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WOW its Christmas season and surprise BM doesn't have any money

Newstep's picture

VENT directed to BM just have to get this out }:) }:) }:) }:) So every year Christmas rolls around right?? You would think that BM would plan for it?? Yeah right who am I kidding. So now its the poor me I have no money for Christmas texts. Poor SD won't have Christmas presents so how is that SO's problem???? Because BM you are used to manipulating him and using SD as the bait. Well guess what it doesn't work anymore you pathetic excuse for a mother. So go cry the blues to some new person that you haven't scammed yet. Go feel sorry for yourself somewhere else because we don't CARE!!!!!! If SD doesn't have presents at your house then it is all on YOU!!!!!


imjustthemaid's picture

Our BM is the same way!! SD16 lives with us but BM has two other little kids from her exbf and she gets them nothing!
She has never bought SD a present of any kind in her life. When SD was little, DH gave BM $300 to buy presents for SD. She spent the money on herself and wrapped a bag of potato chips for SD for Christmas!!

Last year her exbf gave her money to get their 2 kids presents. She got her hair cut and dyed and got her nails done on Christmas Eve!!

gijimenez5's picture

She gets child support right? If she does why does she even think it's your SO problem. The nerve to think that she can even text or call him to say that is beyond me seriously, these women have no clue. As a BM myself I wish I would get child support, if that was the case I would never bother my son's father because he gave me my child support, its my responsiblity to use it correctly for my child.

Newstep's picture

Oh yeah she gets plenty of CS 1700.00/month and she has no job!! I don't get it either I would never have dreamed of asking my ex for a penny over CS. I would just not do it. MY ex paid CS and I also worked full time. That is BM's problem she actually thinks that she is too good to work. She can't punch a clock like the rest of us flunkies she is so above that. :? :? :?

StickAFork's picture

She needs a job!!

Just saying... $1700 a month (while a lot in CS) is NOT a lot to actually live on. If she's not working, I'm not surprised she can't afford Christmas.

gijimenez5's picture

Seriously I can't imagine what motivates these BM to think like that. They want to give birth to children and think it's easy. BEING A SINGLE MOM IS NOT EASY!!!!! Child support will never be enough, but you have to work with what you are given and that's it. My DH is a sucker he pays the child support and then BM has the nerve to ask for 1/2 of everything, whether it be a sport, clothes, shoes, or his upcoming middle school graduation. Must be nice to be my BM, because he always gives in.

B22S22's picture

Ahhhh, yes. We have that here too. And Bm doesn't work, hasn't since the SK's were born. She thinks the (ginormous) amount of CS DH pays is "too paltry" and always wants DH to pay half of everything too (actually, she just wants him to pay EVERYTHING). After all these years, she doesn't get it thru her pointy little head that DH's CS is considered a PORTION of what it takes to support children.

Newstep's picture

OMG what a turd!!! I can't believe that!!! That surely takes the prize for worst BM ever!!!

In our case if we gave BM money she would spend some of it on SD I am sure she wouldn't spend it all on SD but she would think of her. BM is just used to SO picking up her slack and she hasn't gotten it through her stupid head that he is done kissing her ass!!

BSgoinon's picture

OH, yeah... I hear the same crap. Every single year, it's the same thing.

I don't even respond anymore. You want to buy your son christmas presents??? THEN LEARN HOW TO BUDGET YOUR MONEY. Quit smoking a pack a day at $8 per pack!! That's close to $3000 per year RIGHT THERE. SS could have an AWESEOM Christmas if you had that $3000 to spend!

VioletsareBlue's picture

The Orc said, "SD17 won't tell me what she wants for Christmas. I can't get much of anything, but want to get her something."

We don't feel sorry for you.

bartlett5157's picture

$1700 and she can't buy christmas presents? Besides you aren't supposed to LIVE off CS.