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from BM...why don't people live their own lives...haha

herewegoagain's picture

I saw this today and just had to laugh...

BM wrote on her social network

Why don't people live their own lives and leave others alone to live theirs as they see fit...

Mood: MAD

I almost died laughing...Are you F%#ing kidding me? Aren't you the one who would call DH all the time asking him where he was at? If he was selling HIS house? Even getting her daughter a camera so that she could take pics at OUR house? and asking for more CS everytime she found out we had either gone on vc, or moved, etc? Or isn't she the one who told DH at the last cs hearing "stop drinking..."? WTF? yes, she says this to him after not seeing him for 2 years...except for dropoff, etc...are you kidding me?

Maybe her hubby's two ex's are harrassing her now? Maybe she's ticked off that DH knows about myspace and therefore her daughter now has a myspace without her real name (but I found it anyway)...or the fact he is going through the school to get school records she has never given him in the last 10yrs...hmmm...

It'll be great to find out what grade his daughter is actually in...she has been posting on myspace the last 2 days between 130-230PM...isn't she supposed to be in school???

Funny how she wanted to know everything about us, what we ate, what we did, blah, blah, blah...and yet she is complaining when someone does it to her...hehe...gotta love it...


imagr8tma's picture

LOL, Karma - gotta love it.

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************

herewegoagain's picture

I am pretty sure she's told the schools not to give him info, as he tried before and they declined...they are making him take the court papers, which he has no problem doing...I know she's not happy...But I've read too many times of kids either dropping out of school and the non-custodial parent continuing to pay CS because the custodial would not admit to the courts or even after the kid is supposed to graduate, the courts not stopping CS until the BM gives we're not playing that game...honestly, I think she'll drop out...not sure what kind of 18yr old wants to be starting 10th grade...if she's we need to ensure he has full access to stop the stealing as soon as he can...