Step kids change around family members
I have a love/hate relationship with my fiancé's family. Love it because a lot of the times they want to see SD so it gives me a break from her but hate when they're around because they're ruining her. She completely changes from a capable human being to acting like she can't do anything when they're around. She whines for things instead of asking, she demands them to get things for her and they do it ! She doesn't have to say please or thank you to them, if she wants ice cream and candy for breakfast they give it to her, they play and give her attention the whole time they are with her, she turns into a whiney baby and wants to be held by them. Whatever she wants they do. They take her to the store and or have a small gift for her every time they see her. She's just a spoiled brat and I'm the bad guy because I tell her no to candy and she has to eat real food and she literally throws a fit and cries I just can't stand it. Me and fiancé get into arguments because I can't stand how his daughter acts and when she goes to her moms it's a free for all over there too so every week it's like starting over. She even throws a fit to sit at the table. It also gets under my skin when I tell her she needs to clean up her toys or if she throws something on the ground and she needs to pick it up she straight up tells me no. Anyone else notice a significant change in behavior when grandparents come around. Everyone just baby's her and I can't stand it. I understand she's a kid but she also is going to grow up and need to learn how to do things for herself like eat without a grandparent telling her "take a bite of this now take a bite of that" they're literally insane to the point where grandma came over and BROUGHT FOOD FROM HER OWN HOUSE TO OUR HOUSE !!! Because "this is what she likes" it's crazy.
I'll add in there that fiancé
I'll add in there that fiancé agrees with me that she acts like a baby and they treat her like one and he has expressed his concerns and they say they will do what he wants but they don't !! They've even slipped up in front of me telling me that they do this or that.
When is the wedding?
When is the wedding?
Do you really want to get married into this?
Brat and Mini-wife in the making
Ive read your other posts. Do you REALLY REALLY want to marry this guy? Hes having you be his full-time caregiver to his kiddo and she is a mini-wife in the making (entitled and bratty are lower on the scale, you should research mini-wife.
This will not get better over time, it gets worse. And then you have regrets. And then if spoiled kiddo gets more than YOUR kiddo who has normal parenting, there is resentment more than what you are feeling now. If your SO is a guilty dad/disney dad, this will get worse. He is reasoning that your SD3 has only a parttime dad. But wait! Theres more! We must make it fun to be with us! Oh and it gets worse! Her irritating clingyness expands to her hating you, dont you dare kiss in front of her or go on vacation without her.
And THEN it gets worse. Read the Blog thread for today...the one titled "Im still miserable"