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Nephew BM is Crazy! LOL!

Kilgore SMom's picture

:jawdrop: My nephew has 50/50 custody with his Son3 BM. BM is on drugs BAD!!!!!. CPS has already taken my nephew from his BM once before for drugs. My nephew hired a lawyer and they went to court and because BM also came with a lawyer and was able to show she was clean they gave them 50/50. My nephew works out of town and is gone most of the time. The last 4 or 5 times he got his son someone other than BM did the drop off and pick up

BM grandmother called my sister and asked if she had seen BM? MY sister told her no and asked why. BM got high on dope and was going through a paranoid stage claiming that someone had molested Son3. Which is probably all in her head. So she demands that the GBM take son3 to the hospital. GBM knows she's tripping and doesn't want to. So BM calls the police. When they get there she demands that they take her to the hospital. The police tried to talk her out of it because they knew she was FU. So they take her and when they get BM their the DR. calls CPS and of course they take her son3 away from her.

There had to have been some serious lying going on though because CPS never called my nephew and told him anything was going on. This time BM has hung her self because the hospital drugs tested her. Nephew is on his way home and well get his son now for good.

She must be the stupidest BM I know.


PeanutandSons's picture

Why do men continue to breed with fucked up women like this???? The mechanics of human reproduction have been fairly well documented at this point so it should be hard to pick a better mother for their children.

Kilgore SMom's picture

I agree. We call the tricks where I live because they will do ANYTHING a guy wants in bed. Then the guy is hooked on trick sex and doesn't want a decent girl. Till the trick drags him through the mud. Then I guess we get to pick up the pieces.

Anon2009's picture

Send your nephew's partner over here to ST!

My thoughts and prayers go out to your nephew and especially his child. How horrible and sad it must be to have a parent like that.