios...if I had no bio kids and had to foot the bill for someone else and their FOUR kids, I would be sooo angry! Good luck!

CowGirl's picture

You are one nice guy!!!!

Although you feel the resentment and anger for taking care of them for 3 years - that has been your choice! I would not bring that into the conversation. I would simply say - we are not working (easier said then done)and don't bring up stuff about the kids. Just say how you feel ... like -- after 3 years our relationship is not headed in the direction i would like. We have grown apart. This is not working for me.

Since you have supported this far - i would tell your GF she has 30 days to move out and that you will help? If you can in any way. Just think of the relief you will feel after they are gone?