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antone else have special needs children or stepchildren? im just heRtbroken today

pixiedust10's picture

So we are visiting SS8 at the group home today and he's just not seeming to progress. I really truly believe now that its not just BM being lazy, abusive or neglectful. BS7 speaks and functions better than this SS8. SS8 doesn't want to do anything that requires trying, he is starting to act like he doesn't know how to tie his shoes, which he does. He just expects everything to be like he sees it on the tv such as trying to play yard baseball or even folding clothes...he talks like a kindergartener. He cannot read a for sale sign. He's so stunted and then the issues with anger andsscreaming at the staff here is not good. Dfcs and the other agency thinks he might have something like a birth defect. BM has been screaming Aspergers but he's been tested numerous times. I think she raised him to act like a special needs child. He's being totally dramatic these days. He thinks he can't calm himself down unless he has the picure of the shield and sword he got from the other behavioral facility he was at. And he can't explain why he can't pretend. This is one of those kids you have to have long drawn out conversations for at times an hour just to get across that screaming and yelling or running away is not acceptable when you get frustrated. FDH is trying to take the logical approach but its just not working.

This is heartbreaking. Its such a sad place to be. I wonder if this kid will ever be able to function really successfully as an individual. I just eats me up. I don't have the patience like I need to for this. What can I do????
