SD11 will never learn and will always be a selfish brat
I have to credit my sd12 in the fact that she is responsible around the house. She picks up, likes a tidy room, bed, showers and does her hair, is always willing to help out with dishes, cleaning, and is generally the example when it comes to organization. She has some great qualities and I'm the only one she feels she can talk to.
However I have a vent!!! Gosh she is spoiled and does not listen to me. There was an issue about backpacks. I told her I would buy them when she came back, but once she got in the car to go to her moms, she texted my in laws asking them to buy it. I told her again I wanted to take all of them out to get it and she said "ok I'll tell Mimi no" I said "ok I'll take you but only and ONLY if you promise you will stop asking people for stuff you are supposed to be asking parents/step parents for, it's rude and I won't tell you again." She said "ok I just really want to go with you I promise"
Here's the issue and MY VENT. Not 2 days later she comes home with a face wash because she asked FIL if she could tag along to the store when he was getting stuff for dinner and she asked him for it. Not only have I specifically told her I would buy her the face wash she wanted after she used up the one she was using, she broke her promise immediately, with a fucking face wash.
Can't trust her, she's a brat, she likes "things," and feels entitled and her behavior is tacky and rude. Gosh I would have never asked my Gma for things I needed growing up. If she took me shopping, great. To ask? Just rude and selfish!
Might sound stupid to some, but it's about respect. I don't really want a lecture about "disengaging" right now.
How about you explain to
How about you explain to gpardnts ~ that they can't be accommodating to her every whim. It's takes a village n if they don't know ~ they will do.
Explain ~ I know you want to buy gd things but we are trying to teach her tye difference between wants/needs ~ I need you on board.
Yeah DH would def need to do
Yeah DH would def need to do that. She would probably laugh at me and say she is happy to help and make it into a "well I know you guys need the money" thing or something
If he and I ever had a kid? You bet your ass I wouldn't let her do what she's done to them. They are spoiled at grandmas house.
I don't think it's really
I don't think it's really your place to be making these kinds of rules or requests for her. It's face wash. Those are her grandparents. If she wants to ask them to buy her something, then let her and let them, within reason.
Now, if she starts coming home with really big ticket items, then you need to have your DH address the issue. Until then, if it's just about smaller items, let it go. She's 12. She thinks like a pre-teen. Don't have expectations of adult thinking or behavior just because she's responsible in so many other areas.
(I do want you to know, though, that I totally see your point. LOL. And I can see myself getting worked up over the same type of stuff with my SD. If I were in your position, I'd have my DH handle talks about who's buying what when with her, that way he can handle issues like this as he sees fit. I'm not saying "disengage", rather defer to your DH on issues such as this that cause you more frustration than it seems to be worth.)
I see your point. In your
I see your point.
In your opinion, do you think DH should be calling sd out on not so adult thinking (things she and I may end up fighting over eventually) to teach her the right way or let her just develop adult thinking on her own lol because some things I just don't know if I can wait for.
Yesterday we went to seaworld with the in laws and she threw a huge fit over who she was going to sit next to on a ride. It had to be her Gma. Her grandpa should have because she has physical problems and probably shouldn't have riden anyway, but sd11 cried and DH and I were telling her no to sit by me and fil stepped on our toes and made it work for her, because she kept whining. It just makes me sick and resentful. Sometimes I wonder if in those moments I'm looking at her with that evil look even though I'm trying not to. Can't help it.
DH and I are def working on him handling more of the discipline. It's hard because there are so many issues, it's difficult to tackle any if we can't work on just one. Not sure if that made sense!
I'm wondering if it's an
I'm wondering if it's an issue of pride, making it look like an issue of control?
C.A.--It sounds like you're under A LOT of stress, looking for work, etc. I'm wondering how this is affecting your relationship with SD and how you view some of these instances? I honestly have never heard of someone getting mad at a kid for asking for their GP's to buy them something. You say you feel it's you and your DH's responsibility, but you forget that many GP's LOVE spoiling their GK's, and in many, many families, GP's do so much for the kids, from helping with activities, camps, school supplies, clothes, driving, babysitting, etc...
I'm gonna tell you again, I can see your point...I can even see your point if this is coming from a place of pride...I also didn't understand all the constant buying and spoiling by DH's parents with SD. DH told me to chill, it's her GP's and they LIKE doing it. I didn't live close to my GP's growing up, but let me tell you, when it did visit them cross country, they filled up a second suitcase to bring home. I now realize it's just about the same thing.
This is not a hill to die on, hun.
I don't care if she sat next
I don't care if she sat next to me! Or her dad, sister, step brother, whatever. Wtf???? She jut can't throw a fit to sit next to Gma!!!
Have you tried disengaging?
Have you tried disengaging?
Please tell me this is a
Please tell me this is a joke...

Haha thanks anyways OC
Haha thanks anyways OC
Haha I get what you are
Haha I get what you are saying and you sound like MIL. MIL is really giving to them and us and happy to help especially since im unemployed. DH and I just feel that if we can pay, we would like to. They are always paying for everything. Dinners, bringing food over from costco, they paid are per person fee for our family reunion camping trip and they babysit a lot.
This is just ONE incident. She asks them for everything if we don't give something to her. Lol but yes I would never expect them to give us anything!!
You and your husband are
You and your husband are doing the exact thing many SMs on the adult SKs forum complain about. Most SMs would be livid if their husbands were spending the amount of money your inlaws are spending on two able bodied adults and their kids.
Asking her bio grandparents
Asking her bio grandparents to buy her things isn't rude. Asking YOUR parents would be rude.
My mom and dad would flip if my sister or I tried to enforce a rule like this.
I don't agree. Her parents
I don't agree. Her parents are supposed to provide for her. Meaning her dad should be buying the face wash when the old one is out. No one else is responsible for providing for kids but the parents.
However if grandparents want to buy them things, great. But kids should know to go to their parents for their needs IMHO.
You have a good kid on your
You have a good kid on your hands. She's neat, clean and does her chores. Most SMs here would love to have a SD like that. It sounds like you're looking for an issue to have with a preteen SD who is actually a good kid.
She asked for face wash and a book bag. A bratty, entitled kid would DEMAND high ticket items. The kid is asking for crap you can get in the supermarket. Last week I saw bookbags in Aldi's for $6.99.
Really??? So the kid asking
So the kid asking grandpa to take her to McDonald's must be a no no as well. LOL
Ironically, they do that all
Ironically, they do that all the time and they take them. We don't care about food, we're just talking about the little things they need. Big ticket items as well.
Grandparents offer to take them shopping? Sure. MIL is taking them to get their nails done Tuesday. Great!
Not sure why this is weird to some? Parents would rather not take pride in supporting their children?
This has to be joke. Unless
This has to be joke. Unless thd kid is hitting her grandparents up.for rent, utilities and grocery money, they are not supporting her.
Lol I appreciate your
Lol I appreciate your involvement here really, but you couldn't possibly know more than I about my sd, I am not just being dramatic. I come here to vent because on multiple occasions sd11 comes back from the IL's "I asked papa if I could go to target with him and I got razors, toothpaste, deodorant, hairspray, body spray, pencils and highlighters." Etc etc.
She almost never comes home with nothing. 80% of the time at least she comes back with something.
Moocher! Sorry but I still am disappointed in her need for "things" constantly. I know I shouldn't care, not my child. But I don't want to try so hard not to give her the evil eye of disappointment.
aswang, I believe she was
aswang, I believe she was referring to HRNYC's comment about her and her DH being 'moochers', not the SD.
If the parents don't want
If the parents don't want their child going to McDonald's, then yes, it should be a 'no'. The grandparents need to respect the parents' wishes. Maybe the child is getting too heavy, or they're trying to have him/her eat healthier.
The parents don't have a
The parents don't have a problem with it. This is the OP's issue.
Disneyfan, then your mom and
Disneyfan, then your mom and dad are too controlling. The parents have every right to enforce a rule like this.
My FDH's parents were spoiling his daughter to the point where she expected to get things all the time, from everyone. They become entitled. He had to put a stop to it, and as her parent, had every right to do so.
I understand this in her
I understand this in her situation. I was just responding to Disneyfan's general comment.
Exactly. The great thing
The great thing about being a grandparent is getting to the fun stuff with none of the responsibility.
She IS asking for a big
She IS asking for a big screen tv. You don't get it lol
My parents are not
My parents are not controlling. They enjoy spoiling their grandkids. Asking isn't the same as demanding and expecting.
My sister and are fine with what our parents do.. We want our kids to enjoy the time they have with them. We respect and trust their judgement so there's no need for us to have a bunch of controlling rules for how they interact with our kids. Our kids (22,17,15,9&7) are well behaved, respectful kidd, teens, young adults.
DF often tells me that he is jealous that his kids didn't/won't grow up with grandparents like my parents.
Ahhhhhh ook aswang, so she
Ahhhhhh ook aswang, so she feels like she's walking on eggshells asking me for a face wash, yet she has NO problem begging me to take her to mulligans, to the mall for a "shopping spree" as she says, and suggests we go out to expensive restaurants constantly? And that's not even the beginning of her list of demands that aren't needs.
You SO need to learn to be more open minded, this is more than just face wash! This is about respect and doing what you are told. Simple to do.
Asking grandparents for stuff
Asking grandparents for stuff isn't disrespectful. To be honest, I think her asking you for the things you listed is wrong.
DS22 would have never asked his SM for anything. They get along great.
I don't feel it's wrong
I don't feel it's wrong because we share our income and me getting her what she needs is the same thing as DH getting it for her, except I'd be able to get it while he's working so we could be together when he's off.
OP,do your kids have
OP,do your kids have grandparents who are able/willing to treat them the way SD's grandparents treats her?
If you're unemployed, who supports your kid?
Since you have an issue with your inlaws "supporting" SD,surely your husband isn't helping to support your bios. Your husband shouldn't be expected to support kids that aren't his. Your ex shouldn't be the only parent supporting them either.
I did not deny her to sit
I did not deny her to sit next to the grandparent once again. First of all, DH, me, fil all preferred she sit with ANYONE else but her because she needed fil to sit by her because she has physical issues bc she is older. Sd didn't care, she wanted what she wanted and was whining and crying until she got what she wanted. DH told her after the ride that she will be sitting next to whoever we tell her to from now on and not my Gma and that she will get the opposite of what she wants if she whines.
Not sure what your problem is with me. I guess you are just sick of me posting on here. Sad for you I'm not going anywhere!!!
What everyone isn't
What everyone isn't understanding is that my post includes DH too. Doesn't matter if I talk about him. He feels exactly the same way about this behavior she has which is why everyone on here is ignoring the actual issue and blaming me for judging an 11 year old for what they call normal behavior. I've seen you all bash way more simple behavior and I don't get why this is not a big deal.
It's not about face wash for the thousandth time. She does demand big ticket items. She does throw a fit on Xmas if she doesn't get what she wants, she is pissed that we don't spoil her.
Geez I try to be nice and acknowledge some nice traits she has but I get attacked!
She pushes them to the side to be a brat constantly.
You all can talk about how much you despise your skids and wish they would disappear and in one forum years ago the horrible hateful things that would cause CPS to be called, yet I can't have a simple vent? Haha it's embarrassing you all are embarrassing yourselves. It's dumb that you can't see. DH provides everything she needs, it's never enough and never will be.
I'm addressing this
I'm addressing this circumstance in particular. That's why this is a place to vent. I don't want to go over every single thing she's asked for in her lifetime. I'm venting about recent events. Sorry that's difficult for you to understand.
So SD asking her grandparents
So SD asking her grandparents for stuff is wrong, but you not declining the stuff your in-laws are paying for is just fine. :? :?
""ok I'll take you but only
""ok I'll take you but only and ONLY if you promise you will stop asking people for stuff you are supposed to be asking parents/step parents for, it's rude and I won't tell you again."
But you're expecting this child to practice what you preach while you do the opposite. You just told us last week how on much the grandparents do for you and your husband (taking you all out to eat numerous times...the kiddo sees who pays ...the trips to Costco to fill your cupboards and fridge with this and that...the kiddo sees who is supplies the extras and goodies here). Who paid for the outing to Sea World? Considering you couldn't budget a backpack last week, I'm betting it was the grandparents....but here you are whining the child wanted to sit next to grandma on the ride. Pfft, and declaring you didn't care who she sat next to as long as it wasn't grandma.
It just seems to me you have some self issues to work through before you lay the entire fault at SD's feet.
My DH does have a job. We are
My DH does have a job. We are not dependent on in laws. We just enjoy spending time with them. We live 2 mins from them, it's not like we're going to stop going over there "just because"
The solution is for DH to implement his values on sd like he's been doing and hope one day she values it. However when a couple gets divorced there's not much control over how they turn out bc you can't change BM, and BM and sd are very similar in this aspect.
We don't expect her to be perfect by any means. But for her to fight parents, steps and grands for what she wants isn't right is all. It's frustrating and makes me not want to be in the same room, makes me dread their visits, and dread family outings when we can't just be happy when my kid is being fine but the skids are the only ones causing problems. DH is frustrated he has to punish them on these outings and it's very natural for me to feel this way. I read other posts, and know others are exhausted too.
Thanks for the input guys.
You're not dependent on them,
You're not dependent on them, yet they are buying groceries, paying for all of you to attend a family reunion, paying for you all to go camping.....
What your SD is doing normal, what you and your husband are doing isn't.