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Is it love, or a Sickness??

Chel Bell's picture

I have some funny BM antics to share today, this has been a intersesting few days to say the least. It starts the day before Mothers day, when DH called his mom to talk to her, and wish her a happy mothers day and stuff. They of course started talking about the skids, and MIL confessed that when she saw them a few weeks ago, SS told them- "mom is looking for a boyfriend", then he says- "the one she is seeing now looks just like my dad, it's scary". DH got a bit sick over that, lol, and I just laughed it off, cause it's typical of BM. I do wonder if the skids have said anything like that to this "twin" guy of BM's.....that would be really funny! So anyways, after we stop gagging over that info. we go on with our weekend, and mothers day was great. On Monday, we had a family gathering to go to, it was a ceremony for DH's grandma who passed away a few months ago. She was in her 90's and I got to meet her once, a month before she died actually. Well all the family is there, and there were of course a lot of old photo books being passed around, and one of them had a huge full page sized wedding pic. of DH and BM (puke) I fluffed it off, and so did DH, but he wants his sister to throw that pic. away, it was in a old book so what can you do, but it would be nice if she tossed that one, lol. It's always a bad time to see BM's face. So, yesterday took the cake, I got on my myspace page, I had not been on for those past few days, and there was a message for me. It said it was "from the queen", and "happy mothers day"....I thought it was from my sister, or a friend, joking with me, I open it up, and it's from BM (picture bomb going off here) It was this unbelieveable mothers day "rant", and she was going on and on about me being a loser, and DH is a loser, and how he will leave me too someday, and I will be alone with my "idiot son" (that one hurt, i admit, no one talks about my son like that!) And how I tried to "steal" her kids, and a bunch of other things I have heard before. That we are not a real family over here and never will be, blah, blah, blah. So I'm sitting here surprised. I have not talked to SS on myspace for a few days, DH talks to him to, not just me or anything like that, and we are careful what we do write to him and keep things light, but I guess that's just not going to fly anymore. I do admit, we feared something like this might happen, but things were going fine now for a while. Who knows what set her off, could be a long list of things, but what a coincedence that this happened now, as BM has been a topic of discussion, AGAIN, for the past few days! Well I deleted it, then cleaned out my page a bit, as I plan to just let it sit dormant for a while. I don't want to keep having stuff like that happening. It is too bad, as it was nice to communicate with SS, and if he asks why we have not been on it, we plan to just say we have been extra busy as summer is almost here. No reason to take any "bait" from BM. DH and his family do believe that it's all due to BM not getting over DH, and still being in love with him (if there was any love in the first place???) OR, is this just a sickness with her. I think she is just a hater, and she is territorial over the skids. I told my DH that my Ex still has some love for me (thats no secret), but he does not treat me like this, or do these kinds of things. He has his life, and we have ours. I wonder with BM, if she is just letting her bipolar take over, and maybe drinking again, and that's why she will never change. But I guess DH and his family believe it's love?? Pretty screwed up to me. What do you all think??


StepG's picture

If I am correct she cheated on him and then he left her because of that. The message was totally inappropriate and screamed HATER!

And the comment on your son all I have to say to that is may God have mercy on her soul for that.

Chel Bell's picture

She cheated on him relentlessly while they were married, he left her finally, when she brought one of her guy friends home, and DH caught nice! It was the kick in the ass that DH needed though. He hated to live apart from the skids, but that was the last straw for him. " A first marriage is like buying your first home, sometimes you just gotta start small"~ Me.

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

Love? Nah. Ownership? Yeah. If she were so in love with him, she wouldn't have been cheating on him. A case of realizing what you had wasn't so bad, methinks. And being eaten up by jealousy. And possibly a few drinks thrown in.

Most Evil's picture

Is there any way to act like you never saw the message, and keep writing to SS? Her message made ME feel sick inside, so I can just imagine how you felt seeing it!

She is a jealous hater who threw away her marriage, but that is her problem. I am so proud of your outlook re. everything you have going on and I would hate to see her dim your light at all.

I would definitely keep a copy of that, and if you ignore her, maybe she will keep doing it and give you enough to hold over her head if you need to!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

Chel Bell's picture

when I saw that message that she left. We have plastic bins filled with e-mails from the past 4 years of her harrasment. Their are even a few in there from before DH and I met. We are saving them for the skids,if they ever ask about anything, or need answers, there is alot of truth in those e-mails. This is just how she is, and I don't expect her to change. She can be "big and bad" over the computer, but when it comes to face to face confrontation, she's a big puss! She even ran from me once, thinking I was going to beat her ass. And I was 8 months pregnant at the time. We live over 2,000 miles away from eachother, so I don't worry about her trying to come after me or my son. DH thinks it's a attention thing, because she is not getting any from anyone right now, she wants to stir the pot. I did redo my myspace page, just a bit, and left it up insted of taking it down. I'm going to act like I never saw the message, and just check in on it once in a while, if I get anymore strange messages, I will just delete them, and keep going. That is the one thing that works with BM. Ignore her.....then she does not get the attention she wants, and goes back into her hole. It's worked with everything els, just blocking her, and ignoring her, and acting like we don't care. DH also said last night that he thinks maybe SS might have mentioned me on mothers day, and that would have set her off. That could have been it. Too sad. BM is living in her own hell. " A first marriage is like buying your first home, sometimes you just gotta start small"~ Me.

Sunflower's picture

Well I would make my myspace profile private. If BM continues to be a psycho just keep printing the stuff she sends.I would keep all that crap because one day the skids will want to know the truth.That is why I keep a journal.I know that BM likes to make up stories and mess with the minds of the skids about DH being a monster.I will show them if they ever wanted to know the truth.(of course when they are older) For now I would just laugh at her. I would write one thing to BM though that she is really digging deep into that shallow puddle she calls a soul to attack a child!That was messed up but I only think it was said to get a rise out of you.I suggest doing what I do.Write BM and email tell her exactly how you feel and NEVER send it.At least you get it out. Too Bad So Sad BM!!