Beyond fed up with BM!
Hello all, I just joined today. I don't know if I fit the traditional definition of a stepmother....I was already married to my husband and BM knew we had a couple kids already when she got pregnant, and I've never divorced my husband. But she insists that I am a stepmother and "need to act like one", meanwhile, anything to do with our own children she never wants to hear about!...she said she "resents" them.
The thing is, I really don't have any problems with SS. He's almost 5 yrs. old now and he has been classified as PDDNOS, but as far as my husband and I see, there are no problems as a result of that when he comes to visit. I say this because BM says he has frequent tantrums and "can't function" if his routine is changed, and several times she has said he can't have overnights on certain occasions or can't follow custody
schedule because it would disrupt things she's been "doing for years". I should probably mention that my husband didn't find out paternity until June of 2004, BM had gotten a test on another man first, and it took over two years before a test was done on my husband. But my point is that SS has never had a tantrum here, or acted out. He has fun with his half-siblings, they learn together, and he certainly seems well-adjusted to it and happy. But she told his doctors that she has to "reassure" him when he comes to visit. I really think that is baloney, or something she is twisting.
So it's not problems with the SS I need to vent's just her. This girl just drives me up the wall! What makes it especially hard is that I met her in middle school, and we became good friends (or so I had thought). We'd fight a lot sometimes, but I thought friends who are as close as sisters sometimes fight like I didn't think much of it. To fast forward through everything for now~ my husband cheated on me with her after we were married, I didn't find out until 2 years later, I was her labor coach when she had him (yes, strange is that, I watched and helped SS be born without knowing he was my husband's child!) and went to the preliminary hearings with her at the local DRS when she went for child support. I found out about the affair shortly after that, and asked if there was a chance he was my husband's. She said No (she'd told him that too when they talked secretly), and IF he was it was "less than a 1 % chance".
So my husband and I worked very hard on repairing our marriage, we'd mutually decided to stay together, because we realized that there was and is still love there despite the situation. She also got married a 2nd time (she also has an older daughter with her 1st husband, she was separated from him when she had the affair with my husband) and has another son with that father. About a year after she got married is when she went to DRS against my husband. He tried many times to talk to her about things, seeing SS, providing for him....she would rarely respond, and didn't want to deal with each other face-to-face. But she got the support order going.
But after paternity was established and support was ordered to be paid every month, she still avoided discussions about my husband being involved with and seeing their son. She'd bring him over occasionally (about once every 3 or 4 months) for no more than 2 hours or so, but that was always to discuss things/argue between the 3 of us over support and all. Then she said that "if" my husband wanted to spend time with SS, then he should go over to her house, she wasn't going to bring him by here anymore. She'd moved further away before paternity was established, and we lost our vehicle...he's since had his license suspended because of the support, our family just can't afford that much in support. Her mom bought her a car, and she commutes between towns all the time. Not only is it hard for my husband to get to where she is, but we've been advised for him not to spend any time alone with her if he can avoid it...that's what our marriage therapy says. But she and her husband acted like I am being "paranoid" that my husband will cheat with her again, and that it's "stupid" for us to not want my husband spending time at her house. That's not even the reason my husband and I both feel he shouldn't go there alone.
What's bothering me most right now is just her utter hypocrisy! My husband got a custody order set in Sep. of 2005. It states for legal custody and 2 days a week that may be overnights, plus rotating holidays. But this whole time since the order, he's spent one month where he was here maybe 5 days out of the month. Some months he never came at all, every other month was once, maybe twice. He's only had an overnight twice, otherwise he is only here when BM is working, for about 9 hours. This Thanksgiving was the very first holiday he was here, before that he missed about 6 holidays of the order. Even then she said she would NOT follow order for Thanksgiving either...SS was supposed to be here 4pm Wednesday to 12 pm Friday, she said she was picking him up Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) at 7, the reason being that she wanted him to visit with her mother over the weekend. Before that she was saying he could only stay until 3! My husband told her that dinner wouldn't be done by then, it was only after much bickering that she "offered" to let SS stay until 7 ( offer being her word). It didn't matter what the order said, she told my husband to "take it or leave it", otherwise he wouldn't come at all!
But as much as she doesn't want to follow custody, she takes action to get my husband in contempt over support. He pays what we can, but for her and the courts it is not enough. Last year my husband did go to jail...he wasn't here for my birthday or our 2 year old's, he almost wasn't here for Christmas. And she always continues to give us a hard time over support money, but she gets away with going against custody order! She doesn't discuss things about SS with my husband, never lets him be involved in anything. When she mentioned about his baptism once, she said she had a Godmother picked out for of her friends who also almost slept with my husband! When he said he didn't agree with her being the Godmother, she told my husband that "it was decided before you wanted to start 'playing Daddy', so butt out!". If it weren't for the money, I really don't think she would have anything to do with my husband anymore. But I don't think it's right that she uses SS to get money (and she yelled at me once in my house that the money comes to her, so she'll do whatever she wants with it and doesn't have to spend a dime of it on SS!), but she doesn't want to deal with my husband or me when it comes to anything else with SS. This is why I have such frustration.......
- sosmomof6's blog
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sosmomof6 you have EVERY
sosmomof6 you have EVERY RIGHT to be frustrated with her games and WELCOME to the forum! You will LOVE it here! Many of us share your same problems (denied visitation, not allowing the father to be a father, money hungry biomoms who care more about a check then they do about fostering a relationship b/w their child and the other parent, etc, etc.) so we definitely sympathize with you! I would say that you can “threaten” her with contempt of court but if you guys are having a hard time paying child support then it is unlikely that you can afford an attorney right now…I wonder if legal aid gets involved in such cases…I’m not certain but if they do, maybe you could get legal aid or even have an attorney “friend of the family” send her a nasty letter stating that if she keeps denying visitation then she’ll find herself in court on contempt…also DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, every missed visit and other negative exchanges….also it would be good if you guys communicate with her via e-mail (instead of face-to-face or via telephone) or certified mail so you can have “proof” that she is denying visitation. Also, if she cannot respect you in your house then don’t let her past the threshold!
Make a GREAT Day!
I wish they would....
Thank you Nise for the's good to have a place where other people understand. There's no talking to her, she'd just bite my head off! E-mail is really the only way BM communicates with my husband over everything, and yes, there's plenty of nasty emails where she denies visits or uses excuses why he "can't" visit. We have been working with a pro-bono agency, but they usually try to get the parent to represent themselves because they only have specialized attorneys come in on an infrequent basis. Unfortunately we get what we pay for!
There is proof that she's been in contempt, and she has been threatened, but before my husband could have the hearing for it, she made sure to have him put in contempt again over the support first. That was also when I gave birth to our son, so he couldn't attend the hearings...they dismissed the contempt of custody and put another warrant on him for the support. She knows that he can't go to the courts right now, that's why she denies regular visitation...she knows she "holds the cards" right now. But pro-bono can't help with support issues, they say they don't deal with that....and DRS seems to not care about this household or what these children deserve (at least in this state). It really stresses me out!
Yep, it sucks, doesn't it? We were doing fine and expecting our first child together, but when BM found out about my pregnancy, she suddenly decided she needed more support and sued my hubby. I actually had a judge tell me that my children didn't matter, the first kids came first. Nice! I told the judge, "Well, you may as well take him and lock him up now because we don't have any more money and we can't get any more money and she won't get a dime if he's locked up in jail and not working at his job." After that, the CS amount was set to the state guidelines and she had to give up the extra $500/month she wanted on top of the $800/month we were already paying. We came out okay with that, except that my entire pregnancy was ruined what with fights with her, trying to pay a lawyer and going back and forth to court. So you are in good company here, we've been there and done that.
If you have an order for visitation, then you must request that visitation every single time you are supposed to get it and then some. Document when she turns you down, but also call your magistrate to see if you can file a complaint. If you do take her back to court for contempt on the custody issue and win, then she could be ordered to pay your legal fees.
~ Anne ~
Hello Anne
Yes, it does sure suck when the judges don't look at the effects everything has. And whoever says our "children don't matter", whether they came first or not, is a sadist. I've heard that too, the BM said it when she was over here in the past, right within my children's earshot. I never gave her the opportunity to say stuff like that around us after that. Whats get me most about support for BM is that it's not even about the fact that half of our kids were born before SS, but that she earns more than double the income this family gets...and that's just her income; there's also support from first husband, support/shared income with her current husband, her stepfather lives with her and works and she gets SSI for SS. So all told, she already has over 2 grand a month to raise 3 kids with before my husband's support goes to her, his ordered support is now $233 (it used to be more) for SS, but DRS calculated 5 children for us at $515 a month....??? I do not understand where that judge was coming from. And no pregnant woman should have to deal with the drama, so hugs to you, Anne
As for filing with the magistrate, my husband tried that and was practically ushered out. The police said they don't deal with that stuff. My husband showed him the court order and the cop said they can't do anything "before the fact". My husband told him he had proof that BM was already denying visitation ahead of time, and that he'd already missed several visits to order "after the fact", but the cop wouldn't do anything. I have heard that this area is very biased when it comes to father's rights...once BM filed with DRS she was "golden" and that's basically all they care about. We have yet to find anyone to really help with this stuff. My concern with hiring an attorney and trying to get her ordered to pay the legal fees is that we just don't have the money to cover it up front, and I don't know what we'd do if she wasn't ordered to pay. Thanks for the suggestion though, it couldn't hurt to look into it
This is a very interesting situation indeed! This woman is a true gold digger.
If it were me, I'd be having the laywer agency that you're going through write her a letter every single time that she pulls her crap on your visitations. Keep good documentation of everything just in case you can use it sometime in the future. I really understand the money situation, because trust me we'd be taking psycho BM to court in a heartbeat if it weren't for money.
Also, I know where you're coming from with BM claiming that SS has all of these problems and throws fits. Apparently it only happens around her because he's an angel when he's here. She claims he has nightmares and goes home crying, cries himself to sleep, backtalks, disrespects, doesn't do homework, "forgets" things...of course she explains this behavior by saying that he doesn't feel he can connect with his father since I'm around, he needs a real father figure in his life, blah blah...
But at any rate, welcome to the forum! Keep us posted!
*~So sayeth Nymh~*