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Another holiday come and gone

JEEMudder's picture

A big merry Christmas or Happy holidays to all of my fellow step-posters out there. I hope the New Year brings less stress and lots of love and happiness for all of you.

Now to unload. It has been awhile since my last post so to update... SD6 is still wearing diapers to bed, sucking her thumb, demanding things instead of using please and thank you (although it was a little better this time. She is getting older and maybe remembering more? Knockonwood!). On the upside, she has gone back to giving hugs and kisses instead of withholding affection, and she is frustrated with bio mom not letting her visit as often as she would like.

DH still has moments where he shows favoritism which I really don't think I will ever accept. It sometimes feels like a time bomb is sitting between us, and we don't know when it will go off, but it is inevitable. In my more optimistic moments I think, we just have to get over these next couple of hurdles and all will be well, but in moments like now, I am sure that hurdles are always going to be in the way.

This time, my pessimism is due to the following:

Last I posted, Dh was having issues with biomom because she threatened to call police on him over his request for an extra visit. Being the problem solver in our relationship, I sat and typed a note to biomom for him. Essentially I insisted the DH would be bringing SD6 to the store at the corner of her street for drop off and would pick her up there as well, thus avoiding any issues, as both parties would likely rather avoid a scene. Further, all communication between DH and biomom now takes place only via text and email. This solution was fabulous and there have been no out and out battles since (although the claws are never fully retracted if you know what I mean).

So yesterday DH decided that since the parking lot was full at the store he would bring SD6 to biomom's house... This wouldn't be such an issue if he hadn't had bd6 with him as well. A) DH didn't tell me he did this. BD told me. Dirol when I confronted DH, he lied, until I called him on his shit. I believe the parking lot being full is a lie too, honestly. Yesterday was Sunday. I think he was helping biomom because it was snowy and the fat cow didn't want to walk in it. C). If her fatness had decided to have another infamous meltdown, and called police randomly, my daughter would have been detained as well (biomom and sd6 live in another province, therefore had DH been arrested, BD would have likely been held by child services until I drive 9 hours with a 1 year old to retrieve her).

Thankfully there was no major issue, but I am so pissed at DH. Does he not remember all of the crap this woman has put him through?!?!


stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Happy Holidays to you as well !! I have to commend y'all for doing the 'low contact' way (communication via email as opposed to verbal phone calls, etc). That helped us out Tremendously with our nutty BM!!!! It truly takes alot of the bullcrap away, doesnt it!

As far as your DH "forgetting" just why that public exchange spot was put into place? Sadly he will be reminded of why again, when BM proves it to him again. She will go nutty again,sadly, and cause boatloads of drama-- just please remind him that if hes gonna have a lapse in judgement again- that he doesnt have a right to endanger others in the process. My naieve DH used to become brain dead as i would call it, and do her a 'favor' with the usual excuse of 'well, what if shes changed now'? Bwahahahaha. These crazy women dont 'change' They just try different angles of the same crap!!! Hopefully our men 'get it' before the shit hits the fence again by their crazy BMs!!!

Hang in there!!!