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Anyone had to deal with a teenage step daughter with an Eating Disorder??


Not been here for a while –I hope you all had a peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all too.

SO daughter (16 ½ years old) is now in the throes of a serious eating disorder – she being weighed weekly by GP. She is losing 1 – 2 kilos weekly. She is 5 ft. 8 inch’s tall now weighs just under 7 stones with a BMI of 14!!! She hasn’t had a period for 8 months – she is becoming emaciated.

(This started when SO and I decided to move into together in April / May last year and my house went up for sale – house is not being sold now due to SO daughter moving in with him last June to stop us living together – it is now steadily getting out of control)

•Has anyone had to deal with a step daughter / son with an eating disorder?
•What did you do?
•How did they get over it or did they get over it?
•When do medical professionals step in?
•How do you force a Mental Health Assessment – I think there is an underlying mental health issue too.
•When will this issue be taken control off and out of her hands?
•When does Mental Health Act apply to section / detain her to safeguard her from herself?

I am totally convinced she is making herself sick or taking laxatives – she is in his bathroom after every meal / drink – she is using gallons of mouth wash. She is controlling every meal time. She is exercising in secret.

SO is also becoming ill with worry about her.

She is still obsessed with my SO – he cannot breathe without her. She tries to control his every move i.e. cries if he leaves her / she has to go everywhere with him / he rings him to see where he is & when is he coming home. If she is at her mother’s (once a week) she rings him crying wanting him to pick her up……..

BM rings him constantly and accuses him of murdering and killing her daughter – demanding he gives her chips and potatoes and says he must make her eat. BM says her family are distraught and SO son is very hurt over his sisters not eating and blames him!!!!!

She starts group therapy on 22nd Jan 13 – but by then she will be even thinner.

If she was my daughter I would be knocking medical professional’s doors down to get help for her, but she is not my daughter.

Can any shed any inspirations / light on what to do to help my SO cope?

tweetybird74's picture

Your Dh needs to talk to her doctor and find out what treatment options are available. He also needs to talk to her and find out what is going on and why. The doctor will be able to give you treatment centers to help her.


Hi tweetybird74
Thank you for taking time to read my post.
SO has tried to talk to her on his own and with me - SO & BM wont discuss issue together with their daughter (so frustrating). I cannot get involved as much as i would like as she is not my daughter and i really dont want to get get involved in BM and daughter dynamic.
'Step daughter' just says she is unhappy / ugly and has no friends and states food is bad. She has gone to her doctor who has reffered to an eating clinic (outpatients) and she is being weighed weekly before she starts her group therapy group on 22.1.13.
I ask if she is really attending her weigh ins ! / i ask if either parents have checked / i ask if the nurse who weighs is doing with her weight monitoring & weight loss and all i get is 'i dont know'.
I just feel for this unhappy 16 1/2 year old and i am at a lost what her parents are doing to help her. Thanks again your response is appreciated Blum 3 x


Hello snickersgal.
Thank you too for your response.
I just dont get how her GP / nurse who weighs her weekly and her parents are not corresponding with each other.
SO has made an appointment at her doctors, but BM went - i dont know what was said and neither does my partner as he and BM will not get over their *hit and talk.
I dont know if she wants help - i have talked to her and said she can talk to me anytime, but did state clearly i would have to tell her dad what she says to me.
I understand BMI is at a critical level at 17.5 so why are the doctors and nurses not doing something about her BMI being 14 !!!! OMG it is crazy. Thank you for your post.

Starla's picture

I'm not sure where to direct you for the much needed help here but I will share what I learned. I have a eating disorder myself and it started when I was 6 years old. From what you said about the mouth wash, she is making herself puke. I started starving myself because I wanted to feel some control in my life. My step dad was very hard on me and yelled at me all the time. My mom started nagging me to eat and I felt a sense of control somewhere. That is when it became a problem.

As for getting over eating disorders, there is no such thing IMHO. To this day I deal with it and the urge to starve myself when I become upset. Does your SD know why she is going through this? She might be focusing on controlling her weight but what about her other issues? You can help by finding information and share that with your SO. I'm sure that you will get some helpful links with other reply's.

Do not cram food down her throat, that will make it worse. If it becomes bad enough they will tube feed her in the hospital. Here is what helps me: healthy snacks sitting out, avoid drama, setting and achieving goals such as weighing enough to be able to donate blood, and having little things to look forward too. If your SD is always preoccupied with her other bio parent for say, that will trigger her eating disorder. Finding and avoiding triggers is a huge step. If you are a trigger for her, maybe back off if possible but help her mother find useful information and be supportive. It takes patience working with a family but add a eating disorder, it can be a nightmare if there is no direction.

She is super lucky to have you for you seem to have your heart in the right spot.


Hi Starla - thanks for your post also.
Sorry to hear you have struggled with this issue too - you are very brave for sharing and big {{hug}} to you.
I talked with SO daughter (with him)and we talked about control in her life and asked if she felt things were out of control - we talked to her re food being the focus of control to cover up her unhappiness - she did acknowlegde this.
She is unab le to pinpoint anything significant that has made her unhappy. I do feel she has been unhappy for many years even before i came on the scene over 10 years ago. She has always been a very troubled girl that everyone has walked on eggshells with becasue of her major temper tantrums since she was apparently a very young toddler.
Its difficult to identify her triggers and she states she doesnt know or cant explain why she feels like she does. I may be a trigger and my daughter too - she appears to resent our relationship and everything we have and wants what we buy / do etc. She doesnt get on with her own BM and says her mum doesnt understand her like i do. Sad
I have always backed off from her and her dads relationship over the last 10 years - thats why we have not rushed into moving into togther it has always been about his daughter being unhappy. It seems that when we decided all our children were old enough his 16 1/2 & 19 yrs and mine 28 yrs to finally be together and sell our houses & buy one together last year has be the catalyst for her underlying MH issues to come to the surface.
I am trying s hard to be supportive to my SO as he is really struggling with her.
I wish you well and thank you again xx

Stepcop's picture

When sd13 was institutionalized, she told the doctors she was bulimic. True or not I don't know, but the treatment would have been the same, hospitalization, especially at that low weight. A previous posting made an excellent point, get her help now, before she is 18, and he loses any authority to do so.


Hi there Stepcop
Thanks for your post - sorry to hear re sd13 - hope things are improving for you all.
I dont know - there seems to be no help - medics appear blase about it - her parents appear to be in denial - its soooo very frustrating. But hell i know if she were my bio daughter i would be banging on everyones door to get help. Thanks again for your post and advice - it means alot. I think i am the only one that cares about her wellbeing !!! Sad x

Orange County Ca's picture

There are no unwounded kids in a divorce and this one took a grenade.

Daddy moves to his own apartment. Without being at fault your presence triggered the problem and by leaving she may return to normal. Kick him out if necessary. You must have the courage to put your wants aside while this is sorted out.

Eventually the childs brain will mature enough and she'll get her own life, marry etc., and Daddy can move on with his. Meanwhile you can continue to date him on the sly (from her) and probably even put in a weekender while the kid is at Moms's. But for now you've got to get out of this kids life. This is too serious to worry about "caving in" or otherwise worrying about who "won" or who is in control.

You see first Daddy left her, then another female captured his attention. The next obvious step is Daddy is gone never to return. Daddy needs to make it clear that is not going to happen and nobody can mouth the words that will convince her. Only actions count now.

Do you have what it takes?


Hello OC.
Thanks for post - harsh that it is. Sad

I agree there are mny wounded children from divorce - i am one & my daughter is one. I do think it depends on how the parents manage it though - there are millions of chilidren who are not wounded who's parents have gone through a divorce.

I am not unduly wounded and i know my daughter isnt too - this is from her words not mine. My daughter always felt loved and this has helped her deal and cope and turn into an amazing young women, who is kind, caring has a fabulous career, lots of good friends and she has a loving heart.

I have been around my 'step daughter' for the last 10 1/2 years and everything possible has been done and said to ensure her and her brother understand and believe they come first in both my SO's and my relationship. Hell we have not lived together to make sure all the children are OK.

I dont think 'dating' him on the sly is beneficial for anyone - i am 46 & he is 48 we are not children and i definately won't do things behind anyones back especially children - we have always been honest and open with them all. I will not 'date' in secret and be made to feel like i am having an affair with a man with a 16 1/2 daughter - that is worse than his ex wife of 13 years!!

Her 'daddy' hasnt gone anywhere - he never has - she knows this. Issues with her should have been addressed when she was 2 - 3 years old - this curtrent 'eating disorder' is a cumulation of being spoilt / entitled and allowed to rule the roost. It is total control - behavioral and attention seeking that is now out of control and hell yes i am desperate for her and worried about my partner.

Do you really think i should walk out - we (my partner & I) have had the courage to put our wants aside for 10 nearly 11 years. WOW i am astounded.

Thanks for your honest opinion anyway.

oldone's picture

Believe me your leaving your SO would not fix the SD's eating disorder. Neither of you are the cause of it. Nor can you cure it. She needs professional help.

I have a friend who is an internationally recognized specialist in eating disorders. She really does know her stuff. She's been working with this for many decades and was a pioneer in this area.

Divorce does not cause an eating disorder. If it did there would be way more skinny emaciated skids. The majority of patients in an eating disorder program are from intact homes.

Quite often there is an underlying emotional disorder. A friend's daughter went to literally a couple of dozen residential programs. Her real problem - bipolar.

She must get help. It is highly unlikely that she will "mature" out of it. I met a 40 year woman whose mother was anorexic.


Hello Oldone (wise one) Blum 3

Thanks very much for your thoughts and advice they are really appreciated.

I thank you for saying i (we) havent caused this eating disorder - believe me i have felt that it is all our fault and it is devasting.

I know we cant cure her - only she can do this with the help of professionals and i know it is like an addiction.

I really do agree with you re another underlying issue - i have always thought this about her - i met her when she was 5 years old.

She has always been treated with 'kid' gloves and has had many irrational melt downs for years - her parents called them 'red mists' - issues have always been ignored and she lives her life on a 'roller coaster'.

I have always thought it was a MH condition gone undiagnosed - possibly Bipolar.

I know she needs help - are she will soon collapse from her condition - faints almost daily - i have tried to encourage my SO to take her to hospital for a psych assessment. Her GP has been informed - she has been referred for an initial assessment back in November - gets weighed weekly even though they dont seem to acknowledge the on-going weight loss and starts group therapy on 22.1.13 - it seems to be taking far too long.

Her parents don't ask any questions and dont go with her for her weigh ins. Even though i keep trying to get my partner to talk to her mother / talk to her GP and the nurse who weighs her - even just ask who gets to know of weight loss or what they are doing about it!!!!.

I think this is a lifelong illness for her Sad

Thank you so vey much for your support and stating it won't change if i leave Sad & its not my fault - i really needed to hear that. Thank you. xx

Krispey Kreme's picture

My SD started this when she was younger too. In her case, her BM (a vomiter/laxative user herself to control her weight) started chipping away at SD when she was about 10-11 years old (just around pre-puberty) telling her she's too fat and needs to diet and exercise, taking her to the doctor to get her on a diet (Dr. refused because SD wasn't overweight at all). Telling her she had too big of boobs and boys will think she's a whore (she was a normal size girl for her age and height, not heavy at all and not busty). And insisting she wear makeup and dress up before she was allowed to go anywhere with them (the works-foundation, blush, shadow, mascara). And she has been addicted to the tanning beds since then too. Because she has to have a perfect tan. This was back in the 90's when big make-up, tanning and hair were in, so SD went around looking like a leathery hooker, not like a young girl.

SD would eat, then go throw up in the bathroom trashcan. It was obvious she did, we could see it and hear her. When we'd try to talk to her about it, she'd stand there and lie, completely denying she did it. We tried to talk to her mother about it but BM would lie and deny it too. DH wanted to get her counseling, BM told him to mind his own business and refused. I think she abused laxatives too, because she's always worried about being regular and likes to fast/take purges.

It was sick, BM was the kind of predatory, bitchy woman that always tried to compete with her daughter, trying to dress like her and coming on to any boyfriends SD had. Or any men at all for that matter. And trying to destroy her self-esteem by always criticizing her looks/weight/clothes. To this day, SD (now 41 years old) has weird food rituals and refuses to eat because she doesn't want to gain weight (fat people are so ugly). She will sit there and pick at her food and critcize it, saying it's nasty badly prepared food and she can't eat it. She doesn't invite people over for dinner even tho she says she does (we've never been invited and we've been married for 33 years-yet she swears that she has). She's a pathological liar about it. She doesn't want to have kids because it makes you fat. She doesn't eat much food, she drinks and smokes instead. She had breast implants because first BM told her she was too busty, then she was told she was too small. I don't know what her new husband eats or if he's realized what she does. Super thin women with huge boobs are desirable in this culture, so maybe he doesn't care. Her teeth look bad too, I think the vomit acid ruins their teeth. My SD41's BM is dead now, but she messed SD41 up so bad, it's hard to be around her. SD41 is a vile human being. Now SD41 is the kind of predatory, pretty, ultra-thin woman who tears down other women and comes on to their husbands/boyfriends. Having affairs with married men amuses her. I wonder how long her new marriage will last.

This is a problem and a Doctor's care is needed. Nobody should waste their time blaming anybody else, just get her to treatment as soon as you can. Society promotes an unhealthy body image for girls. We all need to be careful what messages we send to young girls about their appearances. If they have a tendancy towards obsessive/compulsive behavior, comments about weight and appearance can trigger this disorder, especially if they are trying to cope with a unhappy homelife. Being bi-polar or having an underlying mental illness can too.

Good luck and don't beat yourself up-just get her help.

Starla's picture

If you suspect your SD of having bipolar, I have been told that it shows up in a MRI scan. I'm currently trying to learn about this matter more and people with bipolar seem to be at higher risk of developing an eating disorder.

I have been hurt by people emotionally, physically, and sexually. Yea that has been hard to deal with at times but honestly, its my thought process that is the hardest thing to live with. So your SD may or may not been hurt by another but that does not mean she does not have another condition going on. I spent most of my life only thinking that I had an eating disorder to learning that there may be bipolar in my family. Also been told that it does not run in families.

I'm sharing this with you in hopes of you, your SO, and SD looking into seeking help and not blame yourselves or others. I'm sure things feel out of hand for you all and she is taking it out on her body and seeking a sense of control in her life. This all is just my opinion of course!

I don't believe treatment facilities are in ones best interest until they are ready to face it head on. Many will disagree with that statement and I could be wrong for all I know. How does your SD feel about seeking treatment? I think it would be great if your SD goes in for the MRI scan while she is a minor and has health coverage.

Good luck with the upcoming appointments.

Jane1225's picture

You should convince her father to step in and take her to a doctor, the sooner she gets help the less problems she will have recovering. Meanwhile try to encourage her healthy eating, try to make her see that she is ruining her health. She might not realize it now, but neglecting her eating habit can damage her health on the long term.

smichelle4's picture

I can't imagine how difficult it must be to see her harm herself like this, but the surest way to help her is to take her to a doctor. She has clear self esteem issues, perhaps someone in the business of helping people like her could help.

About the MCAT's picture

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