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Unfrigging believable, MIL saga part 2.

chellebelle143's picture

SO I finally get myself calmed down, and fell asleep on the bed, when I am awakened by the doorbell. It is MIL, I rush onto the screen porch and ask what is wrong she states "I want to talk to my son" I say why is something wrong, she says "I just want to talk to my son" So I come inside and call DH, he goes out on the screen porched and and I stay inside. About three minutes later, he comes in cursing "wtf ever" and slamming our front door. I ask him what is wrong, he is so mad he can't get the words out. So I go rushing out the door, to see what had happened MIL was gone. So I rush upstairs to find out what's wrong, he says "she wanted me to get in the car with her and his sister, and come out to her house to talk to her, alone" . He told her can chelle come she said "no I don't want her there", he tells her "anything you have to say to me you can say in front of my wife" she then asks him again to come out to her house alone to talk to her. He tells her not if I can't come with him. She says she doesn't believe us about the financial problems. Just so you guys know, I shop at Aldi, I buy my clothes at places like Cato, and Kohl's and I usually only do that during tax time. Kids growing the way they are get wal-mart and occasionally old navy. I am a penny pincher, and yet I get the feeling that she still thinks it is my fault dh and I are having a financial problem. When we got our house, his credit from the divorce was so shoddy, we had to pay down a couple of the credit cards, and we didn't qualify for a fixed rate, we had to go with an Adjustable Rate. I had only been here two months when we bought the house.

She says I should get a job, I agree. I do have a part time business, but I guess in her eyes that doesn't count, because it isn't steady income. I have applied at so many places in this stinking po'dunk town, and not able to find anything. Her Daughter has been trying for months in a bigger area, with no luck.

I get the distinct feeling she was trying to get DH out to her house, to try and talk him into moving in with her, and leaving me. My instincts are pretty good at picking up on this sort of thing, not to mention my grandmother was a master manipulator, so I have seen how "they" work. I am so finished with these people, I have no respect for anyone, who tries to break up someones home, especially when there are children who will be negatively affected. If she steps foot back on my property, I am going to be just as rude and ugly to her as she was to me, and tell her to get the hell off my property, and while she's at it to stay out of my marriage. So tired of this crap.


chellebelle143's picture

Oh and wanted to add that before FIL died, MIL loved me, wanted me to call her Mom etc etc. It really is a puzzle, I am wondering if she has flipped her lid.

**How seldom we weigh our neighbors in the same balance as ourselves. ~Thomas à Kempis**

laurels4u's picture

but I agree with you on this one. Do not give that bloody awful woman the satisfaction of knowing that she's gotten to you!

I did read your first post and wanted to tell you about my former MIL and all of her BS, but this is your story, I've been through it before, so I'm going to give you a summary of what you have to look forward to. At least from how I've seen it.

Your DH's mother is trying to cut you out of the picture. She's going to be hellbent on getting the rest of the family turned against you to rescue your DH away from you. She's even going to stoop so low as alienating DH from the rest of his family, including his own children. Then one day, she'll sucker punch him with something stupid like needing a ride to her distant relative's home and only HE can drive her or a random phone call that she's dying and he needs to come to her deathbed. At which point, he'll have to make a decision on whether or not she's worth the trouble. You've obviously made up your mind that she isn't, and that's your choice. Stick to it because she'll only keep pulling these stunts over and over again.

My DH & I are happily estranged from his parents. We both couldn't be happier because as evil as they were, my parents have stepped in and have given him the support & love he's craving from parental figures.

Conflicted's picture

BUT, I am glad to hear that DH stood up for you! MIL sounds like a nosy, unhappy, b**ch!
Maybe she needs to get laid??
EWWWWW, sorry for putting that picture in your head!

h7's picture

Wait a minute... Why are your finances any of her business? Do you guys owe her money or something? If not, then she can take her insignificant opinion to someone who cares. Look, my mother is the type to take over if I let her, so I don't let her. Whatever she tells me to do with my money, I listen, knod my head & then do whatever I want. And she knows it.

I wonder how long ago your FIL died. Your MIL might be having some sort of breakdown or something. Your DH is what she has left of her husband, so it sounds like she's trying to take him from you. But if that's the case, then she would be doing that to any woman he was married to, so I wouldn't take it personally. I'm not taking her side, but maybe if you look at her as just an old lady that's lost her mind, you might not be as hurt by her. That of course gives her no right to do what she's doing, so you guys sure need to enforce the boundaries. That means you're going to be badguys for a time, but oh well, she can get over it.


chellebelle143's picture

Thanks guys, Conflicted, I am never going to get that visual outta my head...eeek. Hipi, FIL died last year, and I did take into account that it could be some sort of breakdown. To be honest though, I think it has a lot to do with SIL being in her ear. SIL's dh has never had a job that lasted more than a couple of months, at times he didn't work at all. SIL and FIL went many rounds about her husband, and SIL walked out if the conversation turned to him. She wouldn't talk to them for months on end. She barely came around to visit, but now since he is gone, she is suddenly around all the time. SIL is living with her dh ex-wife, her hubby isn't working, and the company she works for could be going under any minute. Yet, she wants to bring MIL over here to preach to DH. What an unbelievable hypocrit. Not to mention this man has cheated on her several times, MIL response a while back was she loves her dd more than she dislikes her sil.

My other SIL I have never met because FIL & MIL, got into a huge argument with her many years ago, over her husband as well. Starting to see a pattern yet? I do want to tell her if she shows back up to my house, that she should be ashamed for trying to break up the family of three children. I am also going to tell her that , she will not come between me and dh. I probably could have eventually let go of the first incident, but her showing up here, was the straw that broke the camel's back. There is a rift there, now that in my opinion can't be fixed.

**How seldom we weigh our neighbors in the same balance as ourselves. ~Thomas à Kempis**