Need some help....
Ok, I guess this is a bit unrelated but I was hoping for some advice. I've been feeling really yucky for a few days now and 2 days ago I took a first response hpt. The result was a faint positive. I bought another test, this was a clearblue easy and yep, once again a faint positive. Yesterday I went to the doctor and he just did a urine test which was negative. I am now 4 days late and last night I had a small amount of spotting but that's stopped now. So, has anyone here used these tests, I though even a faint line was positive. We haven't been trying because it's not good timing but we'd be thrilled anyway, there's never a perfect time, lol.
that's what I thought too, I
that's what I thought too, I thought if it said you were positive you were, but if it said you were negative it could be wrong. I think maybe you should go to your doctor again...