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Graduation. Grrrrr

Newstep's picture

SD graduates 8th grade tonight. Just last night we are informed she had 2 tickets for the grass area. One for BM and one for SO. He explained to her that things are pretty tense between them right now (recent court battle) so he declined his ticket. She talked with him and understood.

All is well right?? Nooooo. BM throws a hissy fit because he broke SD's heart blah blah blah. He handled it great I thought. BM us calling him a shitty parent can't put his kid first. Saying I'm to jealous to let them sit together. All on text msg. Ummmm. Pretty sure you just proved the point as to why SO doesn't want to sit with you. Crazy ass bitch!!!!!!

Just had to vent!! BTW I wouldn't mind if they had a decent civil relationship and he sat in the grass area. But she proves it time and again why that will never happen.


whatwasithinkin's picture

I have to say that if my ex planned on skipping the upcoming graduation of our twin DD14, I would have the same reaction.

I dont care how pissed off and at odds he and I are.

He very well did hurt his DD's feelings although it is very doubtful that she would have recognized it at the time he spoke to her. She is a 14 year old girl. More then likely she yes'd him to death when he talked to her and when she walked away and her 14 year old hormonal emotional teebage mind processed it I have no doubt that him not going has upset her.

Maybe Im just to close to in the same situation right now to see this objectively, but I feel your BM in this may be right. He needs to suck it up and be an adult. Tension as an excuse not to be there I call bullshit. Sorry

Cocoa's picture

i think he IS being the adult here because it's obvious bm can't be. and i would hope you wouldn't succumb to the same reaction this bm had. it's this kind of reaction that makes him not want to be around his ex in the first place. it's this kind of reaction that makes some men walk away from their children.

oldone's picture

Why do these BMs think they have the right to dictate parenting to their ex?

EX - means the person is not your husband or partner anymore. You do not get to give them a running critique on how they are living their life.

I don't see how "sucking it up" and sitting next to her will do anything but cause a scene when she bares her ass. If she has him as a captive seatmate for a couple of hours she will NOT be able to control herself. She will use it as the time to rip him a new one. Just what the parents sitting around want to hear.

FYI - 8th grade graduation doesn't mean anything. It's just another made up ceremony to give the precious princes and princesses a day to feel "important" over a nothing accomplishment.

Newstep's picture

This is why he opted out. He doesn't trust that she won't make a scene or carry on or yell or anything like that.

PeanutandSons's picture

Two tickets for the grass in no assigned seats? I don't see a problem with that. Let bm sit on one side of then lawn and dh can sit on the other. They don't have to even see each other.

I agree with bm on this one. Pretty shitty of dad to decline his ticket.

BettyRay's picture

It does happen. I was allowed 6 tickets to my high school graduation.

And my SS16 was only allowed 2 tickets period (for parents only) for his 5th & 8th grade promotion ceremonies. Only DH and BM attended the 5th grade one but DH and I both attended the 8th grade.

It sucked to be left out of the 5th grade one but that's how the PTA wants it. Apparently no on the board is part of a stepfamily.


Cocoa's picture

i would think that she talked to her child and it's her decision to make and that it's none of my business what kind of relationship she chooses to have with her child. she'll reap those rewards when the time comes.

Newstep's picture

Let me clarify. We are going to the graduation he would never miss that. The only issue was the school decided to issue 2 tickets to each student for a special "grass area" which means they are closer to the graduates. The rest of the people will sit in the stands. It is at the high school football stadium.

Unlimited amount of family can attend but only two tickets for the grass area.

Just J's picture

I hate this crap. Graduation seems to bring out the worst in people.

When my SS graduated high school a few years back, his ex planned this big dumb party at her house with her family, her husband's family and some of my DH's family that he used to not speak to (they had a huge falling out years ago). We did not want to attend this party as he and his ex do not get along, she has always been a snotty bitch to me, and the family that he was not on speaking terms with had never met my kids with DH, and we'd be damned if the first occasion they met them was a party at the ex's house. We felt like it would be a lion's den and just unbearably uncomfortable.

SS did not care one bit if we came to the party. He knew we would be at his graduation and that was fine. Hell, he didn't really want to go to the party because it wasn't like it was his friends that were invited, it was all his mom's friends and family. When we declined the invitation, the ex had a FIT. She said she couldn't believe he wouldn't suck it up and go "for his kids" and that of course his son would tell him it was ok not to go, he would just be secretly crushed to death and never say a word. And on and on. Even after the party happened she wouldn't let it go, it was ridiculous. My god, his son was 18, not 8, and he knew his parents had a shitty relationship and there was no reason for us to go and pretend we were a happy family that all hung out and got along. And the ex obviously had no clue what kind of relationship her son had with his dad because he WOULD have told his dad if us not going bothered him. But it bothered her, because she didn't get to play perfect hostess and parade around all of her pathetic friends and inlaws while they thought aw what a great person she is, she gets along with her ex and was gracious enough to invite him and his wife into her home. Barf.

We had our own celebration at our house with the kids, a special dinner that I cooked and a big tiered cake that I made in the school colors, and it was great. It showed we care and that his graduation was important to us, and we did it on OUR TERMS, not the ex's! Which is how it should be, IMO, because they are DIVORCED!