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Reposting….hoping to gain some CLARITY!

Nise's picture

The information below is a repost of what brought me to this site in the first place…now the time is coming around again for my daughter a’s birthday and I’m feeling all the same feelings that I did when I came looking for help/advice…I never got a reply to the post below so I’m hoping that someone can give me their honest perspective on the issue…also, I’m debating how I want to handle the whole birthday issue being that daughter a’s birthday is coming up in a month....(I’m a planner :O} ) and I want to start to finalize some plans…THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!! Sorry this is so loooonnnnnnnngggggg....

Submitted by Nise on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 1:37pm

I have what appears to me to be a very unique situation. My husband has two girls (5 & 6) by two different women. The mother of the five year old (Biomom A) and he were in a relationship and while they were broken up (for about two months) he met and very briefly dated the mother of the 6 year old (Biomom B). He and Biomom A reconciled and 5 months after the reconciliation Biomom B told him she was 6 months pregnant. Biomom A accepted the child and she and my husband stayed together. Shortly thereafter (about 4 months to be exact) she got pregnant (she and my husband had been together for 2.5 years prior to the break-up, the pill was their preferred means of birth control and she’d never gotten pregnant prior to finding out he had a child on the way).
When we got together the girls were 2 & 3. At that time the biomoms “united” (as in going places together without the girls) and were in my opinion hell bent on splitting us apart. We were married three years later (neither daughter was allowed to attend our wedding) and now the biomoms no longer speak to one another.
He is a wonderful father and we have the girls Tuesday’s after school and every other weekend per the visitation agreement. He loves his children and plays an active role in their lives and supports them financially and emotionally….(field trips, going to the school for discipline, homework, etc…). In my opinion he treats both girls the same. Biomom A sees otherwise. She says that the daughter of Biomom B is his “favorite” and that “her daughter is her number one priority” and she is not going to allow her to be treated unfairly. He tries to explain to her that both girls are his number one priority, not just one, and he has to take both of them into consideration (which to me should be OBVIOUS!)
Biomom A’s latest complaint is this….last year biomom a had “daughter a” a birthday party at her house. She invited my husband and I, his sisters and their children. Since we had already celebrated her birthday as a “party” we decided it would be neat to do something special and took both daughters and their female cousin to see Disney Princesses on Ice (which they LOVED!) as a birthday surprise.
On the other hand….Biomom b NEVER tells my husband about the parties she has for daughter b and never invites him nor his family. So for the last two years we’ve had “daughter b” a party so that her grandmother, aunts, cousins, etc. on my husband’s side could celebrate her birthday with her just like we all did with daughter a. Well…biomom A called GOING BALLISTIC about how daughter b is the favorite, and we NEVER have “daughter a” a party but “daughter b” has had two parties (mind you daughter a hasn’t yet had a second birthday since daughter b has had her second party…) and it just went ON AND ON about how she wont allow my husband to mistreat her daughter b/c all he did for her birthday was took her to some Disney bull*** (mind you the tickets for those shows ARE NOT CHEAP, we bought five tickets and sat right on the ice, they ate snacks and got those light up toys to swing around so in all actually we spent more money in celebrating her birthday then on the party!! But more importantly than that THEY HAD FUN!!!) and that he’d better quit listening to me and playing favorites…It was my opinion that daughter a really lucked out b/c she got to have a celebration with BOTH sides of her family!! What do you think? Am I crazy or is she?!


happy's picture

I am on a roll today.
1st of all that is a very unique situation. You are a special person to deal with all that. Daughter A and B and Biomom A and B.. Crazy. Anyways.. I think that the mothers are the ones with the issues. IF these little girls are happy with there birthday's and everything then leave it the way it is. Mom A needs to butt out of it all. She is the mother but she cannot dictate to you or him what you all do with the kids. You guys did what you could and really its all jealousy with her with the things you all do. It is a bonus for the child if the party can be with both families.. Sounds like he messed around with some physchos.. Not you.. BUt them..

It kills me to read this stuff about the ex's that most of you have to deal with. I mean they are selfish and only think of themselves not the children themselves. Very sad for the children..

Allyceson's picture

I'm wondering what makes biomom A think she has any business knowing what you've done with daughter B? She has one daughter with your husband. Daughter A is the only daughter she has any business talking to him about- there shouldn't be a comparison between the two unless her daughter is having issues, which it doesn't sound like is the issue. You're not crazy- she just needs a reminder that having a child with your hubby does not give her total access to his life and relationships he has with other people, including his other kids. (I hope I kept the A's and B's straight!)

happy's picture

Nise.. You are absolutely right..

In all seriousness.. No child is the same whether they come from the same parents or not... We are all different..
The way you treat one kid may not be the way to treat the other.. You know....

Nise's picture

Thanks to you both…I know that we don’t treat them the same b/c they are different…one is very sensitive and the other much more assertive…also, given the fact that they are essentially being raised in two different ways by their moms, all we can do is all we can do in establishing the “norms” at our home for us as a family unit…they are both young 6 & 5 and don’t really have any memories of my husband without me in the picture so this is not too difficult to do…my “stance” this year is that we will have a party for SD5 at our home, on our time with our family and WILL NOT be attending anything that she has/does at her home…which will be a first b/c as I said, we’ve always celebrated together in the past…I may be being a little selfish but I’m tired of the yo-yo game…she has not “Emotional Intelligence” so when she goes flying off the handle she says and does a lot of things that I’m supposed to just forget about later and smile in her face…well that is not who I am…I either like you or I don’t, I’m not gonna be yo-yo’d back and forth just b/c someone pissed in her Cheerios and she’s having a bad day…

Make a GREAT Day!

goldenlife's picture

Hi Nise,

Mom "A" and Mom "B" need to "C" their way out!

Your DH must be just about perfect in every other way to for you to have even considered tackling this situation! I've read a lot of your other posts so I know he is an awesome man. I think of the story of your grandfather and your surprise party! So I understand why you would even attempt to try to make it work. And it sounds like you two are usually on the same page, which is the only way it will work. I tell my DH he better be perfect in every other area because of all the ex and SK drama I go through, he better not bring me any on his own. And he rarely does!

You sound like such a strong, positive, loving, well grounded and motivated person. If I were you, I would just trust my instincts when it comes to doing what is right for the girls in general, and their birthdays specifically. It isobvious that you love them and would never do anything to slight them.

Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that bioB***Hmoms will NEVER give us credit for the wonderful things we do, NEVER. So that takes the pressure off of trying to please them and to generally expect negative feedback. So, Nise...


Nise's picture

Thanks! I guess I just needed to hear that…to trust my instincts…b/c I do love them and my husband VERY MUCH! Yes he is such a blessing to me and loves me so strong that he is worth the head ache….it’s not a situation that he is/was at all proud of although he is a GREAT DAD (I wouldn’t be able to respect him as a man if he wasn’t)…he was 24/25 years old at the time and it is the #1 reason why he had his vasectomy….b/c he NEVER envisioned such a family dynamic for himself or his kids…nonetheless we live and we learn and it DEFINITELY settled him down so if it weren’t for things happening the way they did, I don’t think we would have ever ended up together…I think I’ll stick with my plan to have our own party and put an end to “joint” events….THANKS TO YOU ALL!!!

Make a GREAT Day!