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Nymh's picture

BF said that our only problem right now is that we're not married. Even though they were separated for so long, because they've only been divorced for about a year it would be considered "inappropriate" for SS to cohabitate with BF and I in the same home. The lawyer told him that if he does get more custody, and we aren't married then either BF may have to spend the night elsewhere with SS or I may have to leave and sleep elsewhere. Spending time during the day together would be fine, just not while sleeping. They said that if we've already established that BF sleeps either in a different bedroom than me, or with SS, that *might* work. BF and I are currently looking up other legally binding civil circumstances that might be recognized by the state and make it OK, but so far all I've found was about 6000 sites on gay marriage. Nothing against homosexuals, but seriously...can't heterosexual couples have a legally binding relationship that isn't marriage anymore?

They said that with his living arrangements legally changing, the court will *want* to give him more time with his son and for him to pay less support. But, again, the only problem is the marriage situation. With the visitation schedule being up for modification, that also means that BM can submit modifications, and she may push for no overnight visitors or other things that would make things harder on us.

They also said that no judge will say that BM is entitled to call SS dozens of times a day, at all hours of the night, or keep him on the phone for hours at a time while he's with us. When we modify the plan I want it put in there that SS can call BM once a day (or twice at most) if he WANTS to but does not HAVE to, and that she is not to call under any circumstances unless in case of emergency, and it had better be an actual emergency and not "you didn't call me this morning" or "tell me what's in their closets" because if it is we're taking her to court...

They said that while it is technically neglect, unless SS is being abused it will be really hard to get them to give us primary custody. We would probably have to spend a lot of time and money, get SS into counseling and have the counselor testify that he's being mentally abused, establish a stable relationship with him, maybe even have a psych eval ordered on BM or have DCS visit the house. However, even if they do find signs of neglect, it will be hard to get them to give us primary custody because to the state BF does not have a "fatherhood" relationship with SS yet due to being so fresh with visitation and not having overnight visits. The attorney told BF that his first assignment in establishing "fatherhood" is to go to SS's school and have a parent-teacher conference, and find out how he's doing, what he's like in school, if he's withdrawn, social, talkative, quiet, a bully, picked on, etc. Also, that's where the stable environment and relationship comes in. Apparently it's very hard to prove that being a child's mother doesn't automatically make you fit for the role...but I guess I can also understand that they don't want to just dump a kid on this guy who has no idea what it means to be a father either. I just don't think it should be so difficult! BM gets primary custody just on the fact that she's the BM and with no regards to how emotionally stable or how healthy an environment she can provide to SS. Personally if I worked for the state and I heard half of our story I would do whatever I could to ensure that that child is properly taken care of!

Though on that point, I think that BF's mother said it best. If BM spends so much time emailing me and BF and calling us to gripe, calling her attorney, following us around town, emailing all of my friends and asking questions about me and could she possibly have time to take care of her son? And BF said it really well (if not better) too. If BM can't wash her dishes, pick up trash out of the floor, buy groceries, vacuum, mop, clean the bathroom, cook, do is she capable of raising a child?


Anne 8102's picture

Any plans to marry in the near future?! I know, none of my beeswax...! One would think, though, that being common law spouses or even engaged would nix the "no overnight guests" thing. I mean, most judges aren't going to rule on how you conduct your romantic life.

I think he got some very sound advice. You might not be able to get SS now, but you can begin now to do the things you must do to lay the foundation to get him later on. Doing the doctor and school appointments was wonderful advice. Anything that he can do would be a plus... get him involved in the Boy Scouts, for example, and Dad can help him with that. Scouting was really good for my husband and son when they first started building their relationship together. And, of course, you already know to keep documenting.

~ Anne ~

OldTimer's picture

at least this will set the course for you. And I thought the same thing Anne did! lol.... but at the same time, ONLY if you feel it's the right time. Soo many people just jump through that hoop before they realize what it really means to be married. Hince, the divorce %rates keeping going up...

Sports are also good too... if your b/f knows a thing or two about a sport that SS is interested in, that's a good avenue too. Heck, he doesn't even have to know, just go to the library and get some coaching books! lol. I'm sure things will work out great. Just be presistent and positive.

OldTimer's picture

Now I am not advocating this... just rambling on, but I think this is the exact reason that my uncle married my [step]aunt... my uncle was having custody issues with my cousin's mom. My "aunt" was abusing her prescription drugs, doing the very same things that I read on this site and they were having a horrible time with custody issues too. Anyway, attorney said the same thing to them, and guess what... they headed to Nevada and got married. (However, they are still married today... I think it's been like 14 years or something like that...) Solved that issue. LOL.

I was thinking about this, and you know... maybe that's why the divorce rate is so high! lol...

Nymh's picture

I don't want to be just another statistic, just another divorced couple. I don't want to get married because of the custody issue. I want to get married when we're ready and know it's going to last. It just sucks that they'd rather leave the child with an unstable, psychotic mother who neglects the child and lives in a pigsty, than with a father who lives with his girlfriend and has a very clean, supportive, and loving lifestyle.. If I had to pick the lesser of two evils, I'd go with the father.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Anonymous's picture

That law regarding cohabitation is absolutely archaic. I thought states didn't have these laws on the books any longer, so out of curiousity I googled it and came across this article which may be of interest to you.

You might want to look up your state specific statute regarding cohabitation to see if the law gives any concessions to perhaps common law marriage or "engagement" for example.

Regarding the phone call issue, I don't think that you can restrict childrens rights in a parenting plan. What you can do is place boundaries on BM's phone access to the child. In your case I would limit the calls to once a day for no longer than 15 minutes. Considering the lengthy phone calls she makes to SS I think a judge would allow a time limit.

Good Luck!

still_looking's picture

If custody was truly decided on the BEST interest of the child the court system would have no other way to make money. This is a business for them, look at how expensive it is between Attorney Fees, Psychological Evaluations, Guardian Ad Litems, all to show that the child would be better off with you. The court system loves parents like us who unfortunately truly do care about the well being of our children (including our mates child) because loving him or her you love thier child.

"Be there for the joy. Be there for the tears. Be there for each other."
(Step-Mom the Movie 1998)

meshel's picture

I have been married to my 2d husband for 2 years, I have 2kids, he has 2 kids, and now we have baby together.All of our children care& love one another, so we are blessed in that aspect.My husband got custody of his son this summer, so he now lives with us full time,and he is doing so much better with us. His EX absolutly hates me, from day one.She wishes death on my husband & I , and even our baby. She is an alcoholic, and has anger issues (alot),she is court ordered to get into thearapy, and is abusive to her current husband, even though he supports her. He's really no better.Now that we have gone to court several times, and she is not allowed to harrass us any more, we are still trying to move forward,& keep peace.EX has tried to keep this from happening,and still tries "stupid stunts", and says so many negative things, sometimes it's hard. She hates that my husband loves me, and our family is thriving,slowly but surely.Could use some New Years advice and suggestions. Meshel