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What next? How to cope with BM antics?!?!

Wish2Bdramafree's picture

The most annoying part of playing Stepmom has been, as I'm sure it is for many of you, dealing with BioMosnter. The latest in her scheme was to tell SO that I am "not to touch her son" and then she got caught posting a pic of her new bf of one week (we'll see how long it takes her to find a new one) holding SS. She's also been playing power games like telling SO "you can only see my son in my company" and running all over town saying "he doesn't pay child support" ( he pays above and beyond and has shared custody).

HOW DO YOU STAY SANE?!?! I don't let things get to me too often, but you'd think at one point she would grow a brain and make this as easy on "her son" as she can. How do I look past her idiocy and move on with my previously normal life?

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I let the BMs in my situation say whatever they like. I don't call them out about their lies and I don't engage their drama. I ignore their imput and continue on as if they never said a word.

Then when they ask for something, I let them spew and spew their threats, etc. I copy and paste their whole email and reply with a simple "No."

BM3 originally tried to say DH couldn't have SD around me until
she met me and approved it. I gave her a call and let er know that I would be glad to meet her, because as a mom I understand havin a hard time wih your child being raised by someone else, and that whether she approved or not, DH had shared custody and would have the child half the time. And that if she didn't adhere to the court order, DH would file for custody and he would get it.

She also tried to dictate what music SD listened to when DH picked her up. She wanted to come to my house and see where I lived and where SD would be staying. Unfortunately she had bad mouthed me prior to meeting me, so she wasn't allowed to come to my house until we moved into a new house, at which point I
actually invited her. It didn't take long of saying "that isn't going to happen" and refusing to argue with her for her to realize she has no control over what happens here and won't have any access to SD while she's here, and won't get any cooperation or understanding if she acts like a pill. She's changed her tune since then.