Oh I could just cry!! That lying ^%#&*!! (looooong one)
So our BM lives about 1.5 hours away, and we have been -slowly-planning to move up there for a bit now. It's a pretty ritzy little town and a considerable drive to/from our (DH and I) employers, so we have been saving and planning for quite some time. Our plan is to save up, get a place on SS9 bus route so we can have him 3 days and BM can have him 4 days a week and we would alternate. This would (in our state) drastically lower if not negate the need for child support, as each parent would be responsible for SS 1/2 the time. Or as damn near close as possile. It would also be beneficial because we miss a lot of his parent/teacher conferences, all of his sport stuff, help w/school stuff, etc. All the stuff we've been missing because we're so far awawy...well, we're almost there!!
So yesterday, we're over there looking at some properties on the market. We decided to go to the local pizza shop and we run into an old friend of DH. She turns and smiles at first, realizes who it is and sneers at him. "Get away from me. You're an @hole for what you've done to BM and SS! I don't even want to look at you!" So after a few minutes of DH trying to control his temper and this girl realizing taht maybe what she heard wasnt' true, we invite her to sit down w/us and we hear a story so twisted and f'ed up that if I had known her better, I'd have burst into tears...
The real story, as I have heard it explained by DH and BM is that things between them were going sour quickly, and they had separated. They decided they needed to do something about SS2 (at the time) because it wasn't fair to him to see them fight, etc. So they separate and in the meantime, BM gets into a horrendous accident that leaves her in a wheelchair. We already knew she'd neglected to tell her family that the engagement was off, or that they'd separated, so she lied to them. She was embarassed. (rolls eyes) We also knew that she had told her family that DH left her when he realized she'd never walk/have kids again. Awful thing to do, but people mess up, and in crisis sometimes people take the easier way out, than telling the whole truth. It has taken a lot of time/patience, but I have come to accept the fact that BM can be great, but if it ever comes to her looking badly, she will throw whomever is closest under the bus -including SS...
Well! Needless to say, in a small town, news travels fast and the story DHs high school friend got was that they had set a date for their wedding, BM was on her way to pick up her wedding dress, and got into the accident. (wtf??) Supposedly DH never went to see her in the hospital (not true, he even visited her after they called it quits) and just left for FL w/out saying goodbye or seeing SS. Come to find out, that's what most people in this lil town think! I thought I was being paranoid thinking people were giving me dirty looks...how weird it was that we were the only ones that got tickets for parking in certain places, when there was a line of cars
This lady told us that rumors have been flying around town about DH and I trying to take SS away from BM, about how after 5 years, DH is back from FL w/me and wants to be part of SS life now...nothing about all the time/effort/sacrifices/work we've done, the horrible things she's done to us (of course), how it was like pulling teeth to get BM to LET us see him...I'm so angry I could scream!! I hate small town antics like this. Her father was on the force, and being in the wheelchair, she's like the towns golden child! They have no idea what the real story is and how horrible she's been to us. I can't believe she would do this. I knew she was messed up, but not this badly...
How are we ever going to do this w/SS when the whole little stupid town is against us? I know I shouldn't care what other people think, but we're talking about literally, the whole town, here...I am at a loss for what to do. All the work and sacrifices we've made to make this work, and all along she's going behind our backs and making us (both) out to be terrible people. I thought we were making progress!!
- MrsDoom's blog
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Well...firstly, I guess my
I guess my first comment is more of a question. Is it really necessary to move to the same exact town that BB lives in? Is there no other town nearby? Remember that even with joint physical custody in some states, the parent that makes more money will still have to pay support to the other, so it doesn't necessarily mean that you won't be paying CS anymore. Also, it seems like you are doing quite a bit of bending over backwards to make this move and you've got a lot of reservations about it...again, have you looked into other nearby towns to live in?
If this is definitely the final decision, I guess my advice would be to just ignore those people. They don't know what's going on and they have no bearing on who you are or what your family is really like. And even in small towns, there are people that are more open-minded and who will accept you on way or another. As for those who do not, that's their loss. BB in my case married the deacon of a big Baptist church in my town. Many of the church members are my neighbors and some are close with BB and her DH. She used their homes to spy on SS when he was at out house and had some of them watching us when we'd be outside at the pool or just playing in the backyard. It wasn't paranoia--she admitted it. Well, we are now separated and EX recently moved out but I stayed put. i still see these people and now instead of feeling annoyed or insecure, I just smile and wave. They don't know me, and if they are friends with BB, I don't want to know them. My daughter is happy where we are and I won't move her because of them. Had I known before we moved to this place that we'd be the subject of so much scrutiny, I might've made another choice, but...we're here now, so I make the best of it.
Good luck!
It's not the same town as her exactly. There are so many lil towns up there that we'd be about 20 minutes from her home and 15-or so from her town. They border eachother...The school system takes like, 5-6 of these lil towns and they all go to the same school, so everyone knows everyone in the smaller towns.
And you're right. I shouldn't be feeling annoyed or insecure...I guess the whole point I was trying to make was I feel so betrayed... Here I was thinking we were making all the progress, and how things between BM and DH were better than they ever had been (not perfect and never will be, but tolerable!). I was thinking I could start trusting this woman and it's really the polar opposite!
At the risk of sounding juevenile, my feelings were really hurt. She doesn't care what we've been through, how much we sacrafice, all the things WE go w/out so we can make her and SS happy...and all the while she's acting as if WE'RE the ones causing all the problems, and making no effort in regards to SS.
And no, it's not a definate that we'll move up there. Especially after all that. Yes, it would be a huge strain on us, and it would be hard for a while, but the benefits out weigh all other things, I think. But after my experience last night, I wonder if the monetary strain, the distance strain, etc. in addition to all the crap we'll have to put up w/people up there...I dont' know if it's worth it now. Is that terrible? It feels terrible...
Sounds to me like
people in that town like to gossip. I'm sure if you tell enough of them what REALLY happened, that it will only add to the gossip and change the story up a bit. Eventually, people will be like, "We don't know what the hell happened with those 2! We've heard so many stories!"
People honestly need to get a life.......
It is NOT terrible. You can
It is NOT terrible. You can only do so much before your sanity goes out the window. I always say that we are no good to anyone else if we are not good to ourselves. Putting yourself in financial, emotional, and social strain is a very good reason to sit back and reconsider. Of course, DH will have to be on the same page as you are...I know that my EX was willing to put up with anything for his son when I was thinking that enough was enough.
I also know the betrayal feeling. You try so hard and sacrifice so much and then the BB just turns around and screws you regardless. BTDT. This is a great place to vent about all of those things...even though I am separated from EX, I am still involved because I can't say no to him when he needs help in battling BB!!
I do think that, Vickie
I really do. SS says that kids tell him things that he 'knows aren't true' and then clams up when you ask him to elaborate. I never push him if he doesn't want to get into it, but I know he's heard a billion different things between BMs family/friends and the kids at school. He said to me after a few months of us meeting for the first time that I 'was a lot nicer than he thought I'd be'. I asked him what he meant and he just did the clam up thing (which I believe to be his internal fight as to who his alliances are to) and said "I just thought stepmoms were mean..." Who knows, maybe it's a fairy tale mentality, lol.
I just don't think I could live up there w/all of that chaos all the time. I don't know that it would be worth it to get new jobs, move from where we are, uproot are whole lives, basically, to be w/SS. To be able to be with him more often ALMOST makes it seem like everything else doesn't matter, but after the events yesterday, I don't think it's worth it and it f'n infuriates me that SS is going to think that I broke a promise when it's BM!
I try so hard, DH and I both do, and I feel like no matter what we will never win against this woman. And you know what? I don't blame all of the people up there. If I watched the Fire Chiefs daughter grow up, have a baby and knew she was planning to get married, and all of a sudden, she got into a horrendous accident and wasn't able to walk, and suddenly the father wasn't in the picture anymore... regardless of the circumstances, I would def. look down upon the father of the child for not sticking around. Especially since so many details are left out...I just wish I could smack some sense into this woman. She is making it so we cant' be there, look terrible for not being there, and making herself out to be the victum to everyone else! I dont' understand...maybe I'm just too naive...
I'm sorry but I really have
I'm sorry but I really have to roll my eyes. Yes, what happened to BM is a tragedy, but these "townsfolk" need to STFU and worry about their own lives for crying out loud. It's like Walnut Grove when everyone thought Albert fathered Sylvia's baby and no one was allowed to hang out with him anymore. I mean, why does anyone even care?
Sounds like considering another town might be your best bet....
You are too funny Krissy ...
You are too funny Krissy ... I remember taht episode too ... are we dating ourselves?
~ Katrina
Vicki … good thought. I
Vicki … good thought. I wonder what the other kids think, or maybe even say to SS.
I don’t know that I’d worry about NOT moving there, but just to be prepared to deal with the repercussions. If it were me and someone gave me a dirty look, and I figured I knew why … in your situation … I’d walk right up to them and tell them not to believe everything they hear, there are two sides to every story, if you want to know the truth, I’ll be happy to share it with ya!
What about moving in between work and his school? In Washington if one parent lives in another county it doesn’t matter, so long as they are willing to transport the child and it doesn’t cause the child to be late or miss more school.
Maybe DH needs to confront her about all this? Has he even talked to her about what her family thinks? If he were my DH I’d be saying you need to tell BM what he experienced at the pizza joint and what was said. Also, maybe let BM know that SS is already suffering the repercussions of her lies, and what’s going go happen if she doesn’t correct them, is that it’s only going to get worse for SS.
~ Katrina
He's tried, Mocha
He's tried to speak w/BM about all the stuff that happened between them and she just blows it off. "I've let go of the past, you should too..." Or she -literally- just gets hysterical. According to DH, she only told her family/friends (by friends, I mean maybe 2...not a social woman) that he broke up w/her after the accident. Nothing about them not being engaged for however long, not about the problems they were having...DH says it was her family (sisters, mostly) that caused all the rumors and stuff.
But you have to think, these people don't care what the story or details are. They're very old fashioned and believe he shouldn't have left. Period. These people believe that because he was w/her for so long and they had a child together, regardless of all the problems they were having, he should have stayed w/her because she was the mother of his child, and because it was his responsibility to take care of her if anything should happen.
And I said "So even though you guys were miserable together, you should have given up on ever finding love/companionship because you had a child w/someone you're not interested in spending the rest of your life with??" And he said "Yea, they really believe that..." I just don't get people like that...
DH even lost his best friend over this...and his friend even knew how controlling and manipulative she was. He was constantly telling him to break up w/her and that he needed to just leav her, etc. Then the accident happened and he completely changed his tune! They haven't spoken for YEARS because of this...and guess what? This guy and BM are really good friends...these people are so f'ed....seriously
Sorry, Kind of a tangent there
I just have so much to talk about, I guess, lol.
And DH knows her mom (SS grandma) knows the real truth, but she doesn't care. They really believe he should have stuck around because it was such a bad accident. *shrug* Each to their own, I s'pose.
We feel like because SS has so many bad habits learned @ BMs house, the only way we're going to have an impact is to be w/him more often. Seeing him only 4 or so days a month doesn't effect his day-to-day life. It just makes him more well behaved at our house. Which is great! But he should be well behaved all the time.
And the more I get to know BMs family (she lives w/her mother and younger sister) I realize that even though she's hard to deal with, they're worse. BM will tell SS 'no' (for a toy, going to a friends house, etc.), and her mom/sister will do just the opposite and let him have/do it because 'it shuts him up'. Or, BM will tell SS he can't ahve something and they will turn around and buy it for him. I'm thinking maybe we should all sit down and discuss it?
I dont' want to over step my boundaries, and I don't want to insult them by making them feel like we hate their 'parenting' abilities, (even though we do...) but SS already has a lot of bad habits, and I don't see it getting any better w/out intervening. Any ideas?
I know that feeling, about
I know that feeling, about bad habits, and needing more time to instill good morals etc. We are in the same boat, but we can't get more time ... tried, and tried, and tried.
Unfortunately, as our mediator told us, we can't control what they do in their home ... we can only control what happens in our home, set the examples, and rules, follow them, and hope that as SS gets older he will realize that your way is the better way, more respectful way, etc.
Also, keep in mind ... your SS will eventually want to live with his daddy ... it happens all the time. So, I guess there are no boundries to step over because you and DH probably communicate about what needs to go on in your home and that's the only way you can help SS.
As for the move .. if you can stomach it ... do it ... we've tried to move too, but BB messed up DH's credit so badly that there's nothing we can do - even rent anything different unless it's from our landlord.
~ Katrina
Haa - I don't think SS will ever wanna live w/DH...
SS is the only male in BMs household and takes his responsibility as 'man of the house' very seriously...and BM would stop at NOTHING to get him to stay w/her. We already see it. When he asks for more time w/us, she guilt trips him, etc. So, maybe some day when he's old enough to recognize what she's doing, but that seems like lightyears away...then again the past 3 years have flown, so I'm sure it'll come quicker than I think.
And our mediator told us the same thing, and she said most likely, there will always be that things going on in both households that the other doesn't agree with, but it's not of our concern as long as the child isn't being abused/neglected...so frustrating!
No, he's not being abused/neglected, but he never finishes anything he starts! Baseball, gymnastics, after school programs, I mean, as soon as this kid is hit w/a challenge, he gives up! That's a nasty habit to have...and no offense to his mom, but she was raised by the same people raising SS and when she was faced w/a challenge (rehabilitation after the accident) as soon as she went out pat, she stopped going, 'cuz it was too hard'. She'd have such a more productive life, but she just gave up. Now I see that same thing happening to SS and it's driving me bonkers...
Okay, I'm going to dole out
Okay, I'm going to dole out some tough love here. Look, this woman is paralyzed, yes? She's confined to a wheelchair for life? That's a lot more than simply being "faced with a challenge". That's a life-altering disaster to learn to overcome. Yes, she needs to step it up as a mom and put her son's interest first, and if that means going to rehab to set a good example and doing her best to fully enjoy the most the her body can offer her now, she should do it. But...it's hard to judge when not in those shoes, no?
I also am trying to look at this from the other side. So, Dh was involved with this woman, they were engaged...she had his child...they decided to call it quits, okay, good for them if it wasn't working. Then the accident happens...no, he's not responsible to dedicate his life to her, but how did he end up 1.5 hours away, leaving the child in her/her family's care? I'm not pointing fingers...we all do what we do, and what we are capable of at the time. And it doesn't amtter now anyway. BUT...since you are considering moving there and find it difficult to understand why people are upset at DH, maybe looking at it from another perspective will help you to understand it.
It seems that being close to SS is the best thing. If that means dealing with some BS, then deal with it. It seems like proving that you are not bad people is important to you--so do it. Prove to all of them that you are looking out for SS's best interest today and for every day from now on. Create a life and an example that will change all of their minds....
No, tough love is always welcome
People wouldn't use tough love if they didn't care, so thank you.
And you're right, from an outsiders standpoint, he looks awfully guilty. What had happened was when she told her family he left her @ the hospital, they hated him. And like I said, if I was under the impression that my daughter was engaged and living w/this guy and she got into a bad accident and told me her fiancee was leaving her, I'd hate him too...but they were separated at the time, BM would pick up SS from day care on the way home from work, and DH would get home later at night. Because of the accident, it was easier for DH and BM for the grandparents to take him for the days/nights because DH worked crazy hours.
Because of what she told them, they wouldn't allow him to see SS. He didn't have the $$ to take them to court, and was already loosing friends, etc. left and right over this that he figured if he did take her to court, it would just be more chaos. So he moved to the city and visited when she would let him/when his work schedule allowed it. Needless to say, they both could have done things better. And still could (on both sides!) to date...
And you're absolutely right. I absolutely want to prove we're not terrible people. I don't think DH is a saint, and I don't believe that Bm is completely rotten, I just think there's so much bad blood between them that it's making the whole situation complicated...I feel like that's where I come in. I feel like there's a missing piece and if I just find it...I can fix it. Maybe the answer is moving up there and showing people that we're not evil and all we care about is SS. In talking to DH, he said he doesn't even care what people think, as long as he can be w/his boy...I thought that was awesome.
And you're right, it wasn't fair of me to say that about BM. I'm not her, I didn't go through what she had to, and hopefully I never will. It wasn't fair of me to judge what happened. Sometimes I just get so full of "negative energy", if you will I just start with the 'word vomit'. *sigh*
Girl, I am SO not judging
Girl, I am SO not judging you, or telling you how to feel. I have said some terrible things about BB that even she probably didn't deserve!! My past is full of things I did that, now with some hindsight, I look back on and definitely would change. But, there's no point in dwelling on that. Also, this is THE place to vent about the bullshit no matter how it sounds!
My point was just to paint the situation for how I see it. Sometimes we get caught in our own view and things don't make sense. You need to do what it takes to give you the comfort and peace you crave and it seems that DH is on that page with you. You're VERY lucky in that regard!!
Oh, I don't feel judged
I just wanted to make clear that DH hadn't just abandoned SS and I was bitching because of the repercussions. I feel bad for the man, but I do try to look at both sides and know he wasn't always in the right. And yes, hindsight is 20/20...
And sometimes just saying something mean/immature is needed to get it out. Maybe it's not warranted, and mabye the other person involved doesn't derserve it, but sometimes it just feels good to bitch, lol.
I wish DH was a little more involved w/SS and his day-to-day stuff, but he's been 'out of the picture' for so long, he almost feels like SS is a stranger to him...we're working on that though.
And I've noticed some pretty steady improvement on both sides (or, all sides, really...) but some days it seems like all the work and stuff just isn't helping and we'll be perpetually in this mess forever. Maybe we will, but I think getting up there would be best. And there are so many towns on SS bus route that I think we could still be there for him and with him, but at the same time, far enough away from the small town antics that if we do come across a problem, we just hold our heads high and take comfort in knowing that despite what others think, we KNOW we're doing the right thing NOW and that's that. The past can't be changed, and I think we all have things that we wish we could 'take back' or 'do over'. *deep breath* God! I feel so much better. It's so nice to have someone/people to talk to.