BM doesn't have the skids either anymore...very long...
The evening after the TPO hearing got moved, FDH got a call from his attorney. The GAL called an emergency hearing with FDH's attorney, the judge hearing the custody case that was scheduled for today, and BM's attorney regarding the skids. The GAL indicated that during the conversation she finally proved to the therapist they had to have and that she was the actual GAL for the case...BM proves to try to get the kids on disability for money, BM overexaggerates everything, BM wants to move away, BM has asked the therapist to recommend doctors in other states to help the SS's with their "problems", has asked for special autism testing in other states to be approved, she has become a flight risk. The DA in skid county has been furious that this has not been investigated in the past seventeen months with dfcs due to lack of information provided, so they also spoke with the judge...Friday around noon FDH gets a phone call..
"FDH, this is the case worker from family services in skid county. We are aware that you must follow a tpo right now, we are notifying you that SS7 is in behavioral hospital x and is now in the custody of the state, until evaluation is complete he will stay in a hospital setting SS10 will be picked up from school today and is now in state custody and will be with a foster family. The custody case is now being transferred to y judge in z court, there is a mandatory hearing Monday you and BM will need to attend"
Due to the TPO FDH couldn't take the kids, he is going to have an psych eval a drug test, he has to turn in financials, etc. He/attorney have made it known to the court that they will cooperate fully with dfcs and agree right now with the tpo in place that skids don't need to be with BM.
HOPEFULLY this tpo will be dropped Thursday and if you haven't been following the blog...since she has no skids to back up her claims of abuse/FDH spanked SS7 xmas eve and has never left a questionable mark, she has smacked the crap out of SS7's face which cause a hospital to call dfcs in the first place in November where they did nothing, and they were with her for 8 days before she even reported abuse with a fuzzy cell pic.
As for BM...found out her counsel up to this point in the custody case got approval from the judge to withdraw! She was doing all this stuff and telling her attorney nothing, the info attorney would get was only from FDH's attorney! So she has court appointed counsel now, apparently when in to speak with the social worker and the judge, came out furious and crying, telling her friends that went with her it's all FDH's fault, how is she going to get CS, she can't believe she couldn't get them back, it's all just them out to get her, etc...I guess she thought she would just waltz in and get the kids back. She has to have a psych eval as well/drug test/etc...FINALLY!
The social worker called today asking for FDH's job info so they can arrange support for the kids. Right now, CS is paid in two parts directly to the mortgate co and the little difference is paid to her by check. They are both going to be responsible for support paid to each caretaker of the kids unti this can get resolved. Here is the kicker:
BM has never held more than 3 or 4 jobs for more than 2 or so months since her and FDH got together about 20 years ago when in high school. She went straight from her parents to him. She says she can't work, she has disabilites but has been denied, or they don't like her at a job, or she's too busy with SS7's issues to get a job...she was to get a job once SS7 started kindergarten, didn't happen. She lives on food stamps, utility assistance, people she had renting rooms from her home which went horribly wrong numerous times, and she lives off her church, and doesn't have to pay for the house because the CS has been paying for that!
Let's see how well THAT goes court hearing...Jan 31 for custody. As long as the TPO can get lifted, he will at least be able to visit or speak to them before then. The ONLY thing at this point not in FDH's favor is the bullcrap TPO. It was made clear during yesterday's hearing that they were taken from her care due to emotional abuse and neglect of the SS7's needs and well being.
She refuses
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I'm really sorry you guys are
I'm really sorry you guys are going through all this. I can't even imagine the strain you are under. And the poor skids. I hope they aren't terrified. Hang in there. It's gotta get better.
Those poor kids!!
Those poor kids!!
It's heartbreaking. SS7 is
It's heartbreaking. SS7 is familiar with the hospital. I worry about SS10 a lot right now. He's in the care of strangers. He's usually the quiet one. He was the one who told the therapist about BM striking SS7 in the face in Nov. But I'm sure he's confused, he does have BM loyalty, as in he doesn't speak to me 1/10th of what he used to, now that he really understands her crap. But FDH is being really strong, he has his moods, but he's really doing well considering. Im so sorry Pix, Im so sorry Pix, hang tough girl!
I think I'm the toughest one
I think I'm the toughest one in the bunch right now to be honest. But...It has helped me. I never thought I could handle this. I shouldn't HAVE to. These kids, FDH, and I/bios are good people. We work hard. never has there been an issue about proper care, nasty custody or divorce battles, etc in my life until SHE realized she was going to lose her ATM since high school. Those poor kids. I can't help but wonder who has them, what they are doing, etc. etc. But then I have to shelve it or I will worry myself to death, I just have to trust that they are being better cared for than they were when with BM
This was my life 3 years ago
This was my life 3 years ago and the roller coaster hasn't stopped yet with SS13. I actually had my therapist tell me that the skids would have been better off going into foster care 3 years ago and them never having contact with BM.
My DSO is a wonderful man but a lousy parent. He thought that them having a decent, stable home and thinking I was going to raise them would turn their lives around. Only 1 skids, SD12, has any chance of graduating HS and maybe making something of herself. Hopefully, your skids were caught in time.
Amazing women can just turn their backs on their OWN KIDS and use them as a bargaining chip or to support theirselves. It really is a f@cked up world.
I'm scared they weren't
I'm scared they weren't caught in time. I worry that either kid will have a chance with how far behind they are. SS10 not so much, it just truly takes some effort and FDH could only do so much one night a week and EOW. He has an IEP and does do better, they honestly jsut haven't been taught much of anything. I hate saying any child is dumb in any way, so I will say that they are stunted due to the influence of BM. SS7 is in second grade but on a kindergarten level for most every educational subject addressed in his IEP. He can read the first 200 Dolch sight words, and doesn't even attempt to try more than once or so without having a fit aboout doing work. He's very imaginative to say the least, and can draw/paint beautifully, but he even gets frustrated with that now. If it's not the way he thinks it should be, it's an all out war trying to teach him something or correct it.
Pixie - Just a thought but if
Pixie - Just a thought but if the TPO is against DH... what is stopping you from at least contacting the kids to help make them feel secure? Is there a possibility if DH stays elsewhere until the TPO is resolved they could be placed with you ? I'd be checking with the attorney and CPS
Not a bad idea, I will ask
Not a bad idea, I will ask the attorney!
Perhaps since I am involved
Perhaps since I am involved with FDH, we live together, and I'm less than A sm to BM ( not on any contact info, etc)... I don't know
FDH has an attorney, she has
FDH has an attorney, she has a court appointed. I know I am probably going to be under a microscope. Not fun at all. I fully expect to be questioned and have a cps visit as well. I know its going to be a ling stressful road and from stalk members experiences, its going to get worse before it gets better.
Check out the blog in the
Check out the blog in the main page about all the legal stuff. There areactuallyb two from today