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SD on the door while So and I........

oncechoosetosmile's picture

YUK!!!!!! For month we had some peace of SD coming in the bedroom very early or trying to drag SO away from our bed.
For your information , she put us through hell the first year or so we were dating, disturbing us all the time, making up deseases to get Dadddys attention during the night and trying to get SO out of our bedroom!!!SO was totally stupid about it at the begnning-at times he got up at 5 am or earlier to sit down with her and did craft and played games.I was like :WTH!!!!!!!!!?????Eventually , over the month , when I made it clear to him that he needs to decide if he wants to treat his daughter or me as his gf he got the picture and showed her finally some rules.When I look back at those times I am still speechless and angry that it took him so long!
Anyway, we sat up a rule for all children not to disturb us during the night and early morning hours!
This morning the brat knocked on he door at 6.45 while SO and I get the picture.YUK!!!!!!!!!!!
She demanded breakfast, which she is perfectly capable of to get herself, but she decided first to break the house rule and then to get SO to get it for her.
Silly, silly , silly SO wrapped himself in a towel and went with her, instead of reminding her on our rule and ask her to get her own breakfast or to wait!!~!!!!!!!
He realised it afterwards and even apologised to me, which shows me , he got that it was wrong to award her for breaking the house rule.
Anyway, I did something I normally don't do- I went straight to SD after my shower and told her directly that it was not cool of her breaking our rules and that I will not accept it again of her.I said that quite strict but calm ,so she gave me the death stares all morning and I couldn't care less.
I mean, ST friends, I would have no problem for a child to do those things occasionally, but this girl put me through so much stress doing it all the time in the past!!!!I can't and will not accept that even one more time after all this.If she does it again, I will discuss with SO to have a consequence for her, maybe sending her to bed really early or taking a toy away for a while!! No more, I will take no more of SD's shit in that compartment anymore.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Coconut, hahahah, no , everything dropped in shock, I think, but, boy, you are so right.But I think he realised that it was wrong- I am pretty confident that he will not let that happen again!!Stupid princess thinks she can regain HER rules in MY house, this is not gonna happen!!!lol.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Very good point, Mommy D.I will ask him when he comes home if he has talked to her again.I think he is worried to hurt his princess feeling- OMG, how horrible to get your own breakfast when you are bored at 6 am, pooor child.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Coco,hahaha!! as much I would like her to, that would be not nice- In Australia we have so many creepy crawlers and they all accumulate in the garage, so, nooo.The breakfast thing she would enjoy- Look at meeee, look at meeee, eat your breakfasssst, because IIIIIII made it....It needs to be something else, early bedtime maybe, since only babies go to bed early:))

oncechoosetosmile's picture

G'Dayyyyyyy Mommy and Coco, yes, that is a good idea indeed.I can hear Blueballs ringing!!!!!!

HarleyQuinn's picture

OMG I love the posts on this they are hilarious. What a little shit tho!! DH needs to learn whats more fun being in bed with you or the kid coz thats where he will end up sleeping if he carries on!

RedWingsFan's picture

OMG - I'd definitely be livid if I were you. And trust me, DH would NEVER pull that shit again after the Hell I'd put him through for it!