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How do I escape SD??ExSO is picking his stuff up tomorrow and brings her along!!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

After all she is the main reason for our breakup and he now wants to take her with him tomorrow when he gets the rest of his stuff.I don;t assume but KNOW that that brat will have her triumphing grin on her face again when SHE gets to leave with Dadddddddy and we stay behind, since this is what she always wanted and displayed whenever she got dada to do something she wants.Those with mini wifes here understand what I mean.Now, this is the plan: tomorrow morning before they arrive here, I will take everyone along and escape with them.My older son wanted to go with his friend to a local shopping centre and my homestay goes on an excursion, so I only have to take my little son and his friend .All I will do is to send ex so a quick text to explain to him we had to go out.He will be here at 8.30 and can do his stuff and when I am back at 9.30 sharp I will be doing teaching straight away so in case they are still here I don't have to look at her.I am sure that exSO will throw a bad big tantrum and will be disappointed that nobody wants to say officially goodbye to precious, but besides the fact that I really don't want to see her face, I know for sure that the boys don't care very much since she dobbed them in all the time etc.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

My worst thing would be if I burst into tears being upset about the break up and give her the satisfaction of so much power.

Disneyfan's picture

Don't return until he leaves. Have a neighbor call or text you when he drives away.

As far as your son's lessons, You can have those in the park, library... Or just skip them for today.

Just avoid being in the house while they are there.

secondplace's picture

Totally agree here! My ex SO took way more than we agreed upon because I wasn't there to watch what he was taking.

just.his.wife's picture

There is this nifty word in most languages:


If you wish to clarify further: she is not welcome in my home or on my property.

luchay's picture


You have no need to play nice and pretend about his brat anymore

So tell him no, your child is not allowed on ky property. Either make other arrangements for her or leave her in your car and leave your car on the street!!

Then have his stuff by the door ready to go.

And when you are done wash your hands of him in your mind, wipe yourself over, dust yourself off and move forward with your shiny new life. The world is your oyster and YOU are in control.

thinkthrice's picture

If possible, I'd get his new address or if you know one of his relative's addresses and just box up said crap and ship it off to them/him. (swiping hands in a done and done motion) It's probably WORTH the mailing expense!

LadyG's picture

Give him a warning that if she comes inside the house, you'll have her arrested for trespassing.

You start putting his stuff out on the lawn and then relock your house so no one gets in. If he starts raising a stink about things you're keeping, tell him that it's 50/50 split and that life sucks.

EdgeOfReason's picture

Bringing the SD along is highly inappropriate behavior.

Says a lot about him.

Jays13's picture

It''s your home is it not? You decide who gets to be there. Send a text that SD must stay in the car as she isn't welcome in your home. No negotiations. If you don't want to be there then ask a friend to supervise.

This is another opportunity for you to stand up for yourself; you're no longer their doormat.

proudstepmommy's picture


I wish I would have done that when my ExSO and I broke up about 4.5 years ago (before I met DH). It was a NASTY breakup (with ExSO). Long story short he broke up with me over text message. So I went straight to the bank... took MY money out of what was "our" account and opened a new one. Had the bank mgr destroy my old debit card etc. I then immediately went down to our apartment complex office and had him taken off the lease (with his permission)... once he was taken off the lease I had the locks changed without telling him. Man was he PISSED when he came by when I was at work to get his stuff. I said if he wanted to get his stuff he could, all he had to do was to go to the office and borrow their spare key, use it, then return it. I just wanted to know when he was there is all. I didn't want him coming and going as he pleased. He ended up leaving some of his stuff... to which I either sold or threw away.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

He turned up really early this morning and SD stormed inside- I actually had everyone ready to go out and escape, but still had to face SD:(( but I did well just ignoring her behaviour- she tried to be silly and draw everyone's attention- such a brat.EXSo was the one who cried not me thanks god!! What a day!!!

Cocoa's picture

when my dh and i first married things were REALLY bumpy. i had mil issues (big time momma's boy). we separated for awhile because of this. of course, dh would run to mommie with all our problems, but i remember her standing in my living room, telling me her and my dh were going to get an apartment together, that she and him were going to come into MY house and pack his stuff up and move him (come to find out my dh never had a convo with her about this). anyway, when he was planning on coming to get some of his things, i warned him to not bring that woman with him. if he did, he'd get a scene beyond his wildest imagination. he came alone. so, i guess when they want to bring the person who was instrumental in your breakup in YOUR home, all the rules are out. tell him if he brings his princess into YOUR home, he's going to wish to god he didn't. and, i'd make good on that promise if it happened. this is YOUR home, YOU have the final say of who comes in and out. you don't have a thing to lose now, do you? just don't do anything illegal.