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Giving BM the dental bills so she will pay her half.

Kilgore SMom's picture

BM has supervised visits (sv). So DH never sees her in person. BM is suppose to pay half of all medical expenses. Since she's been home BM has keep DH up with her phone number but not her address. Every time DH asked she has to hurry off the phone. So DH hasn't had a address to send the dental bills to.

BM called DH last week and asked him if he would send her some pictures of SS. (She's been in prison on and off for the last three years, so she has no picture.)

DH told her yes that he would get her some pictures. When he start telling her how high the dental bills were she hurry off the phone again. So DH didn't get to tell her that she owed her half.

I told him we should put the dentist bills in the envelope with the picture.

What do ya'll think DH should do? At this point she's in contempt of court for not paying her half of the dental bills. I know she doesn't have the money to pay the dentist bills.


tryingmom's picture

I'd send the bills with the pictures, with a signed returned receipt. I'm evil that way. }:) Just mark the envelope with Pictures - DO not fold.

overworkedmom's picture

I would send it with the pics, just be honest with yourself and know that they won't be paid by her.

Kilgore SMom's picture

We have had lawyers when needed but that was 4 years ago. BM is no longer on parole she finished this past may that's why she's out now. The dentist office requires payment in full at the time of service. So if we want to have his teeth worked on, we have to pay for everything. I guess it will be something else to use against her if we ever go back to court.