SD 16 checked herself into a mental facility
I got the news last night from DH. SD18 has been at BMs for the last week, and BM texted DH that she decided to check herself into an inpatient mental facility. She was having panic attacks every night. I can only assume this is anxiety about having to go back to her part time job next week, and also just generally untreated bipolar disorder. DH was very anxious and tried to call the facility, but it was after hours so the phone just rang. I told him she will be ok, and to just take a step back and let the psychiatrist do his/her job. This was his daughter's choice, after all.
I don't know how many times I have warned DH that this might happen, and to get her some help. I am glad it was SD18's choice and not the police responding to a domestic dispute with her and BM, which happened with her older sister, and ended up with her older sister being put on an involuntary 72 hour mental health hold due to threatening suicide. Honestly, I am so relieved. So....f***ing.... relieved.
I hope that SD18 can finally get evaluated and get some medication for her illness. Maybe then she can handle life a little better, and not be so angry all the time. I remember when she was little, she was such a cool kid. I thought she and I would be very close. She doesn't have the capability to be close to anyone right now, and that is sad.
- Shieldmaiden's blog
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I am so sorry your family is
I am so sorry your family is going through this. Happy to read your sd has taken steps to be treated. That is huge, really huge.
Thank you
Thank you for your kindess. I am proud of her. I did not honestly think she would be able to do it, so that tells me that she must have been in a lot of mental pain and distress. I hope this is the beginning of a better life for her, and less stress for us.
A brave, insightful act
I'm pulling for your SD. Very insightful of her.
Prayers she gets the help she
Prayers she gets the help she needs.
Congratulations to that young lady for such a smart move.
Congratulations to you, DH and even BM as well. Whichever of you motivated this move by SD.
Hopefully SD will get stabilized and the help she needs to move into a positive adult life.
This is a good thing. Her
This is a good thing. Her parents were not helping the situation, so I hope she can get the help she needs from the professionals.
So, apparently we did not get the real story from BM. BM told us that SD18 checked herself into a mental facility. SD18 is out 24 hours later, saying that she told BM she felt weird ( panic attack) and she wanted BM to drive her to the hospital. BM drove to a mental health/drug rehab facility ( they do both) and checked her in. DH is going to call SD18 and try to find out who is telling the truth.
SD18 says she thought she could leave anytime, but the facility nurse wanted her to stay for 45 days. The doctor overruled her and said she could leave, as their psych evaluation showed she "was fine, and not a danger to herself or others." Hmmm....This all sounds very off. Why would they release her after 24 hours after she told them she is agoraphobic, depressed, and unable to hold a job for more than a week due to social anxiety?
SD's takeaway from this experience is "it was the most stressful experience of my life and I don't want to go back." Great. So NOTHING has changed, except that now she is afraid of getting more help. Good job, BM. I hope BM enjoys her daughters company, because SD is not living with us, she is going to be living with her mom because her mom is creating this mess.
"Why would they release her
"Why would they release her after 24 hours after she told them she is agoraphobic, depressed, and unable to hold a job for more than a week due to social anxiety?"
Have you been in a mental health facility lately? The patients are suffering from far greater things than SD hence why she probably was released. There are so many beds available. She's an outpatient kind of case, in my opinion, but that's going to take work from your DH...
I don't really get why you're so mad at BM? She did more for SD than your DH. Not BM's fault SD was released.
No, honestly i have not
No, I have not been to a mental facility lately. I thought they were there to help people who needed help. I didn't realize they were triage-only for the worst of the worst. Its too bad that they made such a negative impact on her. Now she won't ask for help again.
As for BM, maybe you didn't see that part in my post? I wrote that BM lied to us about what happened. I wouldn't mind if she said "Hey, I am taking SD to a mental institution, you ok with that? " But her daughter asked her to go the hospital, and apparently BM wanted to spend time with her new boyfriend at the bar, so she dumped her daughter off at a mental institution. Not exactly mother of the year, but even a broken clock gets the time right once a day. BM has a history of doing what is convenient for her, not what is right for her daughters.