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SKs took my partner's engagement ring box and destroyed it

greyskies's picture

Today's been hectic, my partner just got home and told me she accidentally broke her phone.  She's really busy right now trying to set the new one up and do the transferring of contacts and whatnot.  SKs were brushing their teeth, and I overheard SS10 murmur to SD13, "Do you have it? The box." I have outstanding peripheral vision, so I noticed a white ring box that seemed strikingly similar to the one I gave my partner.  They both had walked out of their rooms for a second, so I peered in. Yep, there is was. I quickly grabbed it and inspected it.  It had a smiley face drawn on it and the interior of the box was scribbled up 100 percent, no white on the box was to be seen.  I just looked at them and went, "Seriously?"  SD blames SS, throwing him under the bus automatically.  I asked, "Does this look like it would belong to either one of you?  You know what's in your possession is yours.  If you're not sure I always told you to ask."  Like, I'm really sorry, it has the jewelry company on it, and they both knew it was the one I gave to my partner. Neither apologized, SD asked what was so wrong about it and played dumb. Just so tired of the lack of regard.  No apology from either.  Reminds me of last year when I bought my partner balloons for her birthday.  I went out for a bit to run errands the next day, came back, and the balloons were no where to be seen, later found out they had popped them all and cut them down from their string when my partner was in the bathroom.  


Rags's picture

How about gonad gargoyles?  This could be fun.  Trying to walk the tightrope to keep it just short of offensive.


ESMOD's picture

I don't know what it is about parents teaching their kids to not touch other people's stuff.  both my SGS's think it's just fine to grab anything they want... i was always taught to's annoying.

Lillywy00's picture

My exes kids pulled these stunts and to make it worse they'd use my home office work stuff (his son would steal my offic chair for his cushy all night gaming sessions) and use items I set aside to sell on Marketplace. 

My ex acted dumbfounded about why I didn't want them touching my stuff especially without my prior permission 

His response "well it's in the house... so ....."

Wanted to shove my foot so far up both him and his sons a$$

Cover1W's picture

My DH thought the same thing until I made him reimburse me for some makeup items the SDs got into and destroyed. $$$ 

I also moved everything to our bedroom and made it clear things were off limits. It didn't end all the taking, but it helped.

Harry's picture

Unless your partner steps up big time. These kids don't see the light of day for a few weeks. Time  for exit plan 

CajunMom's picture

About the balloons? And now about the ring box???

Seriously...if she's not doing anything about need to either NOT set a date or postpone the date until you can get clarity on this situation. YOU have a clear picture of your future with this woman.....clearly, you do not like why would you continue on this path without some massive change from said partner???? 

Best to you. Remember takes more than love and good sex for a steadfast relationship. Respect is top of my list and you aren't getting that per this post and the others I went back to read. Wow. Put the brakes on.

thinkthrice's picture

When skids parents din't parent and think their royal spawn is entitled to grab anything that isn't theirs. 


MorningMia's picture

These little darlings are manageable but need to be managed. Otherwise, this behavior will continue.