Why does bad news always follow the good news for me???
Hi everyone. Ok, good news first: as I have posted in the past, I live in a shelter/apartment in a crummy area of mass. My husband and I have been working hard to save $$, it's hard when you only get half your check, and we have a baby, but anyways we have been doing what we need to. And we assist our case worker in looking for public housing, that is more stable than a shelter. I was also preparing to go to school to get my diploma in child care. I used to work in that field before I had kids, and need to go back to school to move ahead w/ my education, the state will pay my tuition. Anyways, this weekend, we get a call from DH's sister & her DH, they live on Cape Cod, and own a deli. They have a full time position open for my DH, not only that , a cute little house for us to rent, that they want to help us get into, AND....they are going to open a second deli, and want my DH to stay on and run the first one!!!! I 'm so estatic over this. We can get out of this place, out of this town, live in a house, by the ocean, in a clean, beautiful neighborhood. My DH, grew up their, and now so can our son! WE CAN GET OFF WELFARE!!! His family wants to help us anyway they can, they know what we have been through, and they need DH to help keep their buisness a success.His sister is a great person, and so is her DH, it will be wonderful to do this w/ them. They want us their by May, as season starts. We cant wait to move. NOW.......... BAD NEWS. I also posted before how DH is under a deduction order for CS, and BM called a hearing in Fl.that he was supposed to go to, but could not because of work, and the expense. The hearing was on falure to pay CS, my DH did send payments when he could, and then the order was inforced, so she always gets $$ now. That was all set before the hearing, but we found out today that DH has a WRIT out on him for not appearing in court, EVEN though he called, faxed letters responding to the notice to appear, stating why he could not, and requested a telephonic hearing....and never got a call about it!! The motion of contempt was granted, this was Feb.9, and no one has yet to do anything, or has come to get him, but we are worried now that they will, as now attention has come to it. We were trying to find out what the h--- happened! If they arrest my DH, and expidite him to Fl. I dont know what I'll do.He is going to do everything in his power to make sure that does not happen. We were going to make sure the past due supp. was paid in full when he gets his tax return, making sure that portion of $$ was intercepted to CS enforcement. So much for doing the right thing. The money we will get back more than covers the past due amount, and the rest would help w/ this move. Put some $$ in the bank. BM always told us that she personally would make our lives hell, and she is finding any way she can to do it. She did not have to keep the hearing scheduled....she was getting paid her $$ and more for the past due. BUT NO.....she told my DH in writing....that she will not stop until he goes to jail. That is her goal. She wrote this in black and white. I just want to get this taken care of , get her paid up(so does DH) as fast as possible. I want to move to the Cape and have DH start his new position that will get OUR life set & stable. I was on here reading a post last night from BIOMOM, that was written a few days ago...... and she really got me thinking about the BM position, I'm a BM as well as a stepmom, and I read all the responsis, and what she wrote, and I really saw her side, and , I was feeling different after I was done reading it. But you know I'm tired of this s--t! When I first met BM, I gave her the respect I thought she deserved...and only whitin a few days.....she started in on me. I was stupid for being w/ DH, I had just met him, and this is what she yells in my face when we went over to pick up the skids one time. Then the next week the hateful e-mails started, she did not know me at all but she had the right to call me a whore, and a scumbag, and a bad mother to MY kids...WTF did she know???? And now 3 years later......even after I forgave her behavior, realizing that something is REALLY wrong with her, she still wants blood!!! This woman( umm, yeah) said to me when I was pregnant.."I hope your baby dies!" And of course got away with that. Skids did not care, lawyer or judge, that she said something so damaging. I'm supposed to respect this person??? See her side???? I'M A BIOMOM too, and I have never done this to my ex, never will either. He has his life, and I have mine, we share our kids, and our concernes about them. We make a strong effort to put them first, and not get personal w/ eachother. In recent years, this has caused us to get along alot better. It should be a law.... no personal conflicts after divorce. I know for that to be successful you have to be human first. So if I get on here to "bash BM" it keeps me sane , while dealing with the insane. BIOMOM had alot of really good points in her post, and now I'm thinking that the title BM should be changed, and reserved for the BeautifulMoms out there who treat their EX DH's & SMom's with respect, and their kids with nothing but love......and the rest , like ours, should be called something more appropriate, as not to offend the "good ones" Chel
- Chel Bell's blog
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That's awesome
About the new job opportunity for your husband. I know what it's like to be on the edge, so I am very glad for you. My husband got a job after 18 months off work. He makes a lot less than he used to, but at least it's income so we are happy with that.
Focus on the good! And try not to worry so much about the bad. You have good intentions, so I will keep my fingers crossed that this will all work out for you!
Oh no.. Chel.. I am
Oh no.. Chel..
I am wondering if there is someone in the MA system that you guys can talk to for help.. To figure out a good solution to this whole thing. She isnt going to get $$ if he is in jail..
I agree w/you.. there are probably some bm's out there that are human.. but the rest??? good lord.. They just want to make people's lives a living hell.. WHY? because they are childish I think..
I am wondering if there is something that can be done. Did you keep copies of everything that was sent to the court systeM?
Contact your local father's
Contact your local father's rights groups - if child support gets paid up first he might can fight it - keep your proof - get a letter from the people helping you with the shelter to show there was no way he could financially get down there (And don't let him go see SD for her 16th) (I think I remember you saying he was going to go)
Chel... Here is a list I
Here is a list I found on the internet for free legel help in MA.. perhaps call around and see if they can help you out. I am sure you meet the income requirements seeing as how you are on welfare in MA.. I have to think they have the same $$ thresholds.
That is great about the house and the job.. I will keep you in my prayers!
Yes...due to past experiances, we document everything. I just don't know who to go to for help up here. My DH is faxing papers to the CS enforcement office in Fl. on all this hoping that we can talk to some one and let them know the hearing should have been cancelled, and at least give him the opportunity to make a "promise to pay" note onthe past due $$. We were told that they don't care, they want that $$. But jail is the opposite thing to do to solve this, a contempt charge is rediculouse!! We tried to take care of this before the hearing, but to no avail. Don't know what to do. It's bad enough that last years legal battle with her put us in a hole, we actually thought we could accomplish something and be able to live in peace,??? Yeah right. Forgot we would have to be rock stars for that to happen!! ~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.
My DH has lost all intrest in going to Fl..... for any reason. He came around pretty quick.
~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.
Ours too
Our BM has said too, she would rather see my DH in jail than have the child support money. How asinine is that - they don't pay you in jail! but whatever.
I am sorry to hear the trouble but bet you can work something out. IN also told DH that if he could not pay because of no work or pay to notify them and they put it on hold for a period - maybe you could suggest that?
Wow I hope the other option works out - I can totally picture you guys happy up there!!! sending good vibes . . .
"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." -Albert Camus
Depending on the amount
In my state they do not extradite for smaller amounts, mail the money, call the number and make sure that it is recieved and then take it up......Is it a felony charge.....over $5,000? Don't worry we have been there, I met DH and he forgot to mention he owed $9,000 and change and I KEPT HIM OUT OF JAIL........You can do it, look at all you have done...focus on the future job and house and SUCCESS!!!!
The amount is not that big, just a bit over 2,000. We are hoping that the tax refund that they will intercept will put all of this to a halt. The only thing is to try and stay out of the "clink" till then. DH, is communicating with them, so we hope that we can avoid him going to jail. He told them why he could not appear,and did so within their time limit. I can't believe contempt was granted! The hearing should have been cancelled, if anything. This is really working on my nerves. But , stronggirl....you are right, we can do it....I know somehow we will find a way....I have lost alot, but I have not lost faith . Thank you all for the kind thoughts, and good vibes
~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.