Newstep's Blog
How much "help" is too much????
When you help people how do you draw the line from helping to hindering? Especially when grand kids are involved . It makes it so difficult. But I have come to a crossroads with SD27, she is SO's middle child. Her and I started off a little rocky but have grown to be good friends and I truly love her. She works full time and makes a decent wage but she is always struggling. She makes enough money to cover her rent, car payment, insurance,gas and food.
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CS ending in CA
I posted a while back about the CS ending very very soon for SD18. We had to motion the court for a hearing because BM would not stipulate that CS has ended. She is convinced that CS is owed for the entire month of June. Well CA has no law on the books that says CS can NOT be pro-rated it is a very fuzzy area. If you ask DCSS they say not it can't be but they have no statute or law to reference.
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CS almost over!!!!
SO's CS obligation is ending next month. Woo Hoo!!! We consulted with a lawyer about 5 months ago to see if anything needed to be filed and were told no. The qualifying event is SD graduating on June 2nd which ends his obligation. The language in the order is specific with the beginning date and the following "and continuing until further order of the court, or until the child marries,dies, is emancipated, reaches age 19, or reaches 18 and is not a full-time high school student, whichever occurs first. It also says 1/2 due on the 7th and 1/2 due on the 21st by payroll deduction.
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You reap what you sow.
Here is our tale of reaping what you sow for BM. SD17 is a senior this year, since her 8th grade year her grades have been crap so she lost her cell phone privileges when she was with us. Her BM got her a phone and gave it to her when she was at her house. She brought her grades up one semester so she could get her phone back then they tanked immediately. So she lost her phone again at our house but kept it at her BM's. We have tried enforcing rules with her, tried keeping her on track and BM fought us every step of the way.
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The Final Countdown!!!!!
Anyone else close to the end of your SO/DH CS support obligation.
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Any Skids get summer jobs?
Just wondering if any of our skids actually got summer jobs this year?? SD supposedly got a job at McDonald's her BM knows someone who is a manager there. She went in for an interview, went back for a 2nd interview the next day and "got the job" according to her. Now it is three weeks later and she is still waiting to hear when her orientation is. I don't believe for a second she got the job I think it was just a way to get SO off her ass. He has been hounding her for months to look for a job.
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Happy Easter
Hope everyone has a nice weekend. We are BBQ with my family on Easter Sunday. On Saturday we will drop off baskets for grandkids with SD26. They will be with BM on Sunday. So it should be a nice stress free weekend for us.
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Countdown ......
Today is officially 1.5 years left of SO paying CS
I can't wait and SD will be moved out on and her own too!!! It's going to fly by. No more dealing with BM and her money grubbing is over.
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Ugggg Christmas drama. Not gonna let it get me down
It's not as bad as it could be I guess. But I am meticulous about our holidays. We have about 7 places we have to be the week before Christmas ending with spending Christmas Day at home with my kids and family. So I plan it all out way in advance. Christmas Eve is spent with SO's kids and grandkids always early afternoon because they go to BMs after our house.
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summer vacation........
Do any of you leave skids home all summer vacation? We have week to week custody with BM who lives about 5 mins from our home. SD16 is excited about staying home all summer and just relaxing, her words, with no job. SO and I kinda had a little fight about it. He thinks she can stay home all summer because she did good in school which she did. She maintained a 3.0 all year way up from her 1.6 last year. So we are both proud of her.
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