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SS13 Out of Control

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

SS13 is driving me nuts. BF and I just don’t know what to do anymore.
Okay so where do I start.
As most of you know from some of my other posts, BF has three sons 6, 10 & 13. SS13 has been living with us for about 4 months now and SS6 and 10 live with BM.
BM told BF that she has had enough of SS13 and can’t handle him anymore and that he needs to come and live with us.
BF being the guilty father he was when SS13 first moved in cause SS basically got kicked out of his house by his mother (that’s another story).
Anyway SS13 is getting on both (BF and I) of our nerves. SS13 doesn’t get along with his brothers or should I say refuses to. Constantly kicking, hitting and screaming at them, yes I know that it’s how a typical teenage boy behaves but this is different. He can’t stand being in the same room as his brothers, sitting at the dinner table with them anything that involves them he wants nothing to do with, the look in his eye is actually quite frightening. It’s even gotten to the point where he doesn’t want to go to his mothers (EOW) cause his brothers are there. So when all 3 boys are together there is just constant arguing, screaming, hitting etc…. and it’s taking its toll.
As some of you also may be aware is that recently I made a list of chores that SS13 has to do everyday to earn his $10.00 pocket money at the end of week. Whatever chores that are not done a certain amount of money gets deducted from his $10.00. Well he doesn’t want to do any chores, he is always answering back and being very disrespectful. Mind you he is not only like this with me, it’s with BF, BM, grandma, grandpa, his brothers and me.
His punishment for the way he has been acting is his Xbox was taken away (anyone would of thought we were sending him to hell, the way he acted). He was throwing his pillow and his clothes all over his room, jumping on his bed, banging on the walls all because the xbox was taken away. He has no life other than school and the xbox. SS just doesn’t know how to entertain himself if he is not on it, so it’s world war 3. BF and I have both explained that if he behaved better he will get to play the xbox and do all the things he wants but until we see some sort of an improvement forget it. He acts 10 times worse if he isn’t allowed to play it or he will sit quietly for 20min and then expects because his been good for 20min he should be allowed to play and throws another tantrum because we say “no, 20min of sitting there quietly after 5days of misbehaving is certainly not long enough to be allowed to play the xbox”. SS slammed his bedroom door in BF and my face twice last night cause we sent him to bed because of his tantrums and disrespect.
We just don’t know how to handle this anymore.
Do some of you wise woman have any ideas for this situation. Any comments are appreciated.

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

When her son slammed the door in her face, she got out the screwdriver and took the whole thing off. And left it off for, like, a month. Worked for her.

It's too bad corporal punishment is out-if he was with my father, he'd get a real spanking-13 or not. Teenage boys with their testerone levels can be a real challange. Taking away the xbox was a good move. Does he have TV in his room, or CD player? Whatever you can take away in the form of punishment is great. Plus, they learn to read. Real Well. I think my son got down to the barest of rooms, if I remember right, before he started taking me seriously.

Good luck!

now4teens's picture

I have taken my son's door off it's hinges several times for slamming. Works like a charm.

And you should see his face when I get the screwdriver out- priceless!

I just wish I could do it with the SDs....
DH has seen me do it with my son, but never done it with his "Princesses" and they constantly slam their doors.

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

now4teens's picture

"Constantly kicking, hitting and screaming at them, yes I know that it’s how a typical teenage boy behaves"
I have two boys myself, 18 and 15. My 15-yr-old has always had many of his friends over the house for many years. I also have a lot of nephews. So I know boys. And, no, this is NOT how typical teenage boys behave.

At 13, a child should be able to entertain himself without throwing a tantrum.

Something is definitely "off" here. Has he been evaluated by his pediatrician or any other specialists that you know of?

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

No he hasn't seen anybody. I have spoken to BF about getting SS to see someone and he said
that BM is organising it through the school, everytime I ask him I get the same response. I have been saying this for a year and he still hasn't seen someone. BF does need to pull his figure out and make the appointment himself.
I definatly agree with you that he should be able to entain himself other than with the xbox, his other 2 brothers have no problems with this just SS13.
I'll speak to BF again tonight, I may actually make him make the appointment in front of me so I know it's definatly done.

Last night was the first time the door was ever slammed shut in our faces, and if it happens again taking the door off the hingers sounds like a great idea. SS13 doesn't have much entertainment in his room, no TV and no computer as we just finished painting his room and are waiting for the carpet to be put in, but we have discussed having a TV and computer in there but we may have to rethink this if his sttitude doesn't improve.

now4teens's picture

Even if it means standing over BF while he makes the phone call. (Sometimes it helps to have the number already out and ready to go. My theory is take away all the excuses:
*I can't find the number (have it ready)
*I don't have the time (turn off the TV & schedule out 10 minutes and force them)
(and have out SS's medical info out and handy
when he calls,too!)

My DH is FAMOUS for playing the excuse game for all things like this (and not just kid-related). So I do as much of the leg-work beforehand to make it as easy as possible for him. I'm like his personal assistant. And damn, I'm good at my job!

Good luck with it. Hopefully you can get SS in to see someone quickly.

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

melis070179's picture

Maybe he needs medication? He actually acts like my 5 year old in regards to tantrums, but my son has never hit anyone. He sounds like he has trouble coping with his anger...I would get him evaluated & maybe on some sort of medication if they feel he needs it. I hate to see him as an adult if he has this much anger already! Anger management classes? Some professional definitely needs to help him with his anger issues, I don't think thats normal.

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

I actually thought maybe this is how 13 year old boys act as I don't have any children myself, i'm the youngest in my family and I have a neice who is only 4 so I wasn't sure. Thanks ladies I know that this is something that definatly needs to be addressed asap before SS13 really gets out of hand.

The skids are with BM this weekend so BF and I will be able to talk about this in more detail.
SS13 actions are really bothering me and BF seems to think it's normal. But I guess us SM are able to look from the outside in and see a different picture. We spoke alittle about it last night but we decided to wait and talk over the weekend when SS13 isn't here to discuss our next approach.