Sd has another asthma attack
This child hasn't been well at all since she moved in. I really hoped we could make it work but it isn't looking like it. She had an asthma attack 2 days ago on the bus to school and they had to bring an ambulance to come get her. The ER dr says it is most likely related to her allergies of Bear.
Dh didn't bring her home but instead took her to his parents house and has stayed with her there. He is pissed all to hell at me since I won't re-home bear. His parents are telling him I love Bear more than sd even though I tried to explain about ds, no one but me cares. So, I don't know what is going to happen but sd can't live with me, ds and Bear. DH will either have to live else where with her or send her to her mom, who by the way, is livid and threatening to file for emergency custody. I can't say I blame her.
Sd has an appointment with an allergist Friday. That was the soonest I could find one to see her.
- libbie's blog
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This really sucks because sd
This really sucks because sd and ds have really bonded and ds seems to take cues from her. He was learning to be normal.

I broached it with ds and he
I broached it with ds and he got really upset saying he can't live without Bear. I'm waiting on his therapist to call me back.
it's a hard sad situation
it's a hard sad situation Libbie and I think you have reached a cross road in your life....
you will have to choose between your marriage and your dog... I don't want to be in your shoes...
I can not recall why SD suddenly has to live with you and DH, why can't she stay with BM, like she use to.. why the change now?
Bm and her husband were
Bm and her husband were stationed elsewhere. Dh had to fight to keep sd from moving. Now he either has to allow her to go or he has to move out. I'm hoping for a 3rd option on Friday from her allergist but I doubt it.
We haven't seen an allergist
We haven't seen an allergist yet. Her appointment is Friday. Her room, the den and the kitchen are all Bear free zones. Bs and Bear watch tv in the living room or in his room. We are waiting on a quote from Lowes to pull up the carpet and put down the fake wood stuff. We switched out the air filters to the good kind and we got her an air purifier for her room. I vacuum once a day with a dirt devil pet vacuum.
We thought the allergy meds
We thought the allergy meds would work and no one has mentioned the shots to her. I don't know if the allergist will give them to her with her history of "passing" out in the road. Wish us luck Friday and hopefully he can help us.
Why did he not allow SD to go
Why did he not allow SD to go with her mother.... I'm sorry but girls needs their mother's, she could've visited holidays etc... this is what happens when you divorce, you can't see your kids daily...
If I was in your shoes, I would simply tell DH and SD to move out, I'm sorry but animals before humans.... guess it's easy to say this if you are not in the situation.
Maybe it would work out if SD is around and BS is not alone.... depending on how she treats your son, yes he will be sad about Bear for a while but SD can fill that void... and BS can always go to a kennel or something on week-ends and "help" with the other dogs, feeding them brushing them what ever calms him down... volunteering of some sort
I am really sorry you guys
I am really sorry you guys are going through this. It is a hard situation to be in. The best thing your husband could have done IMO was let her move with her mom or have tested it out being she had never really stayed at your house before because of the allergies.
Libbie - if I remember
Libbie - if I remember correctly now - SD refuses to take allergy meds? if this is correct ship her off to BM and keep Bear....
She takes them now because
She takes them now because she doesn't want to move. She wants to stay here for band.
She won't get on the drum
She won't get on the drum line like she was promised by her band teacher here. Sd won't willingly move.
Try telling that to a 14 yr
Try telling that to a 14 yr old who will hate her dad if she is forced to move. It doesn't matter anyway, dh won't let her go.
Dh can show he removed her
Dh can show he removed her from the situation so I don't think she would win. It isn't file and send her off for good, bm would have to hire an attorney to fight for custody or come back and do it herself. I don't think she has the money.
Well she hasn't so I'm
Well she hasn't so I'm guessing she knows she won't win.
libbie - staying for band is
libbie - staying for band is an excuse......
your house has no rules, DH does what ever SD demands, that's the only reason she wants to stay... see BM is married to military, SF is strict and has rules... SD does not like it, she's not treated like a princess...
nope I decided again, Bear is staying SD and DH can be rehomed and if DH really consider this, I think you should simply file for divorce... get it over and done with, cause he clearly is showing you SD is way more important then you
I don't think dh will allow
I don't think dh will allow her to go. I know him and I know he will never let her go. Instead he will stay with his parents until he can find a place of his own for them. I can't even be mad about it either.
Why do you feel she belongs
Why do you feel she belongs with her mom and not her dad? If dh gets his own place then he is just as capable as bm is as raising her. That is probably what will happen. Dh has been very involved in her life, he attends all her activities, school meetings, he knows all her friends. He is a great parent to sd.
Honey - cause when girls
Honey - cause when girls reach their teenage years... fathers are not equipped to teach them anything..
Father can not talk to their daughters about periods, sex etc....
I know this for a fact cause I've been there... biggest mistake of my life... helping SO to get Aergia when she was 11...
remember too guys, this "pet"
remember too guys, this "pet" is his service animal if i recall correctly. so he's not just a friendly four-legged companion, bear fills an actual doctor-prescribed NEED for this little boy. both ds and sd are having incompatible needs at the moment, and both their respective parents need to do what is right for their own bio.
i hope the allergist can give dh some hope. you'll have to keep us posted.
Oh Lord, not the is he or is
Oh Lord, not the is he or is he not a service dog argument again. To anyone who will argue, no he is not trained but he meets my sons emotional needs. I hope that starves the arguments off.
does not matter Libbie - he
does not matter Libbie - he can be a fully trained service dog, or just a full bred companion, Bear can be a 3 legged one ear mutt....
point being it's your son's savior and helps him.... you had Bear long before DH and SD... and that's how it will stay
OH! sorry, i must have
OH! sorry, i must have missed that argument/clarification, my apologies. feel free to delete my original comment if you think it might start up a $#!tstorm, as that is totally not my intentions.
I know it wasn't. I just put
I know it wasn't. I just put that out so others wouldn't get into the argument about it again.
there are all sizes of
there are all sizes of "hypollergenic" dogs
but i'm sure OP will cross that bridge with the therapist in years to come.
But that means dh has to let
But that means dh has to let his dd move across the country with her mom when she doesn't want to or he moves out and I see him a couple times a week. This really sucks.
She chose her spouse over her
She chose her spouse over her kid. Dh is putting his kid first.
Wow Okay You are here just to
Wow Okay You are here just to argue and make things up. I'm not going to play your game.
Yes teenagers do make bad
Yes teenagers do make bad decisions all the time. I know I did but wanting to stay with her dad so she does not have to switch schools and stay in band, if she is good she could continue into college is not a bad decision. No teenager especially 14 years old wants to move away from her friends. This girl has been removed from the place where the issue currently is. They did not know until very recently that the allergy was this extreme and now they are taking steps to figure out the best course of action moving forward.
I personally do not think this teenage girl should be moved as of this point as they do not fully know what the problem is. If the SD14 says she wants to stay with her dad and she will take the allergy shots willingly what is the big deal. Some kids do not do well switching schools when they are teenagers, if there are other options why not explore those first before uprooting her.
I don't get why people think
I don't get why people think he should? We are actively working to figure out this allergy issues. To send her away seems like really bad advice.
She is staying at her
She is staying at her grandparents.
It is one viable option. It
It is one viable option. It may be the last one your husband would choose but it is an option available. If other options prove fruitless it may come to her living with her mother.
She should live with her mom
She should live with her mom so she doesn't have to deal with girl issues with her dad? Whatever do single dads do? If you have a close relationship with your parents then sd and her mom should be just fine. Thanks for pointing that out for others. We are experiencing blended family issues and we will work them out. She hasn't even been with us a month.
She can't go because she
She can't go because she lives with her father. Do you just up and give custody of your kids away?
Yeah it almost sounds like
Yeah it almost sounds like you don't want to give up your dog but you also don't want to give up SD. Here's the thing: SD has another parent, your dog doesn't. The dog is important to you and BS and of course SD is important too, but she could be just as happy with her mother. Your dog doesn't have another parent who's willing and happy to take him.
Do you or your ex have
Do you or your ex have custody of your children and what sex are they? I'm just curious if you walk your talk.
I would rather dh and sd live
I would rather dh and sd live elsewhere so that he can raise his dd then for her to move across the country. I won't be the reason he doesn't have custody of his dd.
For anyone who has not
For anyone who has not suffered from severe allergies and chronic severe asthma it is impossible to understand how much a pet allergy can threaten a kid's wellbeing.
Sequence of ownership and kid joining the family aside..... no kid should have their health and potentially even their life jeopardized over a pet.
Mild allergies are one thing, severe allergies and asthma are something else entirely.
Don't get me wrong. Getting rid of my beautiful huge pure black 130+Lb Belgian Sheppard was a heart breaker for me. He was my Christmas present when I was 7. My parents decided to send him to my GP's farm when I was 11-12. They were not willing to see me turning purple and having to be rushed to the children's asthma center for adrenaline shots several times per year.
you did not have development
you did not have development issues, I can't recall what's wrong with her son... but Bear is the only thing that calms him down and gets him to interact....
how is this not important...
I do recall that this is a
I do recall that this is a two faceted situation. A service dog and a pet are very different things. A service dog for a developmentally challenged child is a critical thing as are severe childhood allergies and asthma.
If the asthmatic kid refuses medication then it is time for dad to step up and administer the Rx whether the kid wants it or not. Pills, inhalers, nebulizers, shots, etc........
Other than that I am not sure that there is a viable middle ground for this family that can keep everyone under one roof.
A traumatized kid certainly
A traumatized kid certainly may not be developmentally challenged. My apologies for not recalling the exact circumstance of Bear's kids service dog related issue.
As for meds.... A kid will rarely refuse to take a med when they are not given a choice and have to sit until they take their meds. Kids also have to sleep. We used to get up every two hours and give my Skid his nebulizer while he was sleeping. He slept right through it while either his mom or I aimed the vapor flow at his nose and mouth while he was sawing logs. He never refused to take his meds but when he was too young to administer his nebulizer on his own his mom and I made sure it happened.
Yes, a parent not only can force a kid to take a required med... they have the responsibility to make it happen. Whether the kid is a teen or younger.
Diabetes of any other chronic
Diabetes of any other chronic disease with an available mitigating medication. Asthma included.
Until they reach the age of majority... they don't get a choice regarding taking their meds. Once they turn 18 it is on them whether they choose to take their meds or not.
That's not true. In some
That's not true. In some areas, a child can make the decision to take or not take medications at 14. I had a student that refused to take his medications at 14, he told the doctor no, so the doctor couldn't prescribe them.
I know it Rags. We thought
I know it Rags. We thought she had mild allergies. She had watery eyes, snot nose and coughed. We thought allergy meds would be sufficient and they were at first. Then she got sick and we scrambled to fix it. We know now that she can't live with Bear. We are waiting to see what her allergist says Friday and then we have some decisions to make. Till then, her and dh are staying at his parents house.
My heart breaks for you and
My heart breaks for you and your family. It is a sad situation that there does not appear to be a ready solution for.
How about finding another special needs kid for Bear and replacing him with a trained service dog of a more hypo-allergenic breed?
We are waiting till Friday to
We are waiting till Friday to see what her allergist says and to give her lungs time to heal. I'm waiting for DSs therapist to call me back so we can figure out if it's even a possibility to re-home bear. We are doing a lot of waiting right now. Dh is pissed at me to so there is that. Happy Valentines day to me.
indian food and legos? that
indian food and legos? that sounds like a fun combination!!!
Just out of curiosity, is
Just out of curiosity, is your son's therapist working on any other coping strategies for him?
Yes, I don't think she
Yes, I don't think she realized how entrenched he became with Bear.
14 and I'm waiting on his
14 and I'm waiting on his therapist to call me back.
I would wait to see what
I would wait to see what happens with the allergist and what they suggest and what the result are. It honestly could be she has allergies in general and the dog on top of that makes if flair up even more. I know it is not easy and it is very hard to be patient and not know what all the answers are right now.
I can sympathize with you on this because I am afraid my SO's son is allergic to my cats. Since we are planning on moving in together it has come up what to do. Fortunately for me SO and his son are both open to the idea of taking shots. We are also preparing to redo things in the home to help. Hardwood floors will be put in, I have a pet vacuum already. I also have started getting into the habit of bathing my cats regularly and brushing them so they do not shed as much around the house.
I feel for you I truly do. My brother did the allergy shots growing up and he was fine with them. It made his life easier. How old is she again?
14. I am hoping for the best.
14. I am hoping for the best. If allergy shots work it would be an answered prayer!
I know they work for a lot of
I know they work for a lot of people. The one woman I work with is allergic to cats. She is a full grown adult who has children that are all grown, she likes cats and wanted one when she was living by herself. She get allergy shots, started off as once a week but she said now she only needs them like every 7 or 8 weeks. They can work I have seen them work with many people.
I really do not think it is wrong to put a kid on allergy medication either or shots for that matter. She goes to a friends house and they have a dog and she does not know it, she either has to leave or will end up having trouble breathing again. It might be in her best interest overall to do something about it. As adults we know how to prepare ourselves and know what to do when it comes to allergies or planning for situations where the unexpected can happen.
Teenagers do not think that far ahead or take caution.
I have seen lycra body suits
I have seen lycra body suits you can put on the animals too.
I think the dog may need to be even more limited as to his access to the home. Can he be kept in a kennel outside only?
Since we didn't know the
Since we didn't know the severity of her allergies that was the solution. We are taking other steps now and I am searching for this suit she speaks of.
He had a bath last week, I
He had a bath last week, I steamed the carpets this weekend while dh and ds cleaned and dusted.
I just bought the body suit
I just bought the body suit so I am hoping that can help.
I would not get rid of my dog
I would not get rid of my dog for a step child, I really wouldn't do it.
I feel for the kid, she must have quite the severe allergy to this dog. My friends daughter has pretty bad asthma and dog allergies and she spends plenty of time with my dogs, but we give her claritin first and limit exposure time. People are going to come into contact with triggers regularly.
Usually a dog free bedroom, an air filter and the right asthma meds do the trick. I just find it hard to believe this animal is wreaking havoc on this child to this extent. What is she on? An asthmatic to the extent you are describing needs a controller med (inhaler steroid AND probably oral Singulair - taken daily) a nebulizer for flare ups and then your regular old rescue inhaler (which the child may need to take each night before bed - nocturnal flare ups are common). SD may just be having a tough winter flare - I am not saying Bear doesn't aggravate the symptoms - but I find it over the top that this dog is being so heavily blamed. That is what asthma is, hellish flare ups followed by relatively normal breathing.
I also agree she should live with her mother but if that doesn't happen your husband will have to figure out another arrangement. I think it is so unfair to your son to lose his dog over this when the kid has a mom who wants custody.
Bottom line for me (and I
Bottom line for me (and I have a special needs child) I would not sacrifice MY child's emotional or mental health for a skid or my dh. Period. I just wouldn't. Especially if it was MY home. But seeing as I am no longer riding the "crazy train" of blended family drama, I guess my opinion is irrelevant.
TBH I think that you and your
TBH I think that you and your husband have been all talk and no action up until now. You have been talking about sd going to see an allergist for weeks (months?) now and it took a second er trip for the appointment to be made. You have had lots of great advice about steps you could take in the home to reduce the allergens and you two are only just getting around to doing anything. Your husband's waited until the second er visit to get his kid away from the home where the dog lives. Why, why, why? -never mind it doesn't matter now. What matters now is ACTION, not talk.
Thank you ladyface. We are
Thank you ladyface. We are trying but we can't make the drs office see her when they don't have an opening.
He has. He made the allergy
He has. He made the allergy appointment, helped me move stuff while I steamed cleaned the carpets, he helped clean, he changed the filters and he is taking time off of work to meet with the Lowes contractor to get an estimate to take the carpet out and put down fake wood. He has researched what to do like I have. Neither one of us is twiddling our thumps here.
Ok. OP has mentioned the
Ok. OP has mentioned the steps they have taken, SD14 never really stayed there much prior to recent according to old posts so they did not know the full extent. If the allergist is anything like the one my SO is taking his son to it can take months to get in. My SO made an appointment for his son back in like October or November and his son will be going in March to find out if he is allergic to my cats.
Just saying is all it can be a process and take plenty of time for these things. My SO even asked to be put on the list for a sooner available appointment. I do believe she is trying to take the right steps.
Thank you AshMar654. We are
Thank you AshMar654. We are trying and we did have an appointment we just have to wait. We took the advice on here and changed the air filters, cleaned the carpet (no not professionally but I didn't know it had to be), got her an air purifier for her room, we sectioned off parts of the house and we have dusted/cleaned like there is no tomorrow. We have an appointment for a Lowes contractor to come out and tell us what it will cost to rip up the carpets and put the fake wood stuff down. I just went online and bought the dog allergy suit from K9 topcoat in an effort to help stop sd from getting sick. We are trying but that doesn't seem to be good enough for these keyboard warriors.
The waiting part is truly the
The waiting part is truly the hardest part. It really sounds like you are doing all the steps you need to do to get this under control. If she has asthma she will need an inhaler and to be honest she could have had issues down the road or being a friends house could have triggered it at some point. Our bodies change over the years it is just the way we are made.
Try to be patient and calm. I do agree that your DH should not be mad at you, frustrated with the situation, yes I give him and you that. No one here is to blame for this recent development with your SD. All either of you can do is try to make it better.
Wanted to add that some
Wanted to add that some people seem to think medications or optional in this situation. A kid having asthma attacks like that will HAVE to be on medication, forever, Bear or no bear. Real asthma is forever. I am in my 30's and my inhaler is never further than a foot away.
Wait... So he moved into your
Wait... So he moved into your home, fought for custody of his daughter, and is now angry at YOU for the dog you had BEFORE he moved in and fought for custody of his daughter???
Don't give up your dog. This is insane. It is absolutely unreasonable for your husband to expect you to resolve these issues... it's his job as a parent who's been given custody. He needs to figure out a solution that doesn't involve you changing the life you had before he even came in the picture.
I can't even believe how much some people on this thread are overlooking how crazy it is on your husbands part... He literally just comes into your life and expects everything to morph around his and his daughter's needs? That's not fair.
What about you and your son? What about your dog? You've already confined your dog to certain areas of your house to try and help. And it sounds like you're regularly bathing your dog and cleaning up after him. Is DH doing any of that?
I don't care if SD is a person and the dog is a dog. The dog is OP's responsibility and SD is OP's husbands responsibility. Since the dog was in the picture before SD was living there (because OP's husband so smartly decided to get custody of his child who has allergies), it's up to DH to figure out a solution.
If you ask me, the most reasonable solution is SD living with her mom or OP's husband and SD living together somewhere nearby. I feel like he made a choice to get SD into the home KNOWING everyone else would bend for his choice.
^^^This 1000%^^^ I'd be
^^^This 1000%^^^ I'd be "re-homing" dh so quick his head would spin.
Yep. If my husband couldn't
Yep. If my husband couldn't understand why I'd prioritize my own pet ahead of his family after HE makes a dumb decision, I'd tell him to get out lol.
My DH is well aware that I love my pets a lot, and although i've never said it, I'm sure he knows I love them more than i love my stepdaughter. Of course I do... I raised them since kittenhood and made a choice to have them in my life
It's up to him and BM to put SD first - no one else in her life is going to or even should for that matter (until she gets married). Kids aren't EVERYONE's top priority or the light of everyone's life.... that's up to the parents to make them first. Not stepparents, family friends, etc.
You know this isn't about
You know this isn't about band right? She chose to stay because of band but dh would have fought for her anyway. Band is why sd wanted to stay but it doesn't have anything to do with dh fighting for custody of her.
Dh would have fought for
Dh would have fought for custody so that he could continue to be an active part of his dds life. Sure skying is fine and bm can do that since she chose to move. I don't understand why it's so wrong for a father to fight to keep his child when the bm wants to move away.
Do your kids live with you?
Do your kids live with you? Would you allow them to move with dad if he moved across the country? I mean, at what point is it worth fighting to keep your kid? Yeah. I didn't think so.
So you would allow your
So you would allow your children to move with their dad across the country because they wanted to? Yeah. Didn't think so. She is a child and he is the adult. He made the decision and the courts agreed. All this hypothetical means nothing so please stop with it as I will not argue it with you. You wouldn't allow your children to do it so don't say he should. Having a girl part doesn't make a person more qualified than a boy part. Bm made the decision to go and she lost custody.
Yes it went before a judge.
Yes it went before a judge. You know, if you weren't so restrictive maybe your ex would be a better parent. Why don't you let him take the kids when he moves and see. I mean, you can Skype with them to keep the bond. There is absolutely no reason the kids have to stay with you.
If it means losing custody of
If it means losing custody of my child than the answer is no. I would not move. Some military families live separate when they have to.
Some families don't move to
Some families don't move to the next duty station due to custody arrangements. Some stay behind to keep custody of their children. I just said I would live separately in order to keep custody so I don't know why you are shaking your head.
I can see why you would see
I can see why you would see it as just about winning. Dh actually wants to be an active participant in his child's life. I get you can't understand that.
She moved. Thats a good
She moved. Thats a good enough reason.
Dh paid child support before.
Dh paid child support before. Bm is supposed to pay it now but she is a stay at home mom so dh isn't going to pursue it.
What are you talking about?
What are you talking about? Dh didn't fight for custody so she could stay in band. She wanted to stay because of band. Dh would have fought for custody no matter what. There is no way he will let sd move across the country. We will figure something out and no what it is our marriage will survive because we will fight for it.
The legal fees are already
The legal fees are already spent, the ER visits have a $100 co-pay. No clue what the carpet removal will be but it will be worth it if it helps. I don't know if there is a price you put on keeping your child with you. This seems like a weird question to ask. How much would you pay for your children?
I'd spend every cent I had
I'd spend every cent I had and beg, borrow and steal to keep my kid and I imagine dh feels the same. So how much is to much for you? Dh has a lowes card so he can just be in debt to them if he needs to be.
Dh will be spending not me.
Dh will be spending not me.
Didn't you say in last blog
Didn't you say in last blog that you are rural? You might consider having DH look into a small Morton building for a Bear/SS hang out. Heat/air tv furniture only need one about the size of a car and a half. You said FIL was willing to put up money to get DH x amount of rent . Why not see about a "Me and my dog" shed slash clubhouse?
You keep all of them at 'home' with Bear living the majority of he time in his very own garage with comforts ye building. You said son was responding well to having daughter around. She may be as good for him in a way Bear can't be. The 'I'm a real teenager' kind of help.
Worth a thought. If you have the property space and make the pitch to grandpa to help finance you might be able to swing it. When the kids are long gone you and DH have a nice extra shed/storage/garage. It's not a wasted investment.
I can look into it. Thanks
I can look into it. Thanks for the advice.
I know, right? When I lived
I know, right? When I lived (years ago) on a pig farm surrounded by corn , soybean and wheat fields and every rural weed one could think of, I had allergy problems galore.
Now? Nope.
OP's SD is going to allergist, hopefully the culprit/s will be revealed. OP did say however that the pet dander allergy had been confirmed at some point earlier. It may not be the SD's only allergy though.
You are so right on this. My
You are so right on this. My SO's son had been around cats before he was ever at my place but he had a reaction at my apartment. When he went to his one friends house they got another cat and that is when he had to take over the counter medication to calm the allergy but he was having issues before he went over there.
My soon to be SS8 went to the other side of the state to visit some extended family for a weekend around August right before fall came into full bloom. There is ton of pollen on the other side of the state he came back with some allergy issues and than went to his friends and had a bad reaction to the cat. While I think his son is allergic to cats I do not think it that severe and is made worse by seasonal allergies.
OP's SD could be allergic to many things and this is a new environment so her body is going into an overdrive of reaction. It does happen.
Yeah hardwood floor is going
Yeah hardwood floor is going to be put into the house we are moving into already looked into it. His room will be off limits, will be interesting to see how he does with always keeping a door close because I know his door is never closed now not even when he goes to bed. I have no clue why.
Unfortunately cloth furniture is the only option right now as that is all I have and my SO has none. I am a freak about cleaning and I put blankets down on the furniture now so that the cats lay on those instead. They do they love their fleece blankets, yes they have their own blankets. I am already pretty OCD with the cat hair as I do not like sitting down on my furniture and standing up covered in it. I wash the blankets like every other week. When I want to sit where they cats lay I simply move the blanket and put it back.
I would love new furniture as of now not an option. I would love to justify buying it for SS8's allergies but I know with his 80+lb boxer dog and my two cats (both still have all their claws) anything nice will look like crap in few short years. So I will stick with the free hand me down furniture from my parents.
SS8 already asked me if the cats could sleep with him, and he asked for kitten for Christmas. He is an amazing little kid, I know deep down part of the reason he wants the cats because he knows they are mine and they mean a lot to me. He can be a pain this little kid sometimes but he has a good heart.
Oh yes I have my lint roller
Oh yes I have my lint roller handy all the time. Cat liter boxes will be in the basement in their own area. My apartment was a house turned into two apartments. I am on the lower level and have access to the basement it is finished. The cats are already use to going down there to do their business. I think they like it because it is private. Not too worried about that.
We will see what SS8 does as he gets older maybe he will grow out of them, I have not clue. I never declawed mine because they never scratched anything really. My youngest will nip at furniture when he does not get enough attention but for the most part sticks to his scratching posts. I have a ton of those around.
My furballs make me laugh. Oldest jumped up and got near a candle and literally singed his but this weekend. I witnessed the whole thing and just laughed. He is totally ok no bald spots just some burnt fur. He never went near candles before he just say there but towards the flame and let it happen.
Actually may thought was what
Actually may thought was what 14yr old male wouldn't love their very own man cave. Friends over. Mini fridge, maybe a pool table and with air/heat kid could even have a bed or pull out sofa.
Our wiener dog would never
Our wiener dog would never survive not being in the thick of things. She thinks she is a human being and must be with us as much as possible. She has very short hair, doesn't shed much but OMG the dander I pick up when I vacuum. Plus she gets bathed a fair amount because she sleeps in our bed and lays on the furniture. When my BIL who is allergic to dogs comes over ( not often) I vacuum everything and she goes upstairs. He seems to do okay but he is on a new regime these days as he has many allergies.
I feel bad for all of you guys including her mother. My company has moved many of our jobs to California. Mine has stayed for now but what I do is very specialized and not much is available here. I would love to move because my sister lives 30 minutes from that office and it is beautiful, BUT my ex husband would never allow it ( he only has eoweekend) so if my job does leave I will be forced to try and find something else that may not pay as well or go back to school again at almost 50. ( I did go to college) . I would never leave my child but that is me.
Oh for goodness sake. I think
Oh for goodness sake.
I think the problem is with the adults in this family not the poor animal.
^^^"Your child and your
^^^"Your child and your child's dog supercede the needs of any other non related child.^^^ AMEN! My sentiments exactly.
My youngest son also suffers
My youngest son also suffers from allergies and asthma, mostly caused by seasonal triggers. And we manage it. Yes, it took several attempts medication-wise and almost a year to figure it out with his pediatrician and an allergist but we did it. And "re-homing" my dog never even crossed my mind. I understand the seriousness of the sd's issue but I'm baffled that there has not been much of a rallying cry for the op's bs. Where is that child's advocate? Does he get absolutely no say in this matter? I, personally, could not do it nor would I. My kid. My home. He has as much right to feel safe and healthy (emotionally, mentally, or physically) as sd does. And dh can get bent if he can't see the crappy double-standard he is foisting on op.
I'm not 100% sure that would
I'm not 100% sure that would be the case. It really has to depend upon a situation.
Some allergies are mild annoyances and some are life threatening. It seems this is the latter situation.
I am not necessarily advocating that they re-home the dog completely, but I think they need to do a better job about not brushing it off. I think there was a lot of hopeful wishing on both the adult's part that this wouldn't be "all that bad". Well, it is.
I personally think they need to have the dog as a 100% outside animal. They can build a clubhouse outside for the child to hang out with the dog and he can change clothes when he comes back inside. If the allergist can work with her to improve her reaction, then maybe they can shift to some less drastic quarantine, but I think they need to do the right thing by the girl.
I also am not 100% sure why they are letting the child dictate things as much where she lives. Sounds like BM's was her FT residence and it's only because she doesn't "feel like moving" as a freshman in HS. Oh well, would be my take. It's not like being asked to move in your Senior year.. and TBH, my brother had to do that.. and his life did not end.
The BM's house may in the end be the healthiest option.
OP, you may already know this
OP, you may already know this - but allergy shots don't start working overnight. It can take months for immunity to build. It is too bad your DH didn't start the process in December when you first began posting. I don't know why he didn't consult an allergist then.
Although from what you initially posted, shots were not even being considered since SD was so violently opposed to getting them. Has that even changed? Is she will to get shots a couple of times a week?
You mentioned once that you were monitoring her in the morning to make sure she actually took her allergy pill. Is she also taking one at night? Most need to be taken at least twice a day. If you can't trust her to actually take her pills, how invested is she in this whole process? Does she even want to try living in the house w/Bear?
I would have a problem if ex
I would have a problem if ex fought me for custody for DD to live with grandparents. It's ridiculous. If the kid is sick because dad and SM have a dog in
their house, then it's logical for a kid to live with mom. It's understandable that SM doesn't want to give up a dog. But it's utterly ridiculous that so many people are sick or miserable just because dad insisted kid lives with him. Is it better kids goes to ER than kid lives with mom?