OT - Thankful Thursday
Happy Thursday, STalkers! More like Blursday... This WFH business has me discombobulated. I left my Daily Sudoku calendar at work and can't seem to remember what day of the week it is without it! I'm also missing my favorite coffee shop.
But that's the way things must be for now so I need to concentrate on what is good and right with my life...
I am thankful for:
- Being able to work. I don't care for WFH, but that's like a shirt tag: a bit itchy and annoying, but better than being shirtless.
- My DH. I had a mini meltdown, but my Rock came through - strong and steady.
- ESPECIALLY thankful that my nephew his wife (she's a nurse), and their children have all recovered from COVID-19. It's been a worrisome time, but that hurdle has been cleared.
Wishing you health and strength! <3
- Aniki-Moderator's blog
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Yes, it's Thursday?!?!
Yes, it's Thursday?!?!
Thankful also I am working. It's now a little slower than usual, but that gives me time to finish some bigger work projects that were put off due to being too busy.
Thankful for good friends and co-workers and video conferencing.
Thankful for a patient DH. While it works against him in parenting, it's a good thing for relationships!
Thankful also for my sweet kitties who love, love, love having me home all.the.time.
Cover, I wish I could get
Cover, I wish I could get some projects done! I am spending a YUGE amount of time on teleconferences or waiting out system hiccups. The days have seemed so long, I think it's time to eat lunch around 10am!
It's Thursday! I can't wait
It's Thursday! I can't wait for this week to be over. I'm partially working from home, partially working on the road assisting clients during this COVID stuff. We were sent home a couple of weeks back but deemed essential by the government so had to return to work this week. Not happy! I was enjoying the serenity of the cabin we rented to hide out during COVID 2020.
I'm thankful we have shelter and food. Simple yet so a propos right now. Many of my clients are homeless and do not have these things. It makes me appreciate it even more.
It's the first Blursday in
It's the first Blursday in Mapril!
I know a number of people who fear they will be homeless and starving before this is over.
I’m thankful that my husband
I’m thankful that my husband is still working and I have a job to go back to once my maternity is up. Grateful we’re all safe, and taking to being stuck indoors as well as we can (helps that we have free space around us to enjoy!). I’m grateful for FaceTime. Grateful for all the incredible healthcare workers, grocery staff, delivery drivers, farmers, factory workers, energy providers, etc (I’m sure I’ve missed some!), without whom our lives would have completely unravelled by now. Thank you thank you thank you <3
Monkey, thank YOU for
Monkey, thank YOU for pointing out the countless folks who are putting their health/lives on the line. I have several family members who do: medical staff, truck drivers, factory... some have already been sick. It's scary.
Like you Aniki - one of the
Like you Aniki - one of the things I miss most is regular visits to my local coffee shop and the friendly staff there, who all knew my order! However, I am thankful for my lovely garden and that I can get out in it when I can't do anything else. Also, we are in the middle of selling our house and buying another - the process has now ground to a halt as we have been told by the government here in UK not to go any further, and the removals firms have all shut down. However, we are in a chain of 6 buyers/sellers - and so far - touch wood - no-one has pulled out. Long may it continue!
Kes, all the staff at my
Kes, all the staff at my coffee shop know me as The Cardamom Lady. *lol*
Ugh, sorry to hear that about your house. Hopefully, things will all fall in place soon!
Your coffee shop has cardamom
Your coffee shop has cardamom! Jealous.
Yes! Cardamom is a big deal
Yes! Cardamom is a big deal for Finns. Before they started carrying cardamom, I'd get a vanilla latte or dark roast coffee and add my own.
I am thankful for a steady
I am thankful for a steady job that I can do from home (mostly) and that comes with a steady paycheck.
I am thankful for DH, who pours the cocktails, reminds me I need to get outside some, and makes me laugh every day.
I am thankful for the next two weeks at home as I just had a patch of actinic keratosis frozen on my face, and it will take two weeks to heal. Not that I'm vain at all.
I am thankful for Prozac, and I'll just leave that there.
What kind of cocktails, Merry
What kind of cocktails, Merry?
Ouch! Hope you heal quickly.
Praline bourbon and cream
Praline bourbon and cream last night. He likes the sweet stuff.
These are in the current rotation: Margaritas with plenty of orange are a fav; orange agave liqueur is very nice. A basic manhattan (old fashioned for him). :Bubbly with or without orange juice or grapefruit juice.
I <3 a good Manhattan! The
I <3 a good Manhattan! The occasional sweet cocktail is enjoyable (imo). For me, this started when I bought a jar of local cherry jam and it was the consistency of syrup. Enter the Jam Cocktail!
I have a bottle of lime juice that I need to use and plenty of tequila...
Happy Thursday stalkers! I
Happy Thursday stalkers! I am thankful that so far everybody I know is safe and hasn't gotten sick.
I am thankful for nice spring weather so that we can go out and weed the yard and start rebuilding the fence on one side of our yard.
I am thankful for all the amazing people out there who are still working hard to keep this country going.
Advice, what kind of fence do
Advice, what kind of fence do you have?
Just a wood fence
Just a wood fence
I prefer wood fences and have
I prefer wood fences and have a peculiar fondness for split rails.
Thank full
1. I am thankful that my husband only sprained not fractured his ankle.
2. I am thankful for wonderful manager and co workers - every seems extra nice to each other these days. A simple "how are you" carries a little more meaning
3. I am thankful that I have a job, and am in agriculture. Essentially essential.
4. I am thankful that my job and co workers are taking this seriously and there are sanitising products, paper towels and TP up the ying yang.
5. I am thankful for my continued good health.
6. I am thankful that YOU and YOURS continue in good health after recovery.
CLove, isn't it something how
CLove, isn't it something how a small bit of kindness can make a difference? Ripples of positivity at work!
Glad your DH didn't break his ankle and hope he heals quickly.
I am thankful
that DH & I are able to work from home
for the nun who usually brings communion to the house for mom-- who now calls and chats with her everyday
ifor my very snuggly beagle
For a big yard and wide streets and spring
that we have resources to help the kids/skids through the next few months
for zoom cocktail hours
good neighbors
all the people who are going to work at the grocery, pharmacy, gas station & other essential services, and most especially for health care workers and first responders
for the distraction of steptalk and Twitter
Zoom cocktail hours?!
How sweet of that nun! <3
Zoom cocktail hours?! *drinks*
I am thankful for everything
I am thankful for everything that brightens my life, in particular, today, I got a call from my dad's cousin. He's been around all of my life and I think he likes to keep an eye on me to be sure I'm safe
despite us living a continent apart. He's never interfered but just always been there. His call brought a light to my afternoon.
Then, later today, I got an email from my oldest friend. He dropped off the radar a couple of years ago when his husband was recovering from a liver transplant. I realized that he was going through hard times and would contact me again when he was ready (we've been through this in other circumstances before). Well, it was yesterday
His DH passed last year and he has come to terms with his grief. Another light in my afternoon.
Finally, when work was just getting very, very slow, I was contacted by a new customer. Yay!
Yay for happy things! I'm
Yay for happy things! I'm sorry for your friend's loss, but good to hear he has come to terms.