I'm tired of the drama
My sd and her mom are always causing a scene about something or other. I'm to the point now that I hate when she comes. She goes home and lies to her mother about what has gone on at our house and then the mom calls DH and yells and it's all lies but when her tells her that she gets even madder and will say thing like "are you calling your only daughter a lier" LOL, if the shoe fits. I'm so tired of the drama and not sure what to do really so I'm disengaging... I've had enough.
I am also tired of the drama
I have reached my limit, my stepdaughter thinks that she should not have any responsibilities such as cleaning her room or helping with the dishes she is 13years old This morning i asked her to help clean cause I had a friend coming over and she screamed at me saying she is fed up in this house I am also fed up with dealing with her and her father does nothing to help. His 7 year old son telsl me all sorsts of rude things and always enters my room without knocking, again his father would not do anything, i am fed up, help me please.
I feel your pain
My Step kids are 4 and 5 and trust me they do the same things as yours do. They jump into my bed with sticky hands and I feel like my space is being violated so I get frustrated. My fiance doesn't do much about it but say that they are just kids and defend everything I try to explain about their behavior. I feel hopeless and often feel like I want to runaway from the whole thing. I know it's difficult to do but this is what I did at the begining, I acted like a friend and played with them and always acted like the good guy so that the ex can't say anything negative about me. Now I'm going harder on them and they don't seem to like me as much but at least they are getting the proper manners taught. You might want to the father about the relationship between the two of you if he really wants to make it work. It takes 2 to make things work but a lot of times men just don't understand how hard it is to be a stepparent. Ask your husband if he truly love his kids he would step in and take control or his children would turn out rotten if he doesn't. You might want to get a lock for your door and I absolutely understand that you need your own space or your own area.
I hear you
I have the same problem with my SD, 14. I make my husband take care of it. Either he gets her to do her chores or he has to do them for her. It has been a hassle, but it lessens my stress regarding whether the chores get done. About half of the time he does them for her, which drives me crazy because she is capable and then he is "too tired" to do things I need from him.
I also had the problem with not knocking when she was 8-12. It was a gradual process. She always just walked into our bedroom, and half the time I was naked. She told BM she was seeing me naked, and BM confronted husband, saying SD shouldn't see me naked. He said, "She wouldn't if she would knock." I have the right to be naked in my own bedroom (like after a shower when I am getting dressed, I'm not a nudist walking around all day with no clothes on). I finally said she had to knock ANY TIME she wanted to come in our room. At first she ignored me, but I made a point of mentioning it EVERY time and even making her go back and knock when she didn't. Now she will knock automatically when she knows I am in there (but not when my husband is because she knows he won't enforce it).
Don't wanna deal with her...
I've had enough with my SD,15. I just find out she took my headset. I was looking for it for 2 days. She just takes my things! Once she took my gold rings and when she got caught, she flush them into the toilet. She told her dad she doesn't know anything about my missing rings. One of them were from my mother, who passed 4yers ago. My husband is being naive, he thinks that she will do better and let her getaway after a little talk. I know, I have to love her like my own, right? She lies, makes up some story about me and my daughter, telling her friends about us. She's got fs and Ds in her grade and talking about being a doctor. I don't even know if she can graduate though. I've tried to love her, but tonight....I have to be really honest. I HATE HER!!! I WANT HER OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!! since I can't say that to my husband....well, thanks a lot for reading. I feel little better.
I totally hear you...
I hate my SD at times, just turning 11, going on 18. She is rude, mouthy, lies to her mother, and to us, and intentionally creates drama in this household. She has been worse since she found out I am pregnant with her father's twins. Worse, she seems to be in some sort of competition over her father with me. It's just not natural. She hangs on him, this girl is already developed, and kisses him inappropriately, and then looks over at me to see what my reaction is. It's disgusting! I am just starting to get my husband to realize how inappropriate her behavior is. But to second your feelings, I dread every single time she is coming over. I try to prepare myself emotionally for it, but I still cringe when I hear her walk through the door. We used to be close, I wish it didn't have to be like this, but I am so tired of her ways. I do have a leg to stand on with my husband though. We are raising my daughter of 8 together, and he is sympathetic when he realizes SD is a bad influence on her, well, to a point.
Oh! I just joined this
Oh! I just joined this website and I cannot tell you that to know that I am not the only one who has to go through this crap is somewhat comforting. I know that once I get rid of some of my debt, which should be in a year or so, I will have the option to leave. It may sound like running away, but honestly, though God knows I have tried, I don't see the situation changing. My SD is extremely abusive and since I went through 20+ years of counseling to learn to get away from abusive situations, I have learned that often times, the situation doesn't change. You can only get away from it.
We had 1 weekend where
the boys both just opened the bathroom door while I was in there. ( thank GOD they saw nothing) I nipped that in the bud right then & there. It was funny but the olest acted like it wasn't a big deal & said he had seen BM naked before. I told him I was pretty sure he could go to his grave w/o ever seeing me naked. He thought that was pretty funny & we have NEVER had another issue. Once he knew I was uncomfortable with it we were good. I mean after having a baby & having my thyroid so screwed up that I am struggling to loose the weight I don't like to see me naked & DH is limited to what he gets to see as well.
A tough life being a stepmom
I have a problem with when my stepkids are over, they whine and demand to sleep with my fiance. I don't feel like i have any time with him when they are around and I usually end up running to the store for them because they can't be without their dad or I'll be cleaning up after them. I feel like a nanny or a maid, it's always Avalin do this or do that. My fiance loves his kids more than anything and I don't know if I can even reach the same level as his kids ever. the other problem I have is that one of them always certainly wake up screaming demanding that their father come sleep with them at 2am or sometimes 5am so i'm usually left with no one sleeping with me. i really don't feel appreciated and I definitely get so tired of the screaming when it's uncalled for and my fiance gives in. it's quite frustrating but I'm doing my best to communicate with my fiance but like always there is always a billion excuses for the kids.
My s/d either barges in or
My s/d either barges in or she'll pound obnoxiously on the door and then come prancing in saying "daddy" in the most annoying voice ever! She has caught my husband and I both naked! She also goes through and uses my things when I'm not home. When I asked her help clean she took my cute flip-flops from outside the back door and threw them in with my new puppy. Puppy ate them : ) My husband is naive. Everything she does is unintentional of course. Now I hide everything and put locks on everything.
I'm going insane!!
I don't think your husband is naive, but I think he refuses to see things outside of the box. It's very normal that daddy's little girl would do no wrong. My fiance backs the skids up all the time and I came to the conclusion that he will back his kids up no matter what they do. Every time I go into the shower either one of the kids bangs on the door and say they're going to wet their pants if I don't open. So often, I have to unlock the door with soap in my hair and a towel around me and they do this to me all the time. I do hide my personal things as well but other things like not drawing on the couch while I'm cooking dinner and my fiance is busy with something is out of my control. I think I'm giving up on talking to my fiance about the kids' behavior....
how I dealt with the shower issue
I tell everyone " I am going in the shower now, if you have to use the washroom do it now because I am locking the door and won't be out for 10 or 15 minutes. A few times peeing their pants and they will go before you lock the door. My SD has banged on the door and I just say "I asked, now you have to wait until I'm done". I really don't think it's asking too much to have 10 minutes peace while you're in the shower
Boys are just as offensive
DH's son lives with us FT and honestly believes it's his God given right to be waited on hand and foot. God forbid you ask him to do anything! Don't get me wrong, we do have a chores chart, he just pretends it isn't there. Just this eve, it was his night to do dishes. After he was "done," I went to the strainer to put away some pots and pans. FILTHY! I flipped but of course, according to DH, I'm the one who's being mean and having issues right now. Yes, I do have issues right now with MRSA going around as well as e-Coli, botulism, and a myriad of other bacteria rapidly breeding in a kitchen. WTH!?!?
DH's son has flat out admitted to DH that he doesn't want to do anything and feels he shouldn't have to but wants all of the perks that normally go along with helping out, i.e. allowance, eating out, small goodies. I have two words for the self-centered, self-serving, ignoramous: hell no!
DH's son has the same problem bubbles's s/d has with barging in to our bedroom. He thinks nothing of just walking in regardless of what DH and I are doing or discussing. Or else he'll just stand in the doorway beckoning DH. One morning as I was getting ready for work, I found him standing in my bedroom door. Since it was Indian summer and bloody hot, I was buck naked and he had just opened the door like it was his room. I told DH I wanted to put a strip of red duct tape outside of our door as a marker for any child that felt it was his place to be in our room. DH said no way, we aren't putting red tape on the floor. But he won't tell his son to stay out of our room either.
I don't know how much more I can take. Everyone said this would get better but I think it's only getting worse.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
We all need our personal space right??
I feel that the only personal space I have is the bedroom and the kids keep coming in and if they have a marking they would draw eveywhere and I would have to spend hours cleaning it. I tried to tell my fiance that they have a huge couch and a huge TV and i really would love the bed to be just my only spot where I don't have food stains or kids coming in like it's their playroom. Am I just being selfish because my fiance said to me that there is no such thing as yours or mine and the bed is ours meaning the children's as well. I just want a clean place where I can relax and do my work on the laptop undisturb. I feel like I'm being selfish but am I?? Keep hanging in there if you love your man. I know it's rough and I cry quite often because I feel so alone and that my fiance just doesn't get how hard it is to be in my shoes.
Things will only get better if you are possitive about it and work with your husband about what's bothering you because communication is the best thing for a relationship. I'm working on mine and I feel that talking more makes him rethink about how hurtful it is to feel like an outsider and if he really loves me and wants me around he will have to work on it more.
I totally know how much pain it is, but if it gets so unbarable some days then take a drive somewhere so you can at least relax your mind. I feel like running away and start a relationship with someone else instead of dealing with kids that aren't mine all the time, but I feel that I can't give up and I would eventually be running all my life if I runaway from this mess.
Right, Avalin! Personal space!
Your husband would HATE me! I actually lock my bedroom door even when I'm NOT in there so my kids WON'T go in there to play and make a mess. And I'm talking about the kids I gave birth to, by the way!
It's OUR home, yes, but each person deserves their own personal space in that home. I don't go "play" in the kids' bedrooms, so they don't need to go play in mine. Now, I love it when our BD4 comes in to snuggle early in the morning and sometimes BS9 and I will go up to my room to watch something on TV together that DH and BD4 don't want to watch, but that's still DH's and my personal, private space and 90% of the time it is definitely a kid-free zone. It's not uncommon when we have the skids and the kids with us on Saturday morning for them to all come piling up into our bed with us to say good morning and snuggle for a minute or two and I absolutely treasure those moments, but I also absolutely treasure my solitude.
All five of our kids - kids and skids alike - have been taught that if they need something, they have two parents in our home and if one parent is sitting in the living room doing nothing, then they obviously go to that parent, not the one behind closed doors. (With five of them, we both need to take little breaks from them every now and then.) They all know to knock on the door, even BD4, because they all know that if they want US to respect THEIR privacy, then THEY must respect OURS.
And here's another thing... it's not only adults that need personal space. Kids need it, too. My son was an only child the first four years of his life, then I got married to DH who had three children. A little over a year later, we gave my son a baby sister. In a year, he went from being an only child to being one of five. He loved having a brother and sisters, but he wasn't used to having to share his space (or his Mama!) with four other children. There were times when he needed his alone time and his personal space, too, so we had to make sure that he got it. Family togetherness is great, but you know what they say about too much of a good thing...
~ Anne ~
Please join the Campaign to Save Madison!
Thanks Anne for the possitive light in the step parent situation
I dream everyday of having my own child so i don't have to deal with everyone loves daddy. I don't feel the family togetherness with the skids and my fiance because I don't know how to get involve with them because they always want daddy and I can't tell them to do because they think daddy will save them. My fiance would never ever allow locks on the door because he feels that the skids need him if they wake up in the middle of the night. I don't mind them jumping in bed with us but sometimes they either pee on the expensive mattress I bought or walk in the room and puke everywhere and scream at the top of their lungs for attention from daddy. I really don't have anything against the skids but I'm a neat freak and I probably wash my hands more often than any person I know. everything else I can deal with but my bedroom is the only place I feel the peace and quiet while they are around. I really do appreciate you being very positive about the stepmom situation because I haven't had any hope with it at all. Thanks Anne,
Personal space continued!
I know DH's son believes in his own personal space because as soon as he gets home, he locks himself in his room until his father gets home. He's so damn afraid someone, me, might actually tell him he has to do his chores for the day or his homework. Or gasp! Ask him to flush the toilet after he's urinated or put his cereal bowl in the DW.
I'm glad I read Anne's post! I never thought of locking the door from the outside while I'm not here! I think I'm going to Lowe's today to get one! Woo hoo!
I do hate being so negative and complaining so much. I'm a much happier person usually. I guess I'm having a hard time right now with some recent developments that my DH is either denying or just doesn't care to address. Anyhow, I've also tried talking to him about my feelings and we differ so much on how much child inclusion is necessary in our lives/marriage. I've tried getting him to my therapist but he doesn't want to go. I'm certain he doesn't want to hear things from a neutral third party who may actually tell him that something is wrong with his son and DH's parenting style.
Anyway, personal space! I'm all for it. Thanks to those of you with great advice! Keep it coming.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
new here and don't understand...
I am new here to the group and after reading the posts, I have a question (among many): Many of the complaints (and a lot of them are some doozies!) are from women who are not married to the father of these terrible acting kids. Why are you staying? If a man is not displaying loyalty with regards the kids, why put up with the drama? I know most will say that they love the man and that he is really great when the kids are not around, but that doesn't make much sense to me. How can a man be so wonderful and love you so much when it's just the two of you, but when his kids come around he treats you, on a continuous basis, like a second class citizen? I can even understand that he may have loyalty conflicts in the beginning, but some of you are even complaining that he even doesn't stand up for you when dealing with the ex! I am just not understanding.
Thank you for saying what I've been thinking for a long time now. It is easier to become an ex-girlfriend than it is to become an ex-wife.
~ Anne ~
Please join the Campaign to Save Madison!
Personal space continued
My partner and I are having trouble with his 20 year old son, he keeps on going into our room when we are out and taking things from his dads drawers (like socks and underwear) this is because he cant be bothered to do his own laundry... In actual fact he cant be bothered to do very much as he knows I will get mad at the mess in the house and tidy up his trail of crap lying around everywhere.
His dad has said he will speak to him but he just tunes him out and doesnt respond. I feel like im figthing a losing battle and that I just want my partner and his lazy disrespectful son out of my house.
Id put a lock on the bedroom door but we are in a rental property and our landlord wont let us make any modifications to it, so he has frer reign whenever we are out.
SS also has the run of the house if we go away anywhere and has on several occasions left his gf in the house and gone out to college leaving nobody else in the house except for her. I feel this is also unacceptable and have told my partner... Who has then said he will speak to his son... But he STILL hasnt spoken to him about it...
Any advice would be good!
17 year old lies about me
I have a 17 year old stepdaughter whose bio. mother died when she was 6. When she was 10, I married her dad. She has a younger sister who was 10 days old when their mother died of pregnancy complications. I have 2 kids of my own, one 14 and one 13. The 17 year old step I have overheard telling lies over and over to her friends on the phone about me. She claims I mistreat her, calls her life "the cinderella story" saying I make her do everything and let the other kids do what they want and that I always buy them stuff they want for their birthdays and christmas and she gets stuff "thrown" at her by me. THIS STUFF COULD NOT BE MORE UNTRUE!!! I have done EVERYTHING for this girl, her father is lazy and does nothing. I have given her wonderful birthday parties, bought her everything she wanted etc etc. The only thing I have really asked that she do as she turned 16 was get her drivers permit and get a part time job in the summer. Well, she refuses to get her license and purposely got fired from her job (she HATES working). She never does her chores at home (she feeds the pets one week out of the month and cant even do that). If reality was correct in her eyes...I WOULD BE THE CINDERELLA! I get no appreciation from her or her father. He doesn't believe she has said what she has. I am fed up. I am so close to just telling her, "Look, you have, for whatever reason, felt the need to create me as a STEPMONSTER. You and I both know that all these things you have told people are LIES. From this point forward, Do not ask me to do anything for you. I might as well make my life easier and be the person you tell everyone I am." Wonder how that would go over? The other option is just leaving. Although, I think that is what she wants. We were reading fortune cookies last night and she read hers, "Your life is about to change. You will soon lose someone close to you." I couldnt help but really honestly worry about her saying that. She made it up. The fortune was something completely different....I grabbed it and read it. Her dad just ignores this stuff! What do I do now???
I am married to a man who has 3 children and a witch of an ex-wife. The 3 kids are completely out of control, spoiled and never listen. The ex always has us in court for one reason or another. The latest, the 18 year old is going to college and she want's $1500 a year from us to pay for the 18 year old when she comes home on summer breaks. Why this kid can't get a job is beyond me. We pay out the nose on child support and this ex will never get enough. The other thing I don't like is the judge took my salary into consideration on the child support. That is not fair. Those are not my kids, they hate me, so I dont' see why my salary should come into consideration. It's crazy. I believe a father should pay child support, don't get me wrong, but to pay for a 18 year old to sit on their ass during summer break is nutty. Personally, my advise, if I had to do it all over again, I would NEVER marry a man who is divorced with kids. It's too much headache. I love my husband, but honestly, it's not worth the hassle. And I don't see an end in sight. There are 2 more younger siblings left to go. Between the attorney fees and the court dates, it's just too much. The kicker, his ex is loaded. She has more money than sense. But she just keeps bleeding us dry every chance she gets. I wish these angry ex-wives would get on with their lives. Again, stay clear of divoreced men with kids. It's a nightmare.
Are you freakin kidding
Are you freakin kidding me??? she "read" that from a fortune cookie.. and when you read her REAL fortune it didnt match, and your dh wasn't even the bit curious as to WHY she would do it?
could you have a sit down w/your dh and tell him what is bothering you.. perhaps counseling.
We started counseling in Feb.. and so far.. I like it.. Probably because there is someone else telling my DH that what happens is NOT normal.. and not fair.. and that adults should believe OTHER adults and not the kids. LIKE.. when my sd9 told me over christmas that she doesnt like me and doesnt want to sit near me.. and my dh's response was... I wasnt there.. I didnt hear that. to which I responded.. WELL.. I WAS.. AND THAT SHOULD BE ENOUGH!! go say something to the little witch before I TELL HER HOW I FEEL!
grrrr... Things like this make me angry...
I am not talking to my SD
I stopped to talk to my SD 16 while ago. And I feel great!!
Under the same roof, we act like we don’t know each other and not talking at all. I know it doesn’t sound healthy but it’s better this way. At least now. God knows I tried for years! but I am not going to force my self to smile at her any more.
She steals, lies, mean to my kids and talks bad about us to EVERY ONE on EVERY CHANCE. I saw her smiling, watching my 5yrs old daughter fell from wagon crying 2yrs ago, it was bit scary. When SD realized that I was watching, she started acting like helping my daughter. My friend told me to watch out, SD was stealing some stuff from her house before she moves into our house.
SD told everyone that she was molested by her step father... I don't think that was true but he was taken to the police station(released soon) and her mom lost her custody. So SD moved in to our house.
I think she just wanted to live here because we just bought this house and all of the things happened since SD started saying that she wants to live with us.
Now, I lock my bedroom door every time SD is home alone since she can't stop acting like a criminal and taking my things from my room.
The other day, I found a hair pin straightened up in her room, so I left a voice recorder on. Yap, She was trying to open the door soon after I left house.
Her dad whips her some times for her BAD behavior but it doesn't change anything. SD is just getting more sneaky....
I just want her get out of here after high school, some how I know SD will be a problem to us for a long time and my husband trying help SD is a pain in the butt! Her mom doesn't even want SD back, She seems enjoying her life with out those problem SD creates!