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SD23 Loses Her License - What a Moron

iloveit's picture

So my SO's daughter had been pulled over for speeding so many times that she faced losing her license. This started even before I was with my SO about a year and a half ago so it's probably been about 2 years now. Anyway, she was pulled over, got a ticket a few times and then the last time she was pulled over they said if you continue doing this you will lose your license. So the last ticket she got she also got summoned to court. Well of course daddy accompanied her there and the judge told her if she didn't get a single ticket between then and the next year she would be fine but if she had ONE MORE infraction/violation she would get her license taken away. Sure enough a few months later, she got a ticket! She waited and waited and nothing showed up in the mail. In the meantime my SO recommended two things: She should take a safe driving course because it would look really good and they would note that she was trying to be a better driver. He also recommended she go speak to a lawyer - a free consultation so she would know her rights and have some options in case they took her license away for more than a year or so. Do you think she did either of those things? NOPE! Instead, they summoned her to the DMV this time and what happens....she DOESN'T SHOW UP! The idiot didn't even show up to turn in her license! In the meantime she tells SO what's going on and he was're a dumbass, why did you do that? She said she was too afraid they would take away her license so she just decided not to go. Um what the hell did she think would happen?? Oh also, she let it slip that was out driving around! With a suspended license!! Well then she HAD to show up to court following that where they proceeded to take her license away for 90 days. I personally think she got SOOOOO lucky! So my first question to SO was...who gets to drive her lazy ass all over creation until the little darling gets her license back? He said, "I have no idea...that's her problem." I think I just hallucinated...did he really say that??? We will see just how this goes, if I know him, he will give in for sure. He says he wants her to learn her lesson. He says that now she is far too old for him to discipline her and if she breaks the law she's on her own...she's gonna have to bail herself out of trouble on this one!

What a're 23 you know better!!

iloveit's picture

Hahahaha, well I just cannot figure her out. She actually does work. She waitresses AND she's a teaching assistant so it's not as if she doesn't do anything. She's also still in school. She used to whine to SO all the time about being broke and after awhile he said well we will have to explore why this is that you have nothing. Apparently she was drinking and spending it all on the weekend so he told her he wasn't giving her any more until she learned to budget. SO travels for work everyday and when he's not on the road he is in meetings. I know he meant it when he said losing her license was her problem. I have no idea how she's going to pull off the next 90 days without getting fired.

Milomom's picture

iloveit, I have to agree with your assessment of your SD23's actions in the process of losing her license.

What a TOTAL moron!!

LOL to what krisnkids asked in her reply above mine!!!

I feel bad for you, iloveit. I would be disgusted.

iloveit's picture

Amen DOES disgust me. What I don't understand get SUMMONED to court, you get SUMMONED to the DMV and you just DON'T GO???!! :jawdrop: so you have no problem breaking the law??? I would have been scared out of my mind!! Not only that but if you were that stupid in the first place and they warned you, wouldn't you do EVERYTHING you could think of to save yourself?! I sure as hell would! I would friggin enroll in 12 safe driving courses and speak to 50 lawyers! I would not want me losing my license on a permanent record of ANY kind!

I told my SO to his face that it was the most irresponsible thing I have heard of her doing so far. I told him there is no excuse for that behavior and he agrees that it could have been a lot worse.

Jsmom's picture

Who pays her car insurance? If you do you need to get her off your policy...If the car is in your DH's name, he needs to get off of it. This is a law suit waiting to happen and you want to limit your liability...

iloveit's picture

Lucky for him she pays her own! I think she's had her own insurance for a few years thank God! I have all my bills/insurance etc in my name, we're not married yet but even when we are all my stuff stays in my name and my name only. I am not taking a single chance that any of these kids or his disgusting ex wife has any access to funds that belong to me! I will always share what I have with my SO but I have told him...until you are done with alimony or paying for your adult children's lifestyle...I take care of MY stuff on my own and they don't get a dime. He created those monsters...he can deal with them.

Jsmom's picture

Good job. We have the same philosphy and a large pre-nup that lays it all out. Same reason. Greedy BM and kids that will be taking from DH for too many more years...

Milomom's picture

Yes, jsmom, that reminds me...

Have to get working on FDH's new Will and our prenup....

I'll be DAMNED if FDH shells out ANY MORE $$ than he has to for ANY of them after he spent the last 5 years (and the next up to 9 years) shelling out HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of $$ on "Child Support". Yeah, ok. That money doesn't go to SUPPORT the CHILDREN. Goes to BM's shopping fun days & tattooes, piercings, etc...