Well I have great news and I think it is about time. BM has to pay CS for her son. Awful, I know, but we have placement and she sees him 5 days out of the month, but she tried to make a case for herself today, that we make so much money that she should not have to pay. I think that is crazy, so because I work and my DH does too, I can support your child the child you tell to hate me and to never call me mom. I am sorry you have loans out that you can not pay and that you have college loans out your ass and nothing to show for it. Then she tried to say that our foster daughter brings us money too, well if you know anything about being a foster parent you do not do it for the little money they give you, plus we are adopting her. We never started being foster parents for money, we did it to give a child a safe place to live. Any way my DH said she tried everything but she has to pay 17% like everyone else, the funny thing is my DH has to pay that much when they did have split custody and split placement but now the shoe is on the other foot and she does not like it. She told my DH it is all my fault because without me he would have never done this, done what I wonder, love his son and fight for custody, yes he would of, I am just a support to lead him down the right road. I wold have given all the CS back if I could have seen her face in the court room and after when she waited 20minutes to yell at my DH how she can not afford to live and to tell their son how she can not do anything wiht him now. Mind you when she was getting 600 a month from my DH she bought a new car, and clothes and went tanning and is still going to a NASCAR race, so she is fine, she just does not want to have to pay, yep that sucks, but she did all of this to herself over the past 3 years and now I am sitting back watching Karma at work. All I want is for my family to be happy, but she will call and text my DH just to bitch, well Karma sucks and it found her!!!!
- Rosedeer1's blog
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bitter ex's and BM's
all parties involved can become bitter, your BM is now bitter because she failed to ruin her ex's life.
I understand, been there myself. Guess my situations BM thought she ruined her ex's life and then he meets me, not only far more atractive than her, but also had a better job, nicer, bigger house too.
Failure to ruin her ex's life is just something she's going to have to live with and get used to forfilling her responsibilites as the court is not going to give her a break, just because of her gender.
Yes karma......... it can sure suck for some people.

In my situation BM is getting to live with an experience what she has created and made her daughter into... a game playing, unrealistic young woman who thinks she can have fits and get her way. BM turned her daughter into a bully.. haha
It couldn't have worked out better really, as the crap is landing where it should.
My SDs BM has to pay us CS
It's not as nearly as much as we had to pay her, but at least it's something!
exactly, our BM only has to
exactly, our BM only has to pay 150 every 2 weeks my DH had to pay her 150 every week and at that point ss was going back and forth every 3 days. Now we have him all the time and she sees him wed. for 3 hours and EOW he comes back to us at 6 on Sun. In my opinion she is getting exactly what she deserves, you should not be able to fuck with others lives and get away with it, it took 3 years but yes folks the high road is the best because then you can watch them fall apart from the highest part of the road!!!
I don't think it has anything to do with vagina's. Oops that is
her pet name isn't it? It took me a minute to make that connection.
And I agree that most NCPs cringe at the very thought of paying CS. I also agree that in most cases it very well could be used more effectively and should be accounted for in some way.
There are entirely to many examples of new cars, trips, etc showing up shortly after CS is implemented or increased. I have a friend who's XW takes him to court for more CS every time he buys a new car. His Son goes back from visitation and tells Mom about Dad's new car, Mom files an amendment and usually CS goes up because Dad (my friend) has done pretty well in the ~5yrs since he bought his last car. Shortly there after she gets a new car.
In our case, we don't even spend the CS. It sits in a separate account and we invest it. This is not intended as any type of message but if by some fluke a CS audit is ever implemented we can account for it easily. The only deposits to that account are direct deposits from CPE for CS.
When my SS gets out of college my wife and are going to take a nice cruise on that money. The Skid will be looking for a job, BioDad will be a relegated to the annals of unpleasant history and my wife and I will be soaking up rays drinking umbrella drinks on the deck of luxury liner laughing our asses off at how pathetic BioDad has been for the past 21 years.
Snarky I know, but I very well may send BioDad a "Wish you were here" post card every day of the cruise from all of the ports of call.
By that time my wife and I will have spent a couple hundred grand raising the Skid and BioDad will have paid CS of about 10-20% of that number. If anyone got a deal it is BioDad. He got off cheap.
But, in my mind it will be the CS specific dollars that my wife and I will be partying on.
Best regards,
I think that is great
Our BM has asked us to take SD several times and we got very excited but it always falls apart when she figures out, we are not going to pay CS if we have custody, and she is.
I completely think the moms should be held to the same standards the dads are, including penalties for not paying. Our BM tries to get DH put in jail when he falls behind due to NO sales at his job in our terrible economy, yet she cannot manage her money at all and has taken SD's money from her little after school job to live on.
I always think if we could get child support and could afford it, to try to save some for child for car, school, etc. but we have never gotten that opportunity! Congratulations!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin