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Rosedeer1's picture

Well I have to say that BM does not do the dishes in the bathtub, because she does not have a bathtub. She has a stand up shower so BM does the dishes in the bathroom sink and washed SS with a wash cloth while he stands in the shower because he does not like water on his head. SO she gets water from the bathroom sink and cleans him with a wash cloth while standing in the shower. Well the other day we have a sitter come to our house to watch our kids because there sitter is on vacation this week, well psyco BM freaked out and called DH to tell him she is going to take him back to court because he was suppose to tell her that he changed his daycare. Well he did not change his day care we got a "sub" while there sitter is on vacation. Then psyco BM said that she called the number DH gave her and that no one aswered and how funny that after she called the same number called her back, well the story is that my DH called me telling me psyco was crying freaking out wanting to talk to her son and that she was going to call him monday night but she does not get cell service in her new basement apartment that she moved to that is an hour away from us, her son. SO I had her son call her when I picked him up, just so she could tell him she got sun burned at the races, her 2nd NASCSR race she has been to this summer and yet she has no money. Plus she is going to another race this weekend, at least she is taking her son this time. Anyway she acted like she was going to die in a day so she needed to talk to her son and it was just to tell him she got a sun burn and would not be at his practice. Well no worries I took him and I stayed with him and I bought all his soccer stuff that he wants, its funny who is his mom. So I like to call her the egg doner. Sorry, SO i could not take anymore it has been 4 years of her being a psyco, so I called her and I was nice and I told her that noone was ignoring her and she can call her son, but that I checked the caller ID and there was no missed calls at ALL. Then she says oh the story changes and said I got to go and hung up. so I am not sure if it was good the she did not hang up in me as soon as she knew it was me. MY question to anyone is why do I keep trying to be nice to get shut down. MY DH says that she hates me she and she always will hate me and to stop trying to be friends because he was with her for 5 years and knows how she is, and just because she is not a bitch at SS games he can tell by her looks and her body language that she HATES the fact that her son comes over to me first to talk about the game, to give a high 5 to, to get water from, to walk to the car with, BUT I do raise him he lives with us and only sees her 5 days out of the month. SO of course he comes to me because I am the mom figure in his life if she likes it or not. SO why do I care that she is rude to me and can not talk to me, she did talk at his last game but I think it was only because I talked to her and she did not want to look like a complete bitch infront of the people at the game or her son. SO should I stop trying to be civil and not talk to her at all just let her do her thing at the games and then leave with my SS and DH, I know I should not call her again, even if I am being nice becuase I know she does not see it that way. I know she sees me as the women who took her life away her man away her kid away so why do I even think she can be civil and carry on a conversation, it is just that I feel better being civil than ignoring eachother. I think it is better for SS to see us being able to talk after all the shit she has fed him for 3 years about that I am not his mom and he needs to hate me and not be nice to our adopted daughter because she is not his sister and that he does not have to listen to me or that Daddy should not marry me because she wants to. I should be the one being the bitch after all of that, her calling DSS on me trying to get my foster daughter taken away, her calling my work and writing a letter trying to get me fired, her threatening to kill me and then breaking the order of protection I had against her, why do I even try to talk to her and why do I even care what she does. I should be happy she is living an hour away in a one bedroom basement apartment with no cell service, no home phone, no bathtub, no sink in the kitchen, I would say that is a pretty shitty situation and she only sees her son 5 days a mont a little more in the summer and pay us CS, So why can I not stop thinking about her, why do I care what she does, why do I try to talk to her, WHY, WHY, WHY????


april_14870's picture

Well obviously you care that much, maybe not so much about what she thinks of you but what your SS thinks. Your love for him is great, and its important for you to not make him anymore uncomfortable than he already is. And if you are anything like me, you don't like to be the bad person even when you are raging mad, and you certainly do not want to be all those things that she says you are. I deal with this everyday too. I know I am not bad to my SD's, but their Psycho BM fills their head full of crap. Also.... Part of you feels bad for her even though she is soooooooo NUTS. Some of us are human and have a conscience no matter what anyone says.

Rags's picture

court room in front of a Judge, his entire family, my entire family, my wife's entire family and the entire community of friends, neighbors, police officers, employers etc ........ and recount very clearly his extensive list of personal life failures, my wife's long list of accomplishments, my life accomplishments and how he is a worthless father, my wife is an incredible Mom and I am the only REAL Dad SS has or will ever have.

But that is not happening. BioDad will never admit what I have done for HIS son and that I have done more for the young man in my 15yrs as his Dad than DickHead will accomplish in his entire life.

But, that ain't ever happenin.

You keep trying and feel hurt, disappointment and anger because you are human. What you are feeling is perfectly normal. IMHO. You keep trying because you are truly a good person and do not understand how anyone could act the way so many BMs/BDs on the Blended Family Opposition act.

I would recommend the stop trying with the BM tactic and focus entirely on the health, happiness and supportive nature of YOUR family and protecting the best interests of your child (SS). Enjoy your time and relationship with the SS, don't call BM and let her have whatever crumbs are left as far as her 5days/mo with the Skid.

We implemented this tactic a decade ago and with the exception of 7wks of visitation a year (5wks Summer/1wk Winter/1wk Spring) my SS has nearly ZERO interface with anyone in the SpermClan.

You can't fix the BM because you can't fix stupid. Focus on the kid.

Best Regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

Rosedeer1's picture

Danyelle, No I am not the other women. My DH did not leave her for me, he left her and then meet me, but she thinks I am the other women. She is crazy and thinks my DH and I have been together for 5 years, but it has only but it has only been 4. SO I can not help how crazy she is,she did this to herself. I am sure it sucks not raising you only child but then she should have thought of that before she turned psyco, it is not every day that Dads win in court and my DH did win, so that does not say much for the BM, who just moved in July and I think she is moving again, she just got a new job when she moved and I recently saw is posted so she must be leaving that too. I have a question for you, should it matter if I were the other women, should that make her lose all control and become such a shitty Mom to a child she claims to love. I mean I was not the other women but they were together for 5 years never ingaged, no house together, and now I am married to him and we built a house together in October of this year and got married in Oct. also, so I am sure I know why she hates me, but that does not explain why she would leave a better paying job to move an hour away from her son to a basement apartment with no cell service no sink in the kitchen and no bathtub and my SS hate water on his head, so she wipes him down with a wash cloth because they have no tub for him to soak in.

Rags and April, thank you for your kind words, it is this site that helps me take a deep breath and remain sane in all of this. I have to see BM and her sister tomorrow at my SS game so that should be fun.